ESUP points of intersection - Enterprise Financial System

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Intersections Between Finance,
HRMS, and Student
FSUN General Membership Meeting
Sue Van Voorhis, Associate Vice Provost
Lori Lamb, OHR Operations Director
Mike Volna, Associate Vice President
April 23, 2014
What We Will Cover Today
• Collaboration Across Work Streams
• Major Changes:
• Finance
• Student
Points of Intersection
Change Management and Communications
Additional Information and Resources
Collaboration Across Work Streams
Program Governance
• Executive Oversight Committee, Integration Steering Committee,
Operational Advisory Sub-Committee all include cross-functional
Work Stream Governance
• Work stream Functional Steering Committees (FSCs) may include
cross-functional representation
• Joint FSC meetings held as needed to discuss key issues or decisions.
Issue-Specific Work Teams
• Strong collaboration between work streams on specific business
processes or issues, e.g., Payroll Accounting
About the Finance Upgrade
• EFS portion of ESUP is primarily a “technical upgrade.”
• Changes focus on highest priority “pain points” and
opportunities resulting from new functionality in 9.2.
• EFS training for upgrade will be limited to new training
on the things that are changing.
• Communications about specific changes will be targeted
toward users with access to current functionality.
• RRC Managers and Cluster Directors will be key
audience, and kept abreast of what is happening.
What’s Changing in Finance
• PCard Reconciliation: PeopleSoft’s My Wallet functionality will be
used, rather than our current custom pages.
• The business process and types of purchases one can make with the card
remain the same: people still make and justify purchases, account for the
activity, and route it for review.
• Some colleges or units may choose to modify their related business processes
along with this system change.
• Work Centers: PeopleSoft-delivered work centers pull together system
functions and features into one place, making it easier for people to get
work done.
What’s Changing in Finance
• Chart of Accounts Request: Chart of account change requests will
be within PeopleSoft as an automated form and process. Requests will be
routed via workflow and approval. BPEL goes away.
• Budget Journals “Adjustments”: Budget adjustments will be done
directly in Commitment Control in the future. Effects of budget journals
will be immediate within the Finance system and will process overnight to
HRMS and Student systems. Updated journal process will allow $0 dollar
adjustments and will not require a reversal.
• Budget Checking / Commitment Control (effective July 1, 2015):
Budget checking on non-sponsored activity will include the full chart string
(not to include the “Account” value). Will prevent incorrect usage of chart
of account strings and limit expense activity to what has been budgeted.
What’s Changing in Finance
• Workflow and Approval: Workflow and Approval has been improved
with Application Workflow Engine. All approvals will be configured to have
a much more consistent look and feel across transactions. There is also an
“Approver Work Center” that brings together all transaction types for
primary and “Pooled” approvers.
• Portal: This will be the mechanism for access to all enterprise systems
and other information. Finance functionality will be added over time.
• Reporting: Existing reporting database will be retrofitted, with limited
data changes. All reports currently available in UMReports will be brought
forward. A new reporting work center will be introduced. New tools (UM
Analytics) are on a separate timeline from the upgrade.
About the HRMS Upgrade
• The HRMS Upgrade is more accurately a reimplementation,
requiring significant redesign of business processes.
• In addition, we are implementing new functionality,
• Electronic time and absence recording and approval, and
• Integrated recruiting and hiring functionality.
• While the design phase for certain modules took longer
than expected, development and testing is well underway.
What’s Changing in HRMS
Appointment Structure: Simplified and consistent
appointment data; new importance of Position data
Simplified overall structure
Better use and integration of Position data
Better use of more delivered processes
Improved reporting and data integrity
What’s in it for me?
• Easier to understand an employee’s current assignment(s)
• Fewer records = easier searching
What’s Changing in HRMS
Payroll Accounting: Simplification of distribution entry and
other processes; improved HR and Finance role definition
• Separate job functions for hire and accounting
• Better use of combo codes (appointment, position, department)
• Implementing custom front end for ease of distributions
What’s in it for me?
• Move to delivered processes behind the scenes for most users
• Improved accuracy and increased efficiency
What’s Changing in HRMS
Time & Labor/Absence Management: Electronic time and
absence recording and approval
Implementing electronic timekeeping for hourly employees
Implementing electronic leave request option for all employees
Implementing workflow for approvals and delegations
Not an attendance tracking tool at this time
What’s in it for me?
• Timekeeping, absence requests, and approvals via Employee
What’s Changing in HRMS
Recruiting Solutions: Simplified and integrated hiring
• New vendor for online hiring processes
• Integrated data avoids duplicate entries
• Addressing user pain points
What’s in it for me?
• New delivered hiring functionality, directly integrated into the
HRMS system
Data Cleanup Overview
• Data cleanup is a top priority between now and this fall.
• It is important that out data be as accurate as possible before
conversion and implementation.
• Test Move 2 was delayed because data cleanup not complete.
• We need the support of all colleges and units to be
Data Cleanup Tentative Schedule
Cleanup Task
Clean up Position Pooling and Reports To
field for pooled positions.
Key Contacts
with Position
Correct appointments with a summer
earnings distribution code when the
appointment term does not match.
Central OHR
December 19 An additional
– January 15 8,000 positions
to correct
(central OHR and
units). Deadline
for units April 7.
Prior to
March 15.
January 29
Correct appointments with a salary
employee type and a temp casual job code.
Central OHR
Prior to
January 29
March 1.
Review all without-salary appointments to
determine which can be terminated and to
define the purpose of others.
Key Contacts
Sent out on
March 7.
Data Cleanup Tentative Schedule
Cleanup Task
Correct employee appointments in which
the only appointment is an Aug, Inc, or
Central OHR
February –
Correct appointments in which an employee Central OHR
has a 9-over-9 appointment and another as
February –
Terminate extraneous Retire appointments
– only one appointment per employee
should be retired.
Central OHR;
February –
questions to Key March
Update Degree info on the Professional
Education and Training page.
Key Contacts
Not started.
July – August
Data Cleanup Tentative Schedule
Cleanup Task
Clean up the Reports To field for nonpooled positions, positions that report to
vacant positions, and positions that report
to WOS positions.
Not started.
Target sending
out in May.
Update the Semester Type on the UM
Appointment page to indicate semester
Key Contacts
Not started.
Complete Special Dates for all special date
terms and Multi-Year Dates for all multiyear contracts.
Key Contacts
Not started.
Close out Requisitions that will not be used. Central OHR
Clean up position data on open requisitions. with unit
April through In progress.
Data Cleanup Tentative Schedule
Cleanup Task
Responsibility Timeframe
Combo codes on appointment records.
Units in
with Finance.
Leave Balance cleanup.
Central OHR
Academic Short Term Closures that have
extended past the defined allowed period.
Key Contacts
Tenure (manually done in October 2014).
Key Contacts
UMP appointments all need 40 Standard Hours
and 0 FTE.
Key Contacts
HR Stars: User Support Advance Team
• In each unit, HR Stars:
Serve as positive, credible advocates for new system and processes
Receive training as unit “customer support” resources
Help colleagues navigate and troubleshoot system and processes
Are the “eyes and ears” for HRMS implementation in the units
• Benefits:
• Unique professional development opportunity
• Local resource to support the unit and the HR Lead
• Timeframe:
• Nominations received
• Kickoff in May; monthly meetings
• Role continues until after implementation
About the Student Upgrade
• This is an upgrade for Student (CS), not a new system
• System improvements going from 8.9 to 9.0
• Many at the University know the system well
• Counterparts across the country have used 9.0 for years
• Each functional area within Student has a Functional
Steering Committee
• Includes Academic Advisement, Admissions, Financial Aid, SEVIS,
Student Finance, and Student Records
• System campus representation on each FSC with one vote per
campus for decision-making
• FSC members consulted with subject matter experts and
stakeholders on their campuses
What’s Changing in Student
• Using delivered self-service for students, faculty, and staff
• Changes to business processes (examples):
Improvements to posting and group posting
General ledger chartfield validation with two databases
Improved scholarship entry process
Refunds to students moving from Payroll to Accounts Payable
New billing schedule for student accounts
Students need to opt-in to payment plans (not automatic)
Details on the “What’s Changing”
page of
What’s Not Changing
Tuition calculation
Degree clearance process
SEVIS processes
Systems outside of PeopleSoft
Tuition and Fee Management System
Tuition attribution
STAR (Scholarship Tracking system)
APLUS (advising tool)
ECAS and PCAS (course & program entry & approval)
Graduation Planner
APAS (degree audit)
Change Management,
Communications & Training Plans
What’s the new MyU Portal?
The purpose of the new MyU portal is to help people be successful in getting their business done at the U.
Portal Business Processes
User Navigation
User Interface
/ Branding
Points of Intersection
• Chart of Accounts and Budget: Chart of account values and valid
combinations of budgeted chart strings are sent to HRMS and Student
systems. HRMS refers to this information as Combo Codes and Student
refers to it as Item Types. Both are used in preparation of accounting
functions in the two systems.
• Person Basic Information: Person information is used in many places
within the Finance system, most notably in the Position Budgeting, Grants
professional data and Expense Reimbursement processes.
Points of Intersection
• Job and Workforce Information: Job information is used in many
places within the Finance system, most notably in Position Budgeting,
Grants professional data and Expense Reimbursement processes.
• Payroll Distribution Information: Payroll distribution information
is used most notably in the Position Budgeting process.
• Payroll and Fringe Benefit Encumbering: Pay and fringe are
encumbered on a nightly basis—the resulting encumbrance journal is
messaged to Finance and recorded into commitment control ledgers as
part of the Budget Checking process.
Points of Intersection
• Payroll, Fringe Benefits and Student GL Journals: Pay and fringe
are expensed on a bi-weekly basis as part of payroll processing. Retro
adjustments to pay and fringe and student financial journals are
processed nightly. Resulting journals are messaged to the General Ledger
and processed as part of the GL Journal Voucher and Posting processes.
• Student Refunds: Student Refunding as a process will be initiated
within the student system and will message voucher information to
Accounts Payable within the finance system. The resulting Single Pay
Voucher will create a payment out of the financial system.
Communications and
Change Management
Strategies from now to go-live:
• Sneak peeks: Develop videos to show changes and benefits.
• “Go-to” staff: Prepare staff in the units to be resources to leaders,
faculty, colleagues, and students
Quick start guides, UPKs, and classes: Develop and schedule written,
online, and classroom materials and training.
Visits and presentations: Demonstrate new functionality and system
capabilities and answer questions.
Communications and
Change Management
Strategies for after go-live:
• Blitzes: Just-in-time communication and resourcing to assist faculty
and others during intense or critical periods (e.g., grading)
Hypercare: Expanded coverage after we go live, focused on customer
support, data integrity, system availability, and performance
Additional Information and Resources
ESUP Website:
ESUP What’s Changing page:
Student Work Stream Website:
HRMS Work Stream Website:
Finance Work Stream Website: