Plagiarism in writing scientific article

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PLAGIASI dalam Penulisan Ilmiah*

Setyo Tri Wahyudi, *disadur dari berbagai sumber

15 April 2010

Reputasi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) tercoreng setelah alumninya, Dr. M. Zuliansyah, melakukan plagiarisme. Makalahnya berjudul "3D Topological Relations

for 3D Spatial Analysis" terbukti menjiplak

makalah berjudul "On 3D Topological

Relationship" karya Siyka Zlatanova yang

diterbitkan di jurnal IEEE.

Peraturan Rektor UB No. 336/PER/2012 tentang Peneribitan Karya Ilmiah Pada Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah Sebagai Syarat Kelulusan pada Program Doktor:       Topik publikasi terkait dengan disertasi atau tugas mahasiswa dan dilakukan selama menjadi mahasiswa pada Program Doktor Naskah artikel yang dipublikasikan harus mendapat persetujuan terlebih dahulu dari Komisi Pembimbing.

Publikasi yang dilakukan adalah publikasi bersama antara mahasiswa dan dosen pembimbing.

Pencantuman urutan penulis didasarkan pada kesepakatan antara mahasiswa dan pembimbing yang disesuaikan dengan kontribusi masing masing.

Mahasiswa dan dosen yang melakukan publikasi harus dan hanya mencantumkan institusi Program Pascasarjana di Universitas Brawijaya.

Mempublikasikan 2 artikel hasil penelitian disertasi pada jurnal ilmiah internasional

Plagiat adalah perbuatan secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja dalam memperoleh atau mencoba memperoleh kredit atau nilai untuk suatu karya ilmiah, dengan mengutip sebagian atau seluruh karya dan/atau karya ilmiah pihak lain, diakui sebagaai karya ilmiahnya tanpa menyatakan sumber secara tepat dan memadai (

Permendikbud No. 17/2010


Unintentional Plagiarism (Plagiarisme yang tidak disengaja)


Paraphrasing poorly (merubah beberapa kata tetapi struktur kalimatnya tetap) 2.


Quoting poorly (mencantumkan kutipan yang tidak lengkap) Citing poorly (pencatuman kutipan yang salah/lupa mencantumkan kutipan)

Intentional Plagiarism (Plagiarisme yang disengaja)


Menggunakan ide hasil tulisan orang lain dari internet/sumber lain tanpa ijin 2.


Mengkopi essay atau artikel dari internet atau lebih dari satu sumber tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya Meminjam/menggunakan istilah atau ide orang lain tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya secara jelas

The most well-known and, sadly, the most common type of plagiarism is the simplest: copying. If you copy someone else's work and put your name on it, you have plagiarized.

"Children are totally insensitive to their parents' shyness; it is the rare child who labels a parent shy [...] This is understandable, since parents are in positions of control and authority in their homes and may not reveal their shy side to their children. Also, since shyness is viewed as undesirable by many children, it may be threatening to think of parents in these terms. At this young age, the parent is still idealized as all-knowing and all-powerful - not dumb, ugly, or weak." Zimbardo, Philip G. (1977). Shyness: What it is, what to do about it. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Books.

This occurs when the plagiarizer borrows the "phrases and clauses from the original source

and weaves them into his own writing" without

putting the phrases in quotation marks or citing

the author.

With regard to children,

they are totally insensitive to their parents' shyness

. Rare is the child who labels a parent shy. It is easy to understand this, since the parents are in

positions of control and authority

in their own homes and may not necessarily show

their shy side to their children

. Moreover, since shyness is viewed as unfavorable by most children,

it may be threatening

for them to think of their parents in that light. During the formative years, the parent is

idealized as all-knowing and all-powerful -- not dumb, ugly, or weak


Now, had the "author" of this passage put the colored phrases in quotation marks and added a citation after the quotation, like (Zimbardo 62), the "author" would have been safe.

Without the quotation marks and the proper citation, the "author" has committed plagiarism.

This occurs when the plagiarizer paraphrases or

summarizes another's work without citing the source.

Even changing the words a little or using synonyms but retaining the author's essential

thoughts, sentence structure, and/or style without citing the source is still considered plagiarism.

Source: Inadequate paraphrase: Doe (1999) recommends that the government take action to provide a predictable and stable energy supply because of constantly growing demand. Otherwise, we may be in danger of losing power or even experiencing extended blackouts. These circumstances could damage our industrial and information-based economy. (p.231).

Proper paraphrase : Doe (1999) believes that we must find a more reliable source of energy if we are to have a dependable electricity supply. Without this, the nation’s economic base may be damaged by blackouts (p.231).

The fourth type of plagiarism is called unintentional plagiarism -- it occurs when the writer incorrectly quotes and/or incorrectly cites a source they are using.

How is this plagiarism, if the author didn't mean to do it?

• Merusak REPUTASI: o penulis utama, o penulis pendamping, o institusi, o karakter bernegara.

• Merusak reputasi JURNAL o impact factor, o editor.

1 No Pelaku Mahasiswa Ketentuan yang Dilanggar Pasal 10 ayat (4)


Urutan Sanksi Sanksi Tambahan Sanksi Lain Menurut Peraturan Per-UU-an 1.







Teguran Peringatan tertulis Penundaan pemberian sebahagian hak mahasiswa Pembatalan nilai satu atau beberapa mata kuliah yang diperoleh mahasiswa Pemberhentian dgn hormat dari status sbg mahasiswa Pemberhentian tdk dengan hormat Pembatalan ijazah apabila mahasiwa telah lulus UU Sisdiknas : Mempergunakan karya ilmiah jiplakan untuk memperoleh gelar akademik, profesi, vokasi dipidana penjara paling lama 2 tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 200 juta

DRS. Rudyn K. Nababan N, M.Si.


Avoiding plagiarism is quite simple. The best method for avoiding it is to simply be honest; when you've used a source in your paper, give credit where it's due. Acknowledge the author of the original work you've used.

 Another way to avoid plagiarism is to use your own work as often as possible. Quoting and citing sources is usually required and inevitable when doing research -- that's how you "back up" your own work. But using someone else's work excessively can be construed as plagiarism.  Another way to it is to quote and/or cite your sources properly.

    

      VIPER ver.3.0.30 (update version April 2012): free (open source), cek di

Turn It In: berbayar, cek di

Plagiarismchecker: copy-paste kata/paragraph Articlechecker: mirip Plagiarismchecker Plagiarismdetect: gratis dan berbayar, upload file Safeassign: Cuma-Cuma, by request:


     Lowe, Megan. “Plagiarism what it is and how to avoid it”. Presentation URL:

Setiawan, Nurkholis . “ Kede Etik Penulis dan Penulisan ”. Naskah tidak diterbitkan Nugroho, Agung . “ Menghindari Plagiasi Karya Ilmiah ”. Naskah tidak diterbitkan Irawanto, Dodi . “ Etika Penulisan Ilmiah : Plagiat dan Cara Menghindarinya ”. Naskah tidak diterbitkan.

Buku Pedoman Akademik. Program Pascasarjana Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis. 2014