High and Late Middle Ages 1050-1450

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High and Late Middle Ages
Chapter 8
Royal Power Grows
Section 1
William the Conqueror
• Who: King of England
• What: conquered England & set out to control
the land
• Where: England (Normandy, France)
• When: 1028-1087; 1066*
• Why: he conquered England to defeat his
cousin & became king; change the power of
England to the Normans
William the Conq (wksht)
King of England- Edward- died w/o an heir
His brother Harold inherited it
But William said it was his
= conquer England to take the throne
= Anglo-Saxons gone- Normans are in charge
Common Law
• Who: Royal courts, Henry II
• What: a legal system based on customs &
court rulings
• Where: England
• When: 1154 AD
• Why: unlike local feudal laws, this applied to
all of England instead of just local; ppl brought
disputes to royal courts instead of church;
centralized the law
Henry II (workbook)
• Inherited the throne in England
• Claimed rights to rule clergy (church officials)
& the royal courts—
• He developed common law & a jury systemunifying the legal system under one power
• - no longer local law but one central law
• Who: group of men that spoke the truth,
Henry II
• What: group of men determined what cases
would be brought to trial
• Where: England
• When: 1154
• Why: this was an early form of today’s Grand
Jury; this led to trial jury- an accused person is
judged by 12 of his neighbors
King John
Who: son of Henry II, King of England
What: a clever, cruel, & untrustworthy ruler
Where: Enlgand
When: 1205
Why: lost a war = lost land & popularity;
argued w. the Pope over his choices; angered
his nobles w. oppressive taxes & abuses =
Magna Carta (limited his power)
King John (workbook)
• He abused power & overtaxed his nobles
• = ppl unhappy
• =Magna Carta = limited royal power
Magna Carta
• Who: King John, groups of rebellious barons
• What: a document that limited the king’s power
due to his abuses
• Where: England
• When: 1215*
• Why: this shaped the future of English
government-- this said nobles had rights
(eventually given to all ppl not just nobles), made
it so that the monarch had to obey the law; also
introduced due process of law & Habeas Corpus
Due Process of Law
• Who: King John, townspeople
• What: a clause that prpotected freemen from
arbitrary arrest, imprisonment, &other legal
• WherE: England
• When: 1215
• Why: formed the basis of the rights we know
&have today- we have rights even when being
Habeas Corpus
• Who: citizens, people that are arrested
• What: a right that no person can be held in
prison without first being charged with a
specific crime
• Where: England, WE
• When: 1215-today
• Why: this right was later confirmed in the
Petition of Right & is still around today
protecting citizens from unjust arrest
The Holy Roman Empire and the
Section 2
Holy Roman Empire
• Who: Charlemagne; Otto I
• What: empire that ruled throughout WE from
Germany to Italy
• Where: Central & Eastern Europe (Germany, Italy)
• When: 1077• Why: The Pope was the most powerful man on
earth = he gave power of this Empire to the most
trustworthy leaders (the Empire was “Holy”) ;
largest Empire in Europe since the fall of Rome
Henry IV
• Who: King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
• What: leader of the HRE; was excommunicated
by Pope in 1076 b.c. not following rules of
Gregory VII
• Where: Germany, HRE, WE
• When: 1054• Why: Henry fought w Pope Gregory VII; was
excommunicated; later repented & was forgiven
but he led an army to Rome to force Pope into
Exile (fought about Lay Investiture)
Henry IV (Workbook)
• Actions: fought w. Pope Gregory VII about Lay
Investiture; later repented but led an army to
Rome to kick the Pope out
• Effects: he was excommunicated by the Pope
but later brought back into church; he signed
the Concordat of Worms= took away his
power to appoint religious leaders (= Pope
more powerful)
Gregory VII
• Who: Pope
• What: Pope that instituted many church
reforms such as banning Lay Invest.
• Where: Rome, Italy (WE)
• When: 1054-1077
• Why: he banned the practice of Lay Investiture
which caused an issue w. Henry IV; his policies
created hatred & contempt b.c. ppl wanted to
be independent from the church (secular)
Gregory VII (Workbook)
• Actions: caused controversy when he banned
Lay Invest. ; excommunicated Henry IV for
arguing about it
• Effects: he wanted to make the church
independent of secular rulers so he banned
Lay Invest- making him the most powerful b.c.
he now appointed all religious officials
Lay Investiture
• Who: Gregory VII vs. Henry IV
• What: a church practice where an Emperor or lay
person (not relig) vested a person as a religious
official or presented bishops w. rings that
symbolized their office
• Where: Rome, Italy, (WE)
• When: 1054-1077
• Why: this caused conflict b.n Greg VII & Henry IV
which led to Henry’s excommunication; ppl were
mad about Gregory VII banned this- they rebelled
Frederick Barbarossa
• Who: Holy Roman Emperor, known as “Red
Beard” , ambitious German ruler
• What: fought to bring cities into Italy under his
control so he joined w. the Pope to have more
control; he wanted to expand his Empire
• Where: Germany, Italy
• When: 1100-1200
• Why: he wanted to build an Empire from Baltic to
Adriatic Seas ; he succeeds in expanding his
Empire through marriage = German Emp. Are
more deeply involved in Italian affairs
Frederick Barbarossa (workbook)
• Actions: he fought to expand his Empire &
succeeded in bringing Northern Italy under his
• Effects: b.c. of his expansion Germany was
more deeply involved in Italian affairs
Pope Innocent III
Pope Innocent III (Workbook)