chapter 7 section 2

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Transcript chapter 7 section 2

Essential Questions
 August 4, 1789
• Noblemen make speeches about liberty and
• Do you think these noblemen really wanted this?
 NO!
 Motivated by fear than by passion
 Joined in to get rid of feudal privileges
• Which Estates will be impacted?
 1st and 2nd privileges….GONE
 Everyone is Equal
• Old RegimeDEAD
 Aug. 27
• Nat’l Assembly adopts new ideals
 “Declaration of the Rights of Man”
 What ideas do you think they came up with?
• “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
 What
group was left out of the
Declaration of the Rights of Man?
• Women
• Olympe de Gouges
 Fought for women’s rights  beheaded
 How
do you think people would react if
the government started taking their
property and other properties that don’t
belong to them?
 Why
would a government do something
like that?
 Assembly
took over the
church’s land
 Priests and church officials
became elected officials
 What do you think the
Assembly will do with the
• Sold the land
 Why would they sell the land?
 Revenue
 Which
Estate paid a lot in taxes?
• 3rd
 Couldn’t
tax the Bourgeoisie
• Sell off the land to pay off debt
 How
do you think the peasants would react?
• Didn’t like it
• Liked their priests
• Conservative Catholics
Created a wedge between Bourgeoisie
• Peasants oppose revolutionary changes!
 Louis
XVI fears his days as monarch are
• Felt his family was in danger
• Supporters of the king left France
 June 1791
• Tried to escape to Austrian Netherlands
 Caught by a postmaster
• Recognized him from the $
 Thoughts about the king now?
• Doomed
 By
1791 major changes in France
 Limited Monarchy
• Created a limited constitutional monarchy
 King stripped of most powers
 Assembly the power to create laws
 King would hold power to enforce the laws
 September
• King Louis signs the new constitution
 Legislative Assembly create laws
 Approve/ disapprove wars the King declared
 What
changes happened after Louis was
caught trying to flee France?
 What does this painting represent?
 Preview….the
Assembly splits into 3
 In
your opinion are political parties a
good thing or bad thing? Explain your
 New
gov’t….old problems
 What were the problems?
• Food shortages
• Gov’t debt
• Want more liberty
 These
cries led to…
• Revolution leaders attacking each other!
 Legislative
Assembly splits into 3 groups
 Radicals
 Moderates
 Conservatives
 Come
up with a definition for these three
• Once you have your definitions share and
compare with a neighbors
 Liberal
• Favorable to progress or reform as in political
affairs. Open to new ideas
 Moderate
• Being within reasonable limits, not excessive
or extreme
 Conservative
• Favorable to traditional views and values,
tends to oppose change
 Radicals
 Sat on the left side of
the hall
•Sat in the Center
Were called “Leftwing”
Opposed the king
and idea of a
Wanted big changes
in gov’t
Common people
have full power
•Wanted some
changes in the gov’t
•But not as much as
the Radicals
 Answer
the following questions
 What
do the divisions in the Legislative
Assembly say about the differences in
French society?
 What
similarities and differences do you
see between the political factions in the
Legislative Assembly and those in the
U.S. gov’t today?
 Émigré
• Nobles and others who fled France
• What side do you think they were on?
 On the Right…..Far Right
• Goal
 Undo the Revolution
 Restore Old Regime
 Sans-culottes
• “those without knee breeches”
 What
side do you think they were on?
• Far left
 They
• Shopkeepers
• Parisian wage earners
 Wanted a greater role
 To lower food prices
 Food shortages
 1792-A
lot has happened in
 How do you think other European
nobles/ monarchs feel w/ what is
going on in France?
 Austria
and Prussia
• Want King Louis back in power
• How do you think the Legislative
Assembly responded to that?
 Declaring WAR
 European
leaders thought they
were helping King Louis XVI
 What shape do you think the
French Army is in?
• Poorly equipped and trained
 Summer
of 1792
• Enemy marched closer to Paris
 July
• Prussia threaten to destroy Paris if
anyone harmed the Royal Family
 Aug. 10
• 20,000 invaded the Tuileries
• 900 guardsman tried to defended the Royal
 Guards
were over powered
 Royal Family imprisoned
 Parisians
joined in to fight
 Rumor that if Parisians left
• Imprisoned Royalist will
regain Paris
 Fearful
• Raided prisons and murdered
over 1,000 prisoners
 Legislative
• Giving up on a limited
• Set aside the Constitution
• Dissolved the assembly
 National
 Sept. 21
• Abolished the
• Established a republic
 Everyman
had the
right to vote
 King Louis
• Common man and
 Middle
Class People
 Jacobins
• Wanted to remove the king
• Establish a Republic
 Jean
Paul Marat
• Ran a newspaper
• Called for heads to be
chopped OFF!!!
 Jacobins
influenced the trial
• King Louis guilty of treason
 Sentenced to DEATH!
 Who
was France fighting?
• Prussia and Austria
 GB, Holland
and Spain join in
 1793
• National Convention
 Draft of 18-40 year olds
 Jacobins
had thousands of enemies
within France
• Peasants were mad
• Priests now following gov’t rules
• Other leaders causing problems
 How
would you go about controlling
these enemies?
 Takes over
• 1st mission
 Wipe out every trace of France’s past!
 “Republic of virtue”
 Changes
• Families changed their names
• Playing cards changed
• Calendar was changed
• Closed churches
 All these represented Revolutionary
 1793-Committee
of Public
• Led by Robespierre
 What
you think their job
• Protecting France during war
 BUT….
• Robespierre had total power
• Decided who would be
 1793-1794
 What
type of leader was
• Basically a dictator
 Reasoning?
• Stay true to the revolution
 Off
with their heads
• Who do you think he went after?
 People who challenged him
 Not as radical as him
 3,000
were executed in Paris
 Estimated 40,000 were killed
 85% were who?
• Peasants
• Urban poor
• Middle Class
 1794
• How do you think the people
feel around Robespierre?
 Turn
against him
• “Down w/ the tyrant”
 July
28…Robespierre lost
his head
 If
you are France what type of gov’t are
you going to setup?
• A form of democracy
 Two house legislature
 5 member group to be the executive branch
 Stability
 Selected
finally arrived
a new general….any ideas who?