Heart Examination

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Pemeriksaan Fisik Sistem Kardiovaskular Aldo Ferly

PF sistem kardiovaskular • • Pemeriksaan prekordial EKG

Pemeriksaan Prekordial • • • • Inspeksi Palpasi Perkusi Auskultasi

Heart’s Inspection 1)Inspect the location of ictus cordis 2)Stated correctly the location of ictus cordis

Heart’s Palpation 1)Apply his/her palm on the thorax wall with a soft pressure 2)Stated correctly the location of ictus cordis

Significance of Apex Beat Lateral apex  signs of Cardiomegally what causes cardiomegally?

Heart’s Percussion 1)Do percussion on the anterior left linea axillaris to find the margin between lung and gaster 2)Two fingers above the lung and gaster’s margin, do a percussion medially to find the left margin of the heart

Heart’s Percussion 3) Do percussion on the left linea parasternalis downward to find heart’s waist 4)Do percussion on the right linea midclaviculae to find the margin between the lung and liver 5)Two finger above the lung and liver’s margin, do a percussion medially to find the right margin of the heart

Heart’s Auscultation 1)Do auscultation while comparing with artery pulsation 2)Auscultate mitral valve (5 th midclavicular) intercostal 3)Auscultate tricuspid valve (4 th sternalis) left linea 4)Auscultate pulmonal valve (2 nd sternalis) left linea 5)Auscultate Aorta valve (2 nd left linea sternalis)

Report • • • • Dari inspeksi: iktus kordis tidak terlihat Dari palpasi: Iktus kordis tidak teraba Dari perkusi, didapatkan bahwa batas jantung normal.

Dari auskultasi: – – Katup mitral Katup trikuspid – – Katup Pulmonal Katup Aorta : : : :

Don’t forget to

EKG • Question: – Leads attached?

– Is it sinus/not ?

– Heart Rate?

– QRS wave time and amplitude?

– Axis deviation?

– Any special features?