The Tundra Region

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Transcript The Tundra Region

By Mark Chattin Nick Alford

Dan Miller Corey Schriver

     In the tundra there are two different regions.

There is the Alpine Tundra and the Arctic Tundra. Both are located at the top of the Northern Hemisphere.

The Arctic Tundra is only at high altitudes when the Alpine Tundra is at all altitudes.

There is very little precipitation therefore it is very dry.

   In both regions of the tundra it is very cold all year.

In the winter the average temperature in the tundra is -30 degrees Fahrenheit.

In the summer the average temperature in the tundra is about 37 degrees Fahrenheit.

        In the tundra there are these plants: Different types of Grasses Dwarf Shrubs Cushion Plants Lichens Reindeer Moss Sedges Small Annuals

          In the tundra there are these animals and insects: Arctic Foxes Snowy Owls Haw k s Weasels Musk Oxen Reindeer Caribou Mosquitoes and Black Flies Lemmings

 When people pollute the Earth, it starts to create problems with global warming. Global warming would cause a raise in temperatures and cause all the snow to melt. This would effect the animals and plants that live in this environment because they wouldn’t be used to the temperature change. We must try to lower our pollution rate and global warming will be slowed down and even prevented.

 The tundra has a very important commercial value. Its commercial value is oil. There is a lot of oil in the tundra, in places like northern Canada and Alaska. Another important resource from the tundra is mining. People go to the tundra and they mine all the minerals they need right from the ground. The only bad part about both of these is that they hurt the tundra. Oil drilling pollutes the water and the land. The mining pollutes the ground.

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