Yr 11 Eng Commencement 2014

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Transcript Yr 11 Eng Commencement 2014

Kambrya College 2013/2014
Welcome to VCE Year 11 English
 Assessment tasks, SACs, Exams
 Expectations of each student this year
 Course outline and required texts
Missing SACs
 SAC dates are set in advance and you will be told of
them well before. Mark them in your planner.
 If you are absent on a SAC day, you must provide a
medical certificate and complete the SAC at the next
available opportunity to get a mark.
 No certificate = only a mark of
S or N for that outcome, once you
have completed the SAC.
How to pass a unit
• To successfully pass a unit (semester) you must successfully
demonstrate all outcomes.
• Failure of any outcome will result in failure of that unit
• Studies at a VCE level require a 80% attendance rate.
Outcome One: Text response
The Book Thief
Oral Presentation
Outcome One: Text response
Outcome Two: Creating and
Presenting – ‘Growing Up Asian in
Australia’ (Identity and Belonging)
Outcome Two: Creating and
Presenting – ‘Freedom Writers’
(Encountering Conflict)
Outcome Three: Using Language to Outcome Three: Using Language to
Persuade- Language Analysis
Persuade- Language Analysis &
Oral presentation
Unit 1 Course Content
 Outcomes are set by VCAA and are set out in the VCE
English Study Design
There are three outcomes
Each outcome covers an Area of Study
AoS1 – Reading and Responding
AoS2 – Creating and Presenting
AoS3-Using Language to Persuade
AOS1 – Reading and Responding
 Identify and discuss key aspects of a set text and to
construct a response in written form.
 You must demonstrate the following skills:
 Understanding of ideas, characters and themes
 Understanding of the ways that the author constructs
 The structures features and conventions used by
authors to construct meaning in relation to the above
 Cont.
Demonstrating outcome 1 cont.
 Strategies for preparing, constructing and supporting a
response to a text in the chosen form
Show the ways that the text can be open to different
Use of appropriate metalanguage to discuss the
structures and features of narrative texts
The conventions of small group and whole class
discussion, including ways of developing constructive
interactions and building on the ideas of others
Conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of
Standard Australian English
Outcome 1 at Kambrya College
 The text chosen to allow you to demonstrate
outcome 1 in 2014 is Markus Zusak’s The
Book Thief.
 This novel explores the experiences of a
young girl living in Nazi Germany during
 You are required to read this book over the
holidays and complete the related holiday
 Prepare to read your text more than once
and highlight key ideas, themes and
character or plot events
Book Thief
 Interview with Markus Zusak
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7B8ioiZz7M
AOS 2 – Creating and Presenting
 Create and present texts taking account of audience,
purpose and context
 The chosen Context at Kambrya College is ‘Identity
and Belonging’ in Semester 1 and ‘Encountering
Conflict’ in Semester 2.
 For this outcome, you will read a text which will help
you to understand ideas of the context, and will be a
basis for your own response.
 You are required to write a detailed plan and a practice
piece in response.
Outcome 2 at Kambrya College
 The chosen text at Kambrya
College for Semester 2 in 2012
is a collection of stories titled
‘Growing up Asian in
Australia’ and the context is
‘Identity and Belonging’ this
 Again, you will be responding
to the text and using it as a
basis for your own writing on
the context.
AOS3 – Using Language to
 Identify and discuss, either in writing and/or orally
how language can be used to persuade readers and /or
 To meet this outcome, you will complete an analysis of
persuasive texts. This will be undertaken under exam
 The issue for Unit 1 will be chosen by your teachers.
Meeting Outcome 3
You need to demonstrate the following skills and
knowledge to meet this outcome:
 Understanding point of view presented in persuasive
 How texts work to influence readers
 Examples of verbal and non-verbal language used by
authors of texts to persuade readers and viewers to
share the point of view/s presented
 Use of appropriate metalanguage and features and
conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of
Standard Australian English
Unit 2
 There are three Areas of Study and three outcomes in
unit 2
 AOS 1 is a Reading and Responding outcome
 AOS 2 is a Creating and Presenting outcome
 AOS 3 is Using Language to Persuade
AOS 1 – Reading and Responding
 Discuss and analyse how texts convey ways of thinking
about the characters, ideas and themes, and construct
a response in written or oral form
 You also need to demonstrate an understanding of the
structures, features and conventions used by authors
to construct meaning in a range of text types and
genres, including print, non-print and multimodal
 Strategies for identifying the point of view and values
of the author of a text
AOS 2 – Creating and Presenting
 You will be responding to the film text ‘Freedom
Writers’, using this as a basis for your own writing on
the context of ‘Encountering Conflict’.
How to meet the outcome
 Understanding of features of texts that affect
interpretation; for example, language, form
and context
 Strategies and techniques for constructing
and supporting a response to a text, including
knowledge of an appropriate metalanguage to
discuss the structures and features of the text
 The Text chosen at Kambrya College in 2014
will be Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’
AOS 3 Using Language to Persuade
 You need to be able to identify and analyse how
language is used in a persuasive text and to present a
reasoned point of view in oral or written form
 You will present this to your peers using a variety of
modes (spoken, visual and written)
Skills and Knowledge- Unit 1 and 2
 An ability to explore texts in depth
 An ability to comment on the ways that texts have been constructed
 An understanding of the ways that texts present their main ideas and
concerns to the reader
An ability to write about the texts in detail through well ordered and
clear essays
An ability to work independently and to undertake independent
reading and research
An ability to participate in class discussions
Good note taking skills
Good oral presentation skills
Maintaining a well organised workbook
Adherence to deadlines
Good organisational skills
An ability to understand implicit and explicit values in texts
An understanding of theme, character, plot and setting in narrative
A good understanding of persuasive techniques and their influence
on an audience
Holiday Homework – Year 11
 TASK ONE: READ the Novel for Unit 1:
 The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
 TASK TWO: Book Thief tasks
 Character summary
 Short answer questions
How the school will help
 See a teacher if you need assistance
 Your first stop should always be your classroom
 All teachers at Kambrya work in teams and you may
seek assistance from any teacher
 That teacher will then inform your classroom teacher
about any assistance they have given
 Seek help as soon as possible if you are having
difficulty understanding something
What you need to do
 Make sure you are thoroughly organised for learning
 Bring all necessary equipment: folder, book/paper, dictionary,
textbook and text, resource book
 Diary/calendar for due dates
 Create folders for each area of Study
 Take class notes in every class and for every discussion
 Make sure you do all of the required class work, weekly
homework and holiday homework.
 Annotate your texts and highlight key quotes and passages
What you need to do
 Make sure you have a quiet place to study at home
 READ WIDELY – this is crucial to your success in
 Record all sources where you find and use information
– there are very strict rules about using work that
is not your own - plagiarism
What we expect from you
 Maximum commitment to your studies
 Organisation
 Exemplary behaviour in class
 Attendance
 Contributions to discussions
 Proactive communication
Help from the school
 Extra classes will be offered at lunchtimes on demand
(once a week)
At exam times extra assistance is offered to students to
help with revision
You will be given a clear timeline with the dates of
class activities, SACs and exams
It is your responsibility to keep this and refer to it
If there are changes to SAC times you will be notified
at least a week in advance
What else?
 You need to work hard to reach your goals
 Use all of the resources available to you
 What else do you think you can do?