Transcript meiosis

Comp Book Question & Answer
Cells divide for growth, repair, & replacement. If
cell division results in two identical cells, then
how is it that siblings do not look identical? I get
DNA from my mother’s and father’s cells and so
did my brother. Yet, we do not look alike.
Please explain what is going on for variety or
diversity to exist. Mitosis is basically the cloning
of cells.
You are not the Mother . . .
1. Why must a mother’s DNA match that of her
biological children? Why would Damian
expect half of the children’s DNA to come
from their mother? Why not 30 or 70 %?
2.) What is the process by which DNA is
transmitted to offspring? How does only half of
the genetic material of the parent get
transmitted to the child?
2A - Draw the process of Mitosis and Meiosis.
Please identify where two major differences are
occurring in the processes.
2B - Explain how the function of Mitosis differs
from the function of Meiosis?
Mitosis vs Meiosis
Mitosis – Somatic Cells (non-sex cells) and
results in 2 identical cells (Growth, repair, and
asexual reproduction)
Meiosis – Sex Cells (sperm or egg) and results in
4 non-identical cells “gametes” (sexual
You are not the Mother . . .
2. What is the process by which DNA is
transmitted to offspring? How does only half of
the genetic material of the parent get
transmitted to the child?
Surrogate Mother and In vitro
In Vitro Fertilization – involves sperm fertilizing
the egg outside of the organism implanted into
female (same father another egg/or her egg)
Surrogate Mother – carrying someone’s baby,
similar to In Vitro (same father another egg)
What is going on?
Why is their a 25% match of DNA between
Lillian and her children?
Hypothesis 1
1. The children’s DNA did not match Lillian’s
because . . . the children were not hers
biologically; rather, they were children of
Dwayne and Lillian’s sister.
Hypothesis 2
The children’s DNA did not match Lillian’s
because . . . the children were Lillian’s
grandchildren – the children of Dwayne and a
hypothesized daughter of Lillian.
Hypothesis 3
The children’s DNA did not match Lillian’s
because . . . The children are the result of in
vitro fertilization with a donated oocyte or egg
Hypothesis 4
The children’s DNA did not match Lillian’s
because . . . She had acted as a surrogate
mother for the children and had not
surrendered the children to the parents upon
Hypothesis 5 ?
What is going on? Please write a sentence or
two to explain what you think is going on.
Student Hypothesis
What if Lydia/Lillian was a surrogate for her
mother? Although this sounds ridiculous, what
percentage of the DNA would Lillian/Lydia share
with the children that she carried?
Does Lillian/Lydia have a sister?
How could twins play a role in how Lydia is not
considered to be the mother? Which twin case
is more likely to explain the case study, identical
twins or fraternal twins? Please explain.
Part II – A Strange Child
Fraternal Twins – non-identical
Two eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm
cells. Fraternal Twins can share up to 50%
A normal Chimera?
If the other set of DNA matches gender then
there will be no appearance of abnormality
We could verify the Dr. by . . .
Analyze the DNA from different places on her