Approaches - Foundation of Nursing Studies

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Transcript Approaches - Foundation of Nursing Studies

The Foundation of
Nursing Studies
in Partnership with
the Burdett Trust for
Patients First:
Supporting Nurseled Innovation in
Overview of Workshop 3
Today we will explore how the following
processes can inform improvements in
 Enabling
the participation of service users
 Reflection
 Facilitation
 Evaluation
Practice Development
centred care
Enabling Participation
Aims of the session:
 To explore the ways in which service users
are participating in projects
 Consider the different levels of
 Share
experiences/ideas about
 Consider the ways in which participation
could be enhanced
Model of Participation
One-way information – service users know the
results of the project
 Consultation - service users are asked about predetermined issues
 Discussion about project - service users are
involved in the design of the project and some of
the key issues it covers
 Doing some of the project - service users carry out
parts of the evaluation or data collection
 Doing most of the project - service users are
involved in most parts of the project
 Doing the project together - service users are
jointly responsible for the project
(Adapted from a Charities Evaluation Service Model)
Learning in Practice
Developing people and practice is an intentional
purpose of practice development
Practice development integrates work-based learning
with its focus on active learning and formal systems for
enabling learning in the workplace to transform care
(Manley, K., McCormack, B. and Wilson, V., 2008)
Learning is not just focussed on personal and/or
professional development as this may or may not
impact on practice
Learning is directly targeted at practice (patients,
their needs and their care), hence the focus on WBL
and active learning
Reflection in Practice
 Reflection
is a key activity in practice
 Learning
in practice development arises
from self knowledge and awareness
through structured and intentional
 Critical
analysis and reflection acts as a
motivator for action
‘…using the reflective process to look
systematically and rigorously at our own
practice. We all reflect on our practice to
some extent, but how often do we employ
those reflections to learn from our own
actions, to challenge established theory
and, most importantly, to make a real
difference to our practice.’
Rolfe et al. (2001, pxi)
Evaluation in PD
 Is a systematic way of practitioners learning
from a collection of evidence they analyse
 Is part of the on-going process of practice
development (rather than something that is just
considered at the end)
 Is based on a belief that approaches which
focus on people and practices and encourage
stakeholder participation are more effective in
achieving sustainable healthcare service
 Uses multiple forms of evidence to gain the
perspectives of all stakeholders
PRAXIS Evaluation
Praxis evaluation:
 Is offered as a collaborative process for
evaluating practice change and workplace
 Reflects six core components of effective
evaluation: purpose, reflexivity, approaches,
context, intent, stakeholders
Praxis evaluation takes into consideration:
 The evaluation process
 The experience of being engaged in that
 Ways in which the outcomes that will improve
and impact on how healthcare is experienced
can be captured
PRAXIS Evaluation
Purpose – Have a clear purpose (aims and
Reflexivity – Answer critical questions about the way
we work and should encourage critical dialogue
within the workplace
Approaches – Use the best approaches considering
how they fit with the context of the purpose (make
use of the right tools for the job!)
ConteXt - Appreciate and reflect on how the
culture and context can impact/influence the work
being done and the outcome of this
Intent - Use clear, transparent, tried and tested
methodology and be committed to doing more
than scratching the surface
Stakeholders - Involve all relevant stakeholders
 Facilitation
is one of the most important
features of practice development work
 The way in which
improvement/development work is
facilitated can have a significant impact
on the successful implementation of
evidence into practice, cultural change,
sustainability of
A Picture of Facilitation
Create a picture/collage/installation that
reflects your purpose and role as a
facilitator in your project?
 What
are you trying to achieve and how?
Situational Facilitation
Encouraging style
 Sharing
 Reinforcing
 Encouraging
 Praising
Coaching style
 Involving
 Explaining
 Collaborating
 Negotiating
Supporting style
 Turning or mulling
 Leaving alone
 Letting go
 Being available
Directing style
 Initiating
 Structuring
 Telling
 Guiding
Hersey and Blanchard, 1996
Next steps…
Thank you for participating
Have a safe journey