LCFF LCAP Presentation 06 02 14 - Jurupa Unified School District

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Transcript LCFF LCAP Presentation 06 02 14 - Jurupa Unified School District

Local Control Funding Formula
Local Control & Accountability Plan
A comprehensive and cohesive
learning blueprint that includes
stakeholder input, systematic
implementation, monitoring of
effectiveness, and
modification based
on student
Student, and
Analysis, and
and Behavior
Safe and
Understanding Key Requirements
Document reflects simplicity and transparency, yet completes a story
Contains an analysis of data, goals, services, and expenditures that reflect
the needs of all students, especially those with additional needs
Performance based on local decision making
Flexible resource allocation choices that align to local needs, but also
pursue what is needed based on locally determined priorities
Create a Productive Engagement Process
Must consider student needs in state priority areas
Must describe annual goals for each state priority
Reflect annual incremental actions, services, and expenditures
Annual benchmarks to monitor plans progress
Develop a Process with LCFF Design Principles in Mind
as defined by WestEd
Advisory groups and groups that when consulted inform the LCAP
Make the LCAP Parent Ready
Document will be read and understood in a simple, brief, coherent story
More equitable and flexible funding source
If district has greater than 55% of unduplicated LI, EL, and FY
students, they receive additional concentration grant allocation
Jurupa receives Base, Supplemental, and Concentration revenue
Every district receives a per pupil base grant allocation
Almost every district receives a per pupil supplemental grant
allocation for each unduplicated Low Income (LI), English Learner
(EL), and Foster Youth (FY) student
$192M Target 2020/21
Dollars per ADA
Total Gap
(28% May Revision)
$15,650,249 Revenue
Supplemental and
Concentration Grants
Base Grant
Base Grant
LCFF is designed to close the achievement gap by
providing additional funds to support improved student
outcomes and accountability
LCFF system of accountability based upon local needs,
measured by progress toward annual goals, and
explicitly linked to the district’s budget
LCAP is a three-year local plan, annually updated to
support improved student results in eight state priority
LCAP requires stakeholder engagement in planning
process around eight state priority areas
Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) and Title III
Improvement Plan Addendum (IPA) alignment
Priority 1--Basic Services
Priority 5—Student Engagement
Percentage of properly
credentialed teachers
Student access to standards-aligned
instructional materials
Facilities in good repair
School attendance rates
Chronic absenteeism rates
Middle and High school drop out rates
High school graduation rates
Priority 2—Implementation of
Implementation of CCSS for all
students including EL
Priority 3—Parent Involvement
Priority 6—School Climate
Efforts to seek parent input
Student suspension rates
Student expulsion rates
Other local measures, including surveys of
students, parents, and teachers on sense
of safety and school connectedness
Promotion of parent participation
Priority 4—Student Achievement
Performance on standardized and district tests
Share of students determined prepared for college by the
Early Assessment Program
Score on Academic Performance Index
Share of students that are college and career ready
Share of English learners that become English proficient
English learner reclassification rate
Share of students that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3
or higher
Priority 7—Course Access
Student access and enrollment in
all required areas of study
Priority 8—Other Student
Other indicators of performance in
required areas of study
Survey Data in areas of student attendance and achievement, college
and career readiness, and ways to involve parents in their student’s
Support for teachers with Common Core State Standards
(CCSS), i.e., professional development, assessment,
instructional resources, data analysis, early intervention, and
More access to technology, software, and technology support
Smaller class sizes, more instructional time through summer
and extended day, and individual student support
Parent and student engagement, i.e., caring adults, behavior
support, engaging classes, linking parents to community,
feeling connected to school, incentives, and more
Student support for college and career readiness, college
application support, and course variety
All students will be college and career ready.
All students will benefit from the district
engaging and sustaining the trust and
involvement of parents and community in
the educational process.
All students will have a safe, orderly, and
inviting learning environment.
LCAP template groups the eight state priorities into three
categories for planning purposes
Conditions of
College and Career
Data Driven
Decision Making
Parent, Student,
and Community
Priority 1 – Basic
Priority 2 –
Implementation of CCSS
Priority 7 - Course Access
Priority 4 – Pupil
Priority 8 – Other Pupil
Priority 3 – Parent
Priority 5 – Pupil
Priority 6 - School
Units of Study (UOS) Implementation
Two days Professional Development (PD) in August
PD contracts for UOS support and coaching
Additional Teacher Preparation time (15 minutes a day)
Site Level Collaborative Planning Time--ongoing
Intervention and English learner Teachers will provide English Language Development (ELD),
early literacy, strategic and intensive intervention support
Instructional Coaches
Coordinator to support Professional Development program and Coaching Staff
Nine Instructional Classroom Coaches added includes Education Technology Coach
CCSS Instructional Support and Materials
New Mathematics materials in TK-8 and Algebra 1
Library Staff and Access, Resource Specialist, and Bilingual Language Tutors increased time
Supplemental UOS gap materials for ELA/ELD and Mathematics, intervention software, music
support, and digital resources
Career Technical Offerings increased and development of new CTE opportunities
A-G Audit completed
Grade Span Adjustment (GSA) TK-3 Staffing to 27:1 average
Foster Youth Liaison available
Deferred Maintenance and Capital Outlay increased
Units of Study (UOS) Assessments—Pre-, Post-, and Performance Test
Assessment management system and analysis services—EADMS, Key Data,
assessment materials, i.e., printing, scanners, software, support time
Measured Progress SBAC assessment bank to use for UOS assessment
Pilot Online UOS assessments
Post Assessment for foundational skills in every unit for grades TK-1
Running Records each trimester grades 2-5
Baseline SBAC assessment data to inform UOS assessments
Assessment Review Committee (ARC) and UOS committee to review UOS
assessments for CCSS alignment
Teacher collaborative time for data review and instructional modification
CELDT Monitoring for English Learner growth and proficiency in English
Technology and software aligned to technology plan
Professional Development support for technology use
Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO)
Extended day, summer, Saturday, and extended year
Review and develop increased ELO at site level
CAHSEE Intervention includes 3.0 FTEs each high school
Credit Recovery support
Monitoring of Instruction
Increase High School Summer offerings
Professional development on Instructional Walkthrough Observational
Counseling Support to ensure appropriate classroom placement
Career Center Clerks provide college and career information
Language Proficiency Evaluators support assessment and placement of
English learners
Engaging Environment
Professional Development on customer service and parent engagement
Director to support parent, student and community outreach and expand
engagement opportunities
Parent Outreach
Parent trainings based on site-based needs assessment (i.e., ESL,
academic expectations, College requirements, Reclassification process,
literacy, technology, CCSS, importance of attendance)
Parent Centers/Areas
Leadership Opportunities through DAC, DELAC, SSC, ELAC, GAC, and PTA
Parent notification through Parent Connect and Blackboard notification
Additional hours for Library staff to keep library open longer
Translator Clerk Typists in offices
Student Engagement
Student engagement opportunities increased based on site-based needs
assessment (i.e., 100 mile club, AVID, STEM, IB, Honors, AP courses, CTE
offerings, clubs, sports)
AVID Program at all secondary sites
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
Continued Professional Development, coaching stipends, parent meetings,
resource materials, and incentives
Saturday School Implementation
Safe School Plans, CPR training, and emergency supplies
Mental Health Support through coordinated efforts
Health Care Aides and Psychologist support for parent and student
referral for health and mental health services
Autism support and Crisis Prevention training
LCAP/School Improvement Addendum: This addendum will
identify site-based LCAP actions and guide progress on site-level
implementation strategies.
Development of Continuous Feedback System: System will
support district staff in collection and ability to synthesize
stakeholder feedback, and use this data to make improvements to
LCAP and inform implementation.
LCAP/LEAP Advisory Process: Informs the design and
implementation of the LCAP/LEAP, i.e., Education Services,
Principals, Board, Instructional Council, SBCP, DAC, DELAC, SSCs,
and ELACs.
District Education Services, Fiscal Services, and Administrative
Council: Oversees and manages the implementation of the LCAP,
and is made up of district department leads and staff.
June 16—Hearing Session
June 19—Final Board Approval
July 1—Due to RCOE