VCE English 1 and 2 orientation 2010

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Transcript VCE English 1 and 2 orientation 2010

Kambrya College 2010
The Basics:
 An English is compulsory in VCE: English, Literature,
English Language.
You must pass 3 out of 4 Units of English to qualify for your
You must pass both Unit 3 and 4 in order to get an ATAR.
It must be one of the first four subjects in calculating your
To satisfactorily pass English in Unit 1 and 2, you must meet
all outcomes by completing to an acceptable standard:
 Homework Tasks
 practice SACs
 SACs
What skills do you need?
 You need to be able to:
 Independently read, interpret and analyse texts.
 Analyse and explain how language persuades
 Speak clearly in formal oral presentations.
 Write sustained text response essays
 Write for different purposes and styles, based on
designated topics and texts.
 Write fluently, expressing complex ideas with a varied
vocabulary and correct grammar and spelling.
Unit 1
 Outcomes are set by VCAA and are set out in the VCE
English Study Design
There are Areas of Study, each with its own outcome
AoS1 – Reading and Responding
AoS2 – Creating and Presenting
AoS3-Using Language to Persuade
AOS1 – Reading and Responding
 You must: Identify and discuss key aspects of a set text
and to construct a response in written and oral form.
 You must demonstrate :
 Understanding of ideas, characters and themes
 Understanding of how the author constructs meaning
 The ability to prepare, construct and support a response to a text
 Use of appropriate metalanguage to discuss the structures and
features of narrative texts
 Use of conventions of small group and whole class discussion
 Use of conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of
Standard Australian English
Outcome 1 at Kambrya College
 The text chosen to allow you to demonstrate
outcome 1 in 2010 is Markus Zusak’s The Book
This novel explores the experiences of a young
girl living in Nazi Germany during WWII.
You are required to read this book over the
holidays and complete the related holiday
Prepare to read your text more than once and
highlight key ideas, themes and character or
plot events
You will be introduced to this novel later in the
orientation program.
AOS 2 – Creating and Presenting
 You must: Create and present texts taking account
of audience, purpose and context
 You must demonstrate:
 Knowledge of the structures, features and conventions
of a range of texts created for different purposes.
The effect of form, context, audience and purpose on the
writer’s choice of structure and language.
strategies for planning and revising writing
Knowledge of metalanguage to discuss writing choices
the conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of
Standard Australian English.
AOS 2 – Creating and Presenting
 The chosen Context for Unit 1 is ‘Family and Society.’
 For this outcome, you will read a text which will help
you to understand ideas of belonging to Family and
Society, and will be a basis for your own response.
 You are required to write 3 -5 short pieces in response
to this outcome.
Outcome 2 at Kambrya College
 The chosen text at Kambrya College in 2010
is Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of
the Dog in the Night-time.
 This novel is written as a diary detailing the
experiences a teenage boy with Asperger’s
Syndrome as he investigates the murder of
the neighbour’s dog.
 You are required to read this over the
holiday period.
 You will also examine other short texts that
represent concepts of “Family and Society”.
AOS3 – Using Language to Persuade
 You must: Identify and discuss, either in writing
and/or orally how language can be used to
persuade readers and /or viewers.
 To meet this outcome, you will complete an analysis of
persuasive texts.
 The issue for Unit 1 will be chosen by your teachers.
Meeting Outcome 3
 You need to demonstrate the following skills and
knowledge to meet this outcome:
 Understanding point of view presented in persuasive texts
 How texts work to influence readers
 Examples of verbal and non-verbal language used by
authors of texts to persuade readers and viewers to share
the point of view/s presented
 Use of appropriate metalanguage and features and
conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of
Standard Australian English
Unit 2
 The Areas of Study for Unit 2 are the same as Unit 1
 AOS 1 Reading and Responding
 AOS 2 Creating and Presenting
 AOS 3 Using Language to Persuade
AOS 1 – Reading and Responding
 In Unit 2, you will be studying
Shakespeare’s Macbeth
 A play about ambition, greed,
murder and madness.
AOS 2 – Creating and Presenting
 The Context for this Unit will be “Future Worlds”
 You will be responding to the film text “Gattaca”, using
this as a basis for your own writing on the context.
AOS 3 - Using Language to Persuade
 You need to be able to identify and analyse how
language is used in a persuasive text and present a
reasoned point of view in oral form
 Your main assessment will be an oral presentation of
your point of view on an issue.
 You will choose the issue you wish to present
 You will present to your class using visual aids
How the school will help
 See your teacher if you need assistance
 Seek help as soon as possible if you are having
difficulty understanding something
At exam times extra assistance is offered to students to
help with revision
You will be given a clear timeline with the dates of
class activities, SACs and exams
It is your responsibility to keep this and refer to it
If there are changes to SAC times you will be notified
at least a week in advance
What you need to do
 Make sure you are thoroughly organised for learning
 Take class notes in every class and for every discussion
 Make sure you do all of the required class work and
 Purchase your English novels in advance. Waiting until
the start of next year will be too late.
What you need to do
 Make sure you have a quite place to study at home
 READ WIDELY – this is crucial to your success in
 Research your topics in depth – find a variety of sources
 Record all sources where you find and use information –
there are very strict rules about using work that is
not your own - plagiarism
Holiday Homework
 Your homework will be to:
 Read The Book Thief and The Curious Incident of the
Dog in the Nighttime.
 Complete the activities about The Book Thief
 Prepare for you oral Presentation on The Book Thief that
you will give in Week 3.
 These novels are available to purchase at most book
suppliers and retail stores.
 More details to come in your orientation class.