Leading through Communication and Conflict

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Leading through Communication and Conflict Lorne Lantz, Carly Moore and Rebecca Routledge

Agenda L =


(L 1 + L 2 + G m + s)

Topic 1:

Listening/Sharing  Respect/Trust (Lorne)

Topic 2:

Decisiveness  Credibility (Carly)

Topic 3:

Negotiating  Win-win (Rebecca)

Listening and Sharing L =


(L 1 + L 2 + G m + s)

Topic 1:

Listening/Sharing  Respect/Trust

Listening and Sharing The Scenario • • • • Manager for 600 baggage handlers at Pearson Airport Baggage handling repetitive work Baggage handlers belong to a union Right now you only have transactional leadership How do you motivate them using transformational leadership skills?

Listening and Sharing Strategies to Transformational Leadership


 Active Listening  Understand their true feelings  Receptive to bad news


 Frequent & candid information 

Telling Tales

Listening and Sharing Telling Tales

Different stories to tell depending on your objective:

 Sparking Action  Fostering Collaboration  Communicating who you are  Leading people into the Future

Listening and Sharing Result is TRUST & RESPECT “People will follow you, not because they have to, but because they want to”

Decisiveness L =


(L 1 + L 2 + G m + s)

Topic 2:

Decisiveness  Credibility

Leader Decisiveness Decisive communication Group Resolves tension Emotional commitment to outcome Coherence of ideas 1.




Openness Candor Informality Closure Creativity/ Insightfulness

Decisiveness  Flip flopping: the ability to change one’s direction based on new information “Changing ones mind is not a sin; It is a way of saying I’m wiser today than I was yesterday.” -Senator George McGovern

Decisiveness  When to apologize?

 Serve an important purpose    Offence is serious consequence Leader should assume responsibility Cost speaking < cost silence  What constitutes a good apology?

 Acknowledgement of mistake/wrongdoing    Acceptance of responsibility Expression of regret Promise that offense will not be repeated  TIMELY!

Public Apology Michael McCain - President and CEO, Maple Leaf Foods

Negotiating L =


(L 1 + L 2 + G m + s)

Topic 3:

Negotiating  Win-win

Step 1 Don’t react: Go to the Balcony “

Speak when you’re angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret”

 Dangerous reactions    Striking back Giving in Breaking off  Go to the balcony  Buy time to think

Step 2 Don’t argue: Step to their Side  Listen to what they have to say  Acknowledge their point  Agree with them whenever you can

Step 3 Don’t reject: Reframe  Why?

 What if?

 Ask for their advice  What makes that fair?

 Ask open-ended questions

Step 4 Don’t push: Build them a Golden Bridge  Involve the other side  Satisfy unmet interests  Help them save face  Go slow to go fast

Step 5 Don’t escalate: Use Power to Educate  Let them know the consequences  Keep sharpening their choice  Aim for mutual satisfaction, not victory  Forge a lasting agreement

Recap L =


(L 1 + L 2 + G m + s)

Topic 1:

Listening/Sharing  Respect/Trust

Topic 2:

Decisiveness  Credibility

Topic 3:

Negotiating  Win-win
