Elbow, Wrist and Hand - Athletic Taping and Bracing

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Transcript Elbow, Wrist and Hand - Athletic Taping and Bracing

Acute Care Lab
Spring ‘10
UCL is most important (Tommy John)
Hyperextension taping
◦ Similar to knee; have the elbow bent about 10-20
 Make a muscle (contract biceps)
 Apply 2 anchors to biceps and 2 anchors to midforearm
 Make a fan, crossing the cubital fossa (2 fans)
 Anchor after each fan
 Close tape job
 Check circulation
Similar to knee collateral taping- elbow bent
10-20 degrees
◦ Apply two anchor strips to biceps area and midforearm
 Contracts biceps muscle
 Applies a fan on either the medial or lateral aspect,
depending on which ligament is injured
 Applies two fans
 Closes tape job and checks circulation
◦ Not very comfortable to throw with
◦ Palm faces down
◦ Palm faces up
Ulnar deviation
◦ Hand moves towards your ulna
Radial deviation
◦ Hand moves towards your radius
◦ Compression (mostly for weight lifting)
◦ Hyperextension (common in offensive lineman)
 Variety of ways to do this
◦ Hyperextension
 Same as above
◦ “Buddy tape”
◦ Hyperextension
◦ Thumb taping (common in majority of sports)
The hand and finger tape jobs will take
◦ We use them just as much as an ankle tape
Don’t get frustrated by it
Go off of the proficiencies
◦ Jeff and myself have variations to each tape job as
does each athletic trainer
 Learn it first then you can add your own variations