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Key principles for effective and engaging
& the Ketso approach to
implementing them
Engaging workshops: 3 fundamentals
• Hear Everyone’s Voice
• Create Shared Understanding & Commitment
• Think Together Effectively
Ketso was launched as a social business
in 2009
Helping people run good workshops by
selling & renting kits…
& providing free open-source resources, e.g.
workshop plans, slideshows, how-to videos
Mission: to provide tools for engaging people worldwide
to learn together & develop creative solutions
Creating job opportunities for
disadvantaged people in kit manufacture
e.g. the kits are assembled in a sheltered
workshop in the UK
Engaging workshops: 3 fundamentals
• Hear Everyone’s Voice
• Create Shared Understanding & Commitment
• Think Together Effectively
How Ketso helps you implement the key
principles of engaging workshops
Engaging workshops: 3 fundamentals
• Hear Everyone’s Voice
• Create Shared Understanding & Commitment
• Think Together Effectively
Hear Everyone’s Voice: the Ketso
• Provide everyone with the means to contribute ideas
Give everyone a pen and leaves
Keep checking that everyone has
Hear Everyone’s Voice: the Ketso
• Provide everyone with the means to contribute ideas
Give everyone a pen and leaves
Keep checking that everyone has
• Have a balance of individual and group time
Think then share
Giving out the different coloured leaves
in stages helps to ‘reset’ the process of
‘think then share’
Hear Everyone’s Voice: the Ketso
• Use multi-sensory learning to engage everyone
Ketso is highly Visual (e.g. coloured
leaves built into tree patterns)
Ketso provides opportunities for
listening and speaking (Aural)
Written words get captured, allowing
everyone to Read them
Ketso is very tactile (moveable pieces
good for Kinaesthetic learners)
You see quantities of leaves and icons
Participants have quiet time to write or
draw (good for reflective learners)
Engaging workshops: 3 fundamentals
• Hear Everyone’s Voice
• Create Shared Understanding & Commitment
• Think Together Effectively
Create Shared Understanding &
Commitment: the Ketso approach
• Build a shared picture together
Felt workspace captures ideas
• The trunk (centrepiece) helps keep
focus on the core topic
Branches give (some) structure and
can help people see a bigger picture
Leave the felt folded until after people
have written their first thoughts on the
core topic, then see where they fit
Create Shared Understanding &
Commitment: the Ketso approach
• Provide a way for people to build their ideas into a
shared picture
• Felt workspace captures ideas
• The trunk (centrepiece) helps keep
focus on the core topic
Branches give (some) structure and
can help people see a bigger picture
• Make connections and look for patterns
Move the leaves, develop clusters
Look at how the different colours are
grouped around the branches
Use icons to show links
Create Shared Understanding &
Commitment: the Ketso approach
• Lead into commitment to action
• Use icons to prioritise
• Build an action plan on the Ketso
grid or Ketso planners
• Everybody commits to one action on
their own action card (free top ups!)
Engaging workshops: 3 fundamentals
• Hear Everyone’s Voice
• Create Shared Understanding & Commitment
• Think Together Effectively
Think Together Effectively: the Ketso
• Proceed through clear, focussed activities
Each bit of the kit is designed to
engage participants in a different and
useful activity
The coloured leaves guide you through
a growth metaphor appropriate for
many purposes
Remember there are open-source,
tried & tested sample workshop plans
and resources to help you
Think Together Effectively: the Ketso
• Start with a focus on the positive (e.g. existing
• The first question powerfully sets
the tone and direction for the
• Brown leaves - this is the soil we
have to grow ideas in
• What is going well? What works?
What are our existing assets? What
do we have to work with?
Think Together Effectively: the Ketso
• Start with a focus on the positive (e.g. existing
• The first question powerfully sets the
tone and direction for the workshop
• Brown leaves - this is the soil we
have to grow ideas in
• Use a 'Creativity Sandwich'
• Encourage fresh thinking by looking
at future possibilities before problems
• Always allow time to develop
solutions to problems – (clouds bring
rain, encouraging new growth)
Think Together Effectively: the Ketso
• The colours guide you through a growth metaphor
Yellow sun drives growth
(goals or actions)
Grey clouds hide the sun
(challenges) & bring rain
to encourage new growth
Green shoots of new
ideas (future possibilities)
Brown soil is what we
have to grow our ideas in
(existing assets)
Engaging workshops: 9 key principles
(recap – useful with or without Ketso!)
Hear Everyone's Voice
• Provide everyone with the means to contribute ideas
• Have a balance of individual and group time
• Use multi-sensory learning to engage everyone
Create Shared Understanding & Commitment
• Build a shared picture together
• Make connections and find patterns
• Lead into commitment to action
Think together effectively
• Proceed through clear, focussed activities
• Start with a focus on the positive (e.g. existing assets)
• Use a 'Creativity Sandwich'
Engaging workshops: the theory
Hear Everyone’s Voice
• Paulo Freire, Ivan Illich
• Robert Chambers - Participatory Rapid Appraisal
• Howard Gardner – multiple intelligences
• Edward de Bono - trains of thought & brainstorming
Create Shared Understanding & Commitment
• Tony Buzan - Mind Mapping
• Fritjof Capra, Peter Checkland, Maturana & Varela– Systems Thinking
• Alan Savory – Holistic Resource Management
Think Together Effectively
• David Kolb and Donald Schon - activity-led learning
• Edward de Bono – different modes of thinking
• George Lakoff - metaphors
• Geoffrey Vickers - appreciative inquiry
• Caroline Moeser, John McKnight &Jody Kretzmann – asset-based dev.
Each bit of the kit helps lead you through
running a good workshop
Ketso extends your capacity as a
Gives everyone a voice, increasing commitment
Harnesses the creativity of people at all
Makes productive use of people’s time
As show in 2012 independent survey
(Lancaster University), 80 customers responded
People with different languages and levels of
literacy can engage
• The Ketso is particularly useful for me to
communicate with members. My English level is
low… It makes me difficult to actively participate
group projects.
• Last semester I could not insist my opinion…
• However, with the great tool covering many
different kinds of group meetings I was able to
clearly suggest my thought on a meeting.
Ideas being heard
• In past experiences of group work, I have often
taken a backseat in group discussion as other more
outspoken characters tend to hold the discussion.
Using Ketso, it is also possible to set aside
individual thinking time and sharing time...
• I enjoyed Ketso as I felt it gave everyone a higher
sense of equality.