Workshops 1 & 2 Powerpoint presentation

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Transcript Workshops 1 & 2 Powerpoint presentation

Workshop 1
Patients First
Poster viewing
Confidence line
Time capsule
Hopes, fears and
Patients First
FoNS in partnership with the Burdett Trust for Nursing is
offering expert support and facilitation to nurse-led
teams over a 18 month period to:
 Explore how nursing teams can work with patients and
other stakeholders to develop practice
 Identify areas of patient care which can be improved
 Develop a proposal for a locally focused practice
development project/initiative
 Enable the implementation of a strategy for developing,
changing and evaluating practice
Overview of Workshops 1 & 2
 Values and beliefs
 Facilitation
 Culture and context
 Evaluation
 Reflection - learning in and from
 Action planning
Further Workshop Days 2015
 Day 3- Thursday 5th March
 Day 4-Thursday 21st May
 Day 5-Thursday 17th September
 Plus a celebration event spring 2016
Values and Beliefs
 Values and beliefs affect our attitudes and
 Values and beliefs are often implicit
 We can assume that we share the same values
and beliefs
Values Clarification
Values clarification is a way of:
 Making our values and beliefs explicit
 Developing a shared vision and purpose
 Helping us to recognise the gaps between
what we say we believe/we do and what we
actually do
“Our Journey on the Patients First
Evaluation is:
 A judgement of value/worth
 Happens on an informal level in everyday healthcare
In the context of practice development:
 A clear evaluation plan is central to being systematic
 Evaluation is a systematic way of practitioners learning
from a collection of evidence they analyse
Evaluation Frameworks
An evaluation framework in practice development should
answer the following questions about a programme or
Whether it works
Why it works
For who it works
Under what circumstances it works
What has been learnt to make it work
Redfern,1998; McCormack and Manley, 2004
Practice Development Model
centred care
Learning Opportunities
What does success
look like? What are
expected outcomes?
What methods will
generate the evidence?
What stakeholders
need to be included?
What are the key
indicators to be
measured? (processes
and outcomes)
How do we develop
evaluation questions
that tie in with
Collaboration, Inclusion and
Developing an evaluation strategy
 Who are your stakeholders?
 What does success look like from the perspective of all
stakeholders? How do you know that is what success looks like
for them?
 How will we measure success?
 What questions do you need to ask?
 What evidence do you need to collect that will enable you
to demonstrate whether you have been successful from the
perspective of all stakeholders?
 What opportunities are there to enable collaboration and
participation of stakeholders in data collection and analysis to
enable learning?
Patients First
Welcome to Workshop 2
 Any areas for clarification overnight?
 Today's programme…
Knowing your Workplace Culture and
 What does it look like?
 What does it feel like?
 What is an effective workplace culture?
 How can we evaluate it?
 How does it influence
 practice change?
What is Culture?
“The way things are done around
here” Drennan (1992)
“Patterns, Rituals and Habits”
What Do We Mean By Context?
The setting and environment in which
care is provided
The context may change
The context will be influenced by the
Facilitating Person Centred Care
 Knowing the person
 Knowing self as person/professional role/carer
 Knowing own and others limitations
 Knowing the environment
McCormack & McCance, 2010;
McCormack & McCance, 2006;
McCormack, 2004
Situational Facilitation
Encouraging style
 Sharing
 Reinforcing
 Encouraging
 Praising
Coaching style
 Involving
 Explaining
 Collaborating
 Negotiating
Supporting style
 Turning or mulling over
 Leaving alone
 Letting go
 Being available
Directing style
 Initiating
 Structuring
 Telling
 Guiding
Hersey and Blanchard, 1996
Reflection in Practice Development
 Reflection is a key activity in practice development and
enables us to learn from practice
 Learning in practice development arises from self
knowledge and awareness through structured and
intentional reflection
 Critical analysis and reflection acts as a motivator for
Action Planning
 Making plans to take action
 Using a framework to check you progress
 What will you being doing tomorrow?
Ongoing Support
 On-going support from Jo
 Centre for Innovation- Info for website
 Maintaining networking and communication
 Future workshops in March, May, Sept 2015 and
May/June 2016
 Other needs and/or suggestions
Thank you for participating
Have a safe journey