Transcript Slide 1

Shavington Primary School
2013/14 Governing Body AGM
W E D N E S D A Y 3 0 TH A P R I L 2 0 1 4
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
What’s this meeting about?
 Basic facts & figures pertaining to the school
 Mission Statement & Aims and Objectives
 Plans for 2014/15
 Questions and Answers
A copy of this presentation will soon be on the school’s
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Introductions – Who’s on the GB
 Governing Body
 Was 18, now 9/10 (reconstituted November 2013)
Wendy Bloor, Staff Governor
 Jane Critchley, Co-opted Governor
 Andrea Fisher, Parent Governor
 Iain Ford, Parent Governor
 Julia Gawn, Co-opted Governor
 Julian Goodier-Page, Local Authority Governor
 Sylvia Siddorns, Co-opted Governor
 Dan Thomas, Head Teacher
 Jo Watts, Parent Governor
 Rebecca Wollaston, Associate Governor
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Governor Responsibilities
 Jane Critchley – Chair of Business sub, Finance
 Andrea Fisher – Standards, Literacy
 Iain Ford – Business, PE, Science, H&S, Eco, Sports
Julia Gawn – Chair of Standards sub, Numeracy
Julian Goodier-Page – Standards & Business, Pupil
Premium, Quality of Teaching, SFVS, TLG
Sylvia Siddorns – Standards, Humanities, G&T, SEN,
Autism, Safeguarding
Jo Watts – Business, RE & PSCHE, School Council, ICT,
Website, PSA
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Who’s on the SLT?
 Senior Leadership Team
Thomas - Head Teacher
Rachael Nicholls – Deputy Head Teacher & Y3
Wendy Bloor – SENCO & Y1
Rebecca Wollaston – School Business Manager
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
GB Meetings
 Governing Body meets once per term (+EGM’s)
 Standards sub meets once per half term
 Business sub meets once per term
 Various other subs meet as required
 PM, Pay, Appraisals, LA finance reviews……..
 HT & CoG meet regularly!
 GB Clerk – John Hibbert (employed by CE Governor Services)
 GB SIP – Ken Heaton (Liverpool CC Senior School Improvement Officer)
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
2013/14…………a big year
 Long term Head Teacher left
Two rounds of an HT recruitment process
 Budget
OK that year, but not sustainable in the long term
3 x National Average TA cost
 IT spend way too low
 Building infrastructure spend also very low
 Ofsted
Downward trend
“Achievement” above National Average …. but
 “Progress” based on revised National Guidelines not good enough
 24th April 2013 wasn’t a fun day
 7 key issues to work on
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
2013/14…………a big year (2)
 Staff
 “Acting” is difficult
 Post Ofsted morale – all stakeholders
 Some people retiring & some people leaving
 Restructuring
 An obviously unpleasant and unsettling process (for all)
 High cost (but qualified for LA assistance)
 Fit for purpose – Financially stable
 Shavington
 Housing applications – Size of the school
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Shavington Primary School
What do we look like?
Granularity of data….
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Granularity of data…?
 School’s are close knit communities
 A vocation but also very much a business
 Unlike most businesses our ability to increase income is
very limited
Our “product” is the most important thing in our
“customers” lives – and ours!
The rules change often and usually without notice
There’s one chance to get it right (R F T E T)
Problem solving is complex and multi-facetted
Important to “wear many hats” and keep objective
However hard we try we can’t always get it right…..
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Shavington Primary School is many things
 207 Children in 7 Classes
 16 Teaching and Teaching Support staff
 4 Management and Support staff
 Dinner Ladies, Cook, Cleaners……
 Volunteers
 Governors
 Mums, Dads and Grandparents
 A building
 £1 million a year!
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Hit the target, and can see
individual results
Great result but where’s my
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
School Mission Statement
To provide a nurturing culture which
celebrates and develops individuality
through a love of learning providing
opportunities for all to achieve their full
potential as active global citizens
….developed by all staff
Learning for Life
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
School Aims
 To engage, inspire, excite and motivate
 To celebrate success and learn from mistakes
 To encourage challenge and risk-taking to develop
an enquiring mind
 To provide opportunities for all kinds of learning
experiences that impart knowledge creatively and
develop the skills of lifelong learning
 To lead by example as learners who recognize and
respond to the needs of all children
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Governing Body Mission Statement
To challenge and support the school
to ensure the most positive
outcome for every pupil
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
GB Aims & Objectives
 Be actively involved in all aspects of school life and the provision of a
safe, caring and stimulating learning environment
Work closely with and ask challenging questions of the HT & SLT
Implement appropriate school priorities and set challenging aims and
objectives for the whole school
Develop & maintain Policies which set out how the school and all its
stakeholders operate
Look for evidence that objectives are being met
Manage the school’s budget to ensure financial stability is maintained
and value-for-money principles are followed
Challenge the school and all its stakeholders to continually improve and
achieve excellence
Always act in the best interest of the school and its pupils
GB Code of Conduct on website
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Some £ facts and figures
 Income
 Expenditure
 Pupil Premium
 Sports Premium
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Last Year
This year
 Outstanding to Requires Improvement……a journey!
 Seven key tasks
 “You said, We did”
 Re-inspection soon
• Parent View
• Raise Online
• Our Website
• Last Inspection Report
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Parent View
 Congratulate, Criticise or Condemn!
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Ofsted RIP
 Achievement & Progress not good enough
 Targets should be set higher
 Outdoor Environment resources not good enough
 Pupils lack understanding of both bullying and
different (UK) cultures
 Some parents disagree with the way we’ve handled
 Our view of ourselves is not accurate enough
 GB doesn’t know enough about Pupil Premium and
it’s impact
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
What’s been happening re Ofsted?
 HMI visits
 Seminars and Courses
 Visits to other settings (best practice)
 New SIP (School Improvement Partner)
 New HT
 Reconstituted GB
 New Policies
 Appraisals and PRP (Performance Related Pay)
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
2013/16 SDP Priorities
 Raise standards in Reading, Writing and Maths across all year
Develop Teaching and Learning, become a centre of
excellence for T&L
Develop leadership (including GB) to ensure accountability
Secure financial stability
Global citizenship, raise aspirations and standards
Develop curriculum
Develop IT
EYFS centre of excellence
Outdoor environment, healthy lifestyles
Meet needs of vulnerable children thru SEN
Achieve minimum 96% attendance
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
SEF & SIP – what are these?
 School Evaluation Form
 Used to be statutory but not any more
 Simplistically it’s a “to do list”
 A living, working document
Business Plan - Marketing Plan - Sales Plan
States and confirms our view of ourselves
 School Improvement Partner
 Used to be statutory but not any more
 Objective PM, Observations, Advice, Critique
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Highlights of the year
New Head Teacher
Reconstituted Governing Body
LA relationship
Front Office
Continuing “experiences” (TSD)
Trips, visits, residentials, clubs
 Improving “data”
VR has led to improved procedures & methods
 Lots of new faces!
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Who are these new people?
 Dominique Roberts
 Rachael Ashcroft
 Amy Brock
 Stephanie Watson
 Rebecca Wollaston
 Jill Spencer
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Reception maternity cover
Y5 job share
School Business Manager
Admin Assistant
What is the CoG focussing on?
 RFTET / Opportunities / “Teach the Individual”
 Teamwork / Morale / Succession Planning
 Data / Knowledge / Evidence
 Utilization / Refurbishment / Expansion
 Sustainable / Suitable / Strategic
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
This year…..
 Invisible IT / More IT / Centre of Excellence
 SEF and SDP…..get on with it!
 Raising standards of Reading, Writing & Mathematics
 Teaching & Learning Centre of Excellence
 Suitability / £££ / PAN
 This years Reception Class
 EYFS Provision
 New People
 The Shavington Difference will grow into the Shavington Promise
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
The thank you slide
There’s a lot of people involved…….
……… without whom we couldn’t do what we do. People on the payroll
work many hours beyond what they’re contractually obliged to – people
who volunteer are very much appreciated – thank you, thank you, thank
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM
Questions & Answers
 Open Forum or One-on-One afterwards
 Please come in and talk to us – CT, KSL, HT, CoG
 Tell us what was good and we’ll try to do more of it
 Tell us what didn’t work (for you) and we’ll try to stop
doing it!
 These slides will be on the website soon
 Thank you for attending this afternoon 
Shavington Primary 2013/14 AGM