Transcript Lua

Michael Coffman
Peter Sussman
• Lua means ‘moon’ in Portuguese
• First appeared in 1993
• Created by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz
Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes
at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro in Brazil
• Developed because Brazil had a strong policy
against foreign trade
• Primary influence: c++
• Light, multi-paradigm language
• Highly portable: can be compiled to run on
Linux, Windows, Macintosh
• Very small: complete language occupies less
than 1 megabyte
• Dynamically typed; eight types, boolean,
number, string, nil, function, userdata, thread,
• Also has automatic garbage collection
• Only data structure is the table, which can be
used to implement arrays, lists, etc.
• Can run code in pure interpretation or
intermediate byte code (such as Java)
• Can call functions written in C or Lua
• Arrays do not have to be only one type
• Variables are global unless otherwise declared
Code Samples
Code Samples
Code Samples
Sample Runs
Sample Runs
• Pros
– Functions are well defined and easy to follow
– Similar to C syntax
– Very little parentheses or brackets
• Cons
– Most blocks of code end in ‘end’
– No spaces between terminals and nonterminals
– Variables don’t have declared types, only their
values do
• Pros
– Few keywords
– All blocks of code end with ‘end’
– Syntax similar to C
• Cons
– All blocks of code end with ‘end’
– Limited data types
• Pros
– One of the most reliable languages on the market
• Cons
– Easy to get lost in the nested ‘end’ statements
leading to programming errors
• Pros
– Free
– Small and portable: Lua can be used from a USB
drive from one machine to the next, and across
multiple OS’s
• Cons
– Lua is not considered a mainstream language, so
training might cost a fair amount
Who Uses Lua
• Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft
• Cisco Systems
• Maxis/EA: SimCity 4
• Adobe: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
• Many video games use Lua