Introduction to Networking (ITN)

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Transcript Introduction to Networking (ITN)

ICT Principles – Networking
wbl version, Yarnfield
Module introduction
Ivailo Chakarov- Module leader/tutor/Cisco Academy
[email protected]
Module content
Network fundamentals
Routing concepts and protocols
Living in a network centric world
Introduction to routing and packet
Communicating over the network
Static routing
Application layer functionality and
Introduction to dynamic routing protocols
OSI transport layer
Distance vector routing protocols
OSI network layer
Rip version 1
Addressing the network IPv4
Data link layer
RIP version 2
OSI physical layer
The routing table a closer look
Planning and cabling networks
Link state routing protocols
Configuring and testing your network
Module assessment
The assessment for this module is based on three parts
weighted as detailed below:
Skills test (30%)
Case Study (40%)
Log book (30%)
Grades for all parts deliver the grade for this module
To pass the module you need to get an average of 40%
overall and you must score a minimum of 40% for each
independent assessment
The two skills tests and case study also count towards the Network
Fundamentals and Routing Protocols and Concepts
Module assessment
Skills test
 Completion of a skills test which will be based on content from both
Networking Fundamentals and Routing Protocols and Concepts
 (1 hour and 30 minutes Duration)
 This assessment is closed book
 This skills test is an individual exercise
Case Study
 Completion of a case study in the form of a report
Log book
Consists of 12 questions
To be completed parallel with the module delivery
Cisco certification
All of the work which you have done for the module
counts towards the Cisco training part of the course
You need to pass a number of online chapter tests
Network Fundamentals = 11 Chapter Tests
Routing Protocols and Concepts = 11 Chapter Tests
Online final exams
Complete the course feedback
To graduate the Cisco training you must:
score >= 70% on the online final exam
score >= 40% on the skills exam
have an overall score >= 70% on the weighted percentage
You will be given specific tutorials to work through
These will help you to understand the material from the
lecture and put it into practical use
The tutorials are taken from the official Cisco tutorial
There are too many to do in class, so specific ones have
been selected for you
The tutorials all work towards the skills assessment so
completing these exercises is important
You should also complete as many activities via Packet
Tracer as possible
Effective learning
The lectures give you the framework
The tutorials let you put that framework into practice
In order to pass the module you need the theoretical
knowledge AND practical skills
Time is short on the module so please ensure that you
attend ALL lectures and tutorials
You will need to read the Cisco online material outside class
You will be looking to spend about 8.5 hours per week of
your own time working on the module outside the taught
sessions (that’s about 1.2 hours per day)
...are there any?