Marketplace Ministries

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Marketplace Ministries
Thriving Churches, 2006
© Dr. John Jackson
Jesus Valued the Marketplace
• Of the 52 parables Jesus told, 45 had a workplace
• Different forms of the word “work” are mentioned
more than 800 times in the Bible
• Of the 132 public appearances of Jesus, 122 were
in the workplace
• Of the 40 miracles in Acts, 39 were in the workplace
• Invited to consider which of our works will last
(1 Cor. 3:12-15)
• Deeds of service seem to follow us (Matt. 25:31-46)
TO GOD {Os Hillman, International Coalition of Workplace
• There is a wrong perception about
the sacred and the secular
• God wants His rule in every
dimension of life
“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,
and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the
air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the
creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in
his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and
female he created them. God blessed them and said to them,
‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.
Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over
every living creature that moves on the ground.’ ”
(Genesis 1:26-28)
Four Lethal Misbeliefs
The combination of four major misbeliefs
usually neutralizes God’s calling on
those anointed for marketplace
1. There is a God-ordained division
between clergy and laity.
2. The Church is called to operate
primarily inside a building often
referred to as the temple.
3. People involved in business cannot be
as spiritual as those serving in
traditional Church ministry.
4. The primary role of marketplace
Christians is to make money to
support the vision of those “in the
(taken from Ed Silvoso, Annointed for Business, page 23)
Doing Business God’s Way
(by Dennis Peacocke)
“Because of how our world lives, one of our
greatest strategies for evangelism is “economic
evangelism” reasons: universal bait of all
people, gospel is clear, God’s laws of personal
and corporate freedom, dignity, growth and
justice operate perfectly in a self-rewarding and
competitive environment, and believers have
access to God’s wisdom to deal with all of it and
we are in a massive sellers market of desperate
human need” (pps. xiv-sv)
Leadership Network
has an Externally Focused Church
which observes powerful changes
in the thinking processes of
cutting-edge churches.
These churches move:
• From building walls to building bridges
in the community.
• From measuring attendance
to measuring impact.
• From encouraging saints to attend services
to equipping saints for the work of service.
• From self-focused “serve us” to service.
• From duplication of human services and
ministries to partnering with existing
services and ministries.
• From condemning the city to
blessing the city and praying for it.
• From being a minister in a congregation to
being a minister in a parish.
(“Building the Externally Focused Church,” Christian
• “Leadership is the capacity to translate
vision into reality” (Warren Bennis)
• “Leaders are visionaries with a poorly
developed sense of fear and no concept of
the odds against them” (Dr. Robert Jarvik,
inventor of the Jarvik-7 artificial heart)
• “If your actions inspire others to dream
more, learn more, do more, and become
more, you are a leader” (John Quincy
• “A leader takes people where they want to
go. A great leader takes people where they
don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to
be” (Rosalyn Carter)
• “The first responsibility of a leader is to
define reality. The last is to say thank you.
In between, the leader is a servant” (Max
• ‘The pessimist complains about the wind.
The optimist expects it to change. The
leader adjusts the sails” (John Maxwell)
• “If you want to know the temperature of your
organization, put a thermometer in the
leader’s mouth” (Rick Warren)
5 Strategies to Reach Your
Strategy #1
• GRAB the Community’s ATTENTION
Strategy #2
Strategy #3
• CONDUCT Faith-Building EVENTS
Strategy #4
• Every Person is a 10 - GET ‘EM MOVING!
Strategy #5
“And the things you have heard me say in
the presence of many witnesses entrust to
reliable men who will also be qualified to
teach others” (II Tim 2:2).
CVC Marketplace Ministries
Marketplace Ministries exists to
encourage and empower
business leaders to live out
Christian faith in their daily
• Monthly luncheon meetings to inform,
edify and challenge local marketplace
leaders to make a positive impact on their
business, employees/employers and
• Semi Annual or Quarterly Outreach Events
(e.g. Maximum Impact Seminars)
• Formation of BLT's (Business Life Teams)
who meet independently to support and
enhance the MPM mission.
• This one
comes out of connection to Vision New England
• (r
esearch paper from the Lausanne Committee)
• my personal
favorite with the most resources...pretty commercialized,
but they offer great stuff!
• a Charismatic
group with an active focus
• Also, Purpose Driven Ministries
( has several other resources;
COOL! very near to us as well!