Thirteen Reasons why - mikaeli

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Transcript Thirteen Reasons why - mikaeli

Jay Asher was born in Arcadia, California on September 30,
1975. He grew up in a family that encouraged all of his interests,
from playing the guitar to his writing. After graduating from
high school, he attended Cuesta College. While attending this
college he wrote his first two children’s books for a class he was
in. Thirteen Reasons Why was the first book ever that has been
published by Jay.
The hard thing about this book, is that there really is no
protagonist character in this book. Hannah has found
thirteen people who have helped her decision of suicide,
which makes the narrator one of the antagonists since he is
apart of her decision.
Hannah was a normal teenager girl who moves to a new
town and has a hard time fitting in. The people she meets
seem to just let her down and make her life harder
She was influenced by her peers and was pushed into
suicide naturally. She felt she had no other outcome of her
Hannah gives Thirteen tapes to thirteen people who have
influenced her to commit suicide. This group of thirteen
would be the antagonists of this story.
Justin Foley (2 reasons)
Alex Standall
Jessica Davis
Tyler Down
Courtney Crimsen
Marcus Cooley
Zach Dempsey
Ryan Shaver
Clay Jensen
Jenny Kurtz
Bryce Walker
Mr. Porter
My favorite character is Clay Jensen who is the narrator
this novel.
Clay receives the tapes from Hannah and seems to be the
only person who really cared about Hannah. Throughout
the story, clay finds himself wondering why he is on the
tapes as he listens to each one. Clay had had one special
night with Hannah and after being hurt so many times by
heartless boys, she denies him and he didn’t know why.
When it was his turn on the tape, Hannah explains that he
doesn’t belong on the tapes and that she just wanted him to
know why she did what she did to him.
Mr. Porter was a counselor at Hannah’s school and when
Hannah had gone to him about committing suicide, he just
let her go.
Hannah had already made the decision of suicide, but Mr.
Porter was her last resort to see if anyone really did care.
She explained to him her feelings about suicide and that
she had been considering it and he just told her to work it
out on her own.
After seeing that he really didn’t care either, she stormed
out of his office and he didn’t even try and stop her.
Hannah then had no more reasons to live and that night
she was gone.
Thirteen Reasons Why Hannah Baker has just recently
committed suicide and sends thirteen tapes to thirteen
people explaining all of her reasons why.
Clay Jensen, a former student at Hannah’s high school,
receives a bag full of tapes a couple days after hearing
about Hannah’s death. After listening to the first tape he
learns that he was one of Hannah’s reasons for her death.
He now has to listen to all of the tapes before his, to hear
about what other people did to Hannah to make her want
to commit suicide.
The rising action of this story begins right after
Clay listens to the first tape of Hannah.
 Each tape is about one person who is a reason for
Hannah’s death. She explains in depth of the
reasons and Clay starts to find himself feeling
worse and worse.
 Hearing about what all of the people had done to
Hannah, he physically starts to get sick and has
to patiently listen to all of them till he gets to his
own. Clay starts to really wonder what he had
done to Hannah to make him one of her reasons.
The climax of the story is when Clay finally hears
his tape.
 Hannah explains that he wasn’t a reason for her
death, but that she wanted him to know why she
did what she did.
 The last night Clay spent with Hannah she
rejected him and told him to leave her alone and
she wanted him to know it wasn’t personal.
The falling action of the book is after Clay
finishes Hannah’s tapes and knows there’s
nothing he can do for her now.
 The next day at school, he is nervous to see all
the people who were on and heard the tapes.
 He starts to accept the fact that Hannah is gone
and that there is nothing he can do about it.
At the end of the book, Clay sees a girl he has
known for awhile as she walks down the hall,
head down and alone.
 He can’t help but think of Hannah while he
watches her walk further away from him.
 Clay decides he won’t let what happened to
Hannah happen to anyone else and he runs after
the girl.
The book takes place during a couple days after
Hannah commits suicide. Clay hears the tapes in
a full day and it ends the next day at school.
 Rosie's diner
 High school
 Gas station
 Eisenhower Park
 Blue Spot Liquor
 Monet's Cafe
Teen Depression- Teens suffer from depression everyday,
which if not taken care of, can lead to suicide.
Alcohol and Drug abuse-Teen suicide is becoming more and
more fluent in America and drug abuse is a big factor of
Rape- Rape along with drinking are huge factors that
contribute to teen suicide.
I rate this book a
I really enjoyed reading this book, I think there
could have been a little bit more to the ending
but the overall story was interesting.
For my social issue, I decided to do TEEN
 It’s important for people to know about it and to
know what to do to help someone who is
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 1524 year-olds.
 60% of suicide deaths are used with a gun.
 95% of people who commit or attempt suicide
suffer from a form of mental illness.
 20-50% of suicides are related to alcohol or drug
a psychological disorder, especially depression, bipolar
disorder, and alcohol and drug use
 feelings of distress, irritability, or agitation
 feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness that often
accompany depression
 a previous suicide attempt
 a family history of depression or suicide
 physical or sexual abuse
 lack of a support network, poor relationships with parents or
peers, and feelings of social isolation
 dealing with homosexuality in an unsupportive family or
community or hostile school environment
 Alcohol and drug abuse
 Bullying
talk about suicide or death in general
 talk about "going away"
 talk about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
 pull away from friends or family
 lose the desire to take part in favorite things or
 have trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
 experience changes in eating or sleeping habits
 self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol,
taking drugs, or driving too fast, for example)
WATCH AND LISTEN- If you suspect someone
who is considering suicide, make sure you watch
and listen for warning signs.
 ASK QUESTIONS- sometimes people think they
may make the situation worse if they talk to
someone they suspect of suicide. Most of the time
the victims want someone to comfort and help
 GET HELP- if you suspect someone may be
considering, contact an official or call (800)
SUICIDE for help