TTT - Destination Reports, CVBs, and Tourism Organizations

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Transcript TTT - Destination Reports, CVBs, and Tourism Organizations

Train the Trainer Series
Introduction to Destination Reports
used by CVBs, Industry Overviews
The SHARE Center
Supporting Hotel-related Academic Research and Education
Steve Hood
Senior VP of Research, Smith Travel Research
The Mission
of the SHARE Center
• Provide thorough and timely data for
academic research
• Provide comprehensive and relevant
training materials for the classroom
• Help to increase the quality and
relevance of hotel-related education
SHARE Center “in a nutshell”
• A partnership between Smith Travel
Research and ICHRIE and beyond …
• Memberships available to schools
around the world, reports and data
tailored to location of university
• Provides training programs, samples,
reference material and the ability to
request user-defined reports/data
Available Resources
• Training Programs
• Sample Reports
• Reports Available Upon Request
• Reference Information
• Projects/Simulation Exercises
• Research Possibilities
Training Programs
• Hotel Math 101
• Introduction to STR Destination Reports for
CVBs and Local Tourism Organizations
• US Industry Overview & Local Market Overview
• Introduction to STR Trend Reports and Related
Ad-Hoc Reports (for Feasibility Studies)
Training Programs continued
• The Global Hotel Industry – an STR Perspective
• An Introduction to Booking Channels and OTAs
• An Introduction to the Hotel Industry
Sample Reports
• Sample CVB Reports
– Live reports from real CVBs in the US and around
the world, various types of markets
– See what kind of data real CVBs are tracking and
receiving each month or week
• STR Destination Report templates
– All the different pages/report formats that a CVB can
– Allows students to design their own
Sample Reports continued
• Sample Ad-Hoc STR Reports
Live data on the Nashville market
Trend Reports – monthly, daily, group/transient data
Custom HOST Reports – P&L data
Market Pipeline Reports – props UC & in planning
Forecasts – STR example
Ad-Hoc Industry Data Files
Property and Room Counts
• Sample Industry Publications (US & WW)
Reports Available Upon Request
• Professor (or student) can contact STR to set
up a user-defined Destination Reports
• They can specify the pages (different data) and
the industry segments or group of hotels to
• Reports are delivered each month around the
18th (or each week on Wednesday morning)
• Students can track hotel performance over time
Reports Available Upon Request
• Professor (or student) can contact STR and
request a variety of ad-hoc reports
• Standard Ad-Hoc Reports
Trend Reports – industry segment or group of hotels
Custom HOST Reports – for a group of hotels
Market Pipeline Reports – for a market or tract
Forecasts – top 25 US markets, 44 WW markets
Ad-Hoc Industry Data Files, Prop & Room Counts
Reference Information
• Census Database – hotel attribute fields
• Hotel Company Information – info and stats
• Parent Companies and Chains - list
• Scales and Chains - list
• Markets and Tracts – lists and maps
• Countries, Continents, and Sub-continents
• HNN –
Projects/Simulation Exercises
• Create a US Industry Overview or a Local
Market (state or city) Overview using data from
ad-hoc reports
• Use Excel and raw Trend data to manually
calculate various metrics and reconcile data to
metrics on Trend reports
• Simulate a CVB and create a user-defined
Destination Report
Projects/Simulations continued
• Use various ad-hoc reports to perform special
studies, such as impact analyses, special
events, weather-related incidents, tax issues
• Forecast performance for industry segments
• Brainstorming/feedback …
Research Possibilities
• STAR data for various industry segments or
user-defined sets of hotels
• HOST data
• Pipeline data
• Collaboration and assistance
• Simulated property data – in the future
Additional Assistance
• Webinars and campus visits
• Regular Updates
– Industry Performance
– STR Presentations at national conferences
– New developments (Booking Channel Study,
Bandwidth reports, Casino STAR reports)
• STAR Certification for students
Questions and Suggestions?
Steve Hood
[email protected]
615-824-8664, extension 3315