Chap 8 Interpersonal Communications

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Transcript Chap 8 Interpersonal Communications


 What is (good) interpersonal communication?

 Who do we need to use excellent interpersonal communication with?

 Purpose of effective interpersonal communication  Important characteristics  Using interpersonal communication in ABA settings

What is Good Interpersonal Communication?

What it is NOT…. What it is….

What is Interpersonal Communication?

 “the exchange of information between two or more people. Successful interpersonal communication is when the message senders and message receivers understand the message” - (Wikipedia)  What goes into communicating a message?

 the words   how its said body language/gestures  facial expressions  tone of voice  Activity!

Who do we need to use excellent interpersonal communication with?

 Supervisor  Colleagues  Direct reports  Friends/family/significant others  Professors  Networking  Clients  …ideally we use our excellent interpersonal communication skills with everyone!

(Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Purpose of Effective Interpersonal Communication  To learn about others  To help others learn about you  To influence others  To leave a good impression  Ensure everyone understands the message (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Excellent Communication Characteristics  Are Likeable:  Warm personality  Friendly   Empathetic Down to earth  Like to laugh and tell stories   Real Smile a lot   Genuinely interested in others Accepting  Forgiving  Likeable people are not:  Phony   Threatening Pushy  Rigid   Uptight Intense   Opinionated Judgmental  Brittle (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Interpersonal Communication in ABA Settings  Science is the foundation but…  maximum effectiveness depends on the interpersonal communication  Most common use is related to implementing and managing a behavior program  7 stages to use interpersonal communication skills (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

7 Stages of Interpersonal Communication with Clients  Intake with the client  Present your analysis  Present treatment plan for approval  Preparation and training of the mediator  When the intervention is finally in place  Online Monitoring, Evaluation and Maintenance  Termination (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Initial Intake with the Client

• Establish your position with the client • Goal is to quickly build good rapport        Gain trust Show that you respect the client Be a good listener Show confidence in your behavioral approach Display caring attitude Have friendly demeanor Maintain good eye contact       Be aware of body language of the client Show assertiveness and leadership skills Demonstrate your integrity Smile Use the person’s name Be a good listener (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Keep in Contact

 Recommend at least once per week OR  Prearranged schedule  Let them know you have not forgotten  Reduce client stress (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Present Your Analysis

 Client, client surrogate, department head, VP of human resources or other appropriate people  At the meeting start casually and put people at ease.  Present your findings and recommendations  Be sure to use nontechnical language  Eye contact  Firm, strong voice to show your confidence  Be convincing – want the client to “buy in” to your idea (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Present Your Analysis

 Be prepared to negotiate  Build your case slowly  Be aware of behaviors such as: breaking eye contact, shifting in chair, pushing back from table, rolling eyes, mumbling etc  Show the data – make easy to read and visually attractive  Answer questions  Make use of anecdotes and stories from your own experience  Have paper work (treatment plan) ready to be signed (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Present Treatment Plan for Approval  Ideally, this should be low-key and short  Firm up the agreement  Make explicit request for client consent and cooperation (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Preparation and Training of the Mediator  More likely to be training adults (parents, teachers, paraprofessionals)  Challenging to change set ways  Don’t like being told what to do  Lack confidence in new behaviors  Use task analysis  Be patient!  Model correct behavior, set up role play opportunities, and observe  Use generous amounts of positive feedback and approval  Ask for help from supervisor/boss if you feel unprepared (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

When the Intervention is Finally in Place  Watch closely to make sure protocol is being followed  Use descriptive reinforcement  Be prepared to troubleshoot  Admitting you made a mistake is ok – you’re only human  Help give the mediator confidence and strength  Shape the mediators behavior (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Online Monitoring, Evaluation and Maintenance  Gradually phase yourself out  Drop in occasionally, provide feedback, review data  Let them know when you are proud of them  Give the mediator credit for success of the project (Bailey and Burch, 2010)


 If you gradually fade yourself out the mediator should no longer be dependent on your praise or feedback  Can begin think of the person more as a colleague than a client  Can have a celebration for the client to say good-bye  Make sure it is appropriate  Be sure to show appreciation for the hard work put in by the mediator (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Communicating with Your Boss or Supervisor  Be careful what you say  Don’t discuss other employees  Don’t let them see you as a timid, paranoid, or threatened individual  Be open, constructive, flexible and creative  Make sure to understand what your boss wants from you (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Communicating with Colleagues  Likeability  Trust and respect  Rule 1: Do not gossip (activity time!) (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Communicating with Colleagues  Likeability  Trust and respect  Rule 1: Do not gossip (activity time!)  Change the subject  Circulating good news you want spread is okay  Rule 2: Do not discuss salary or company benefits   Unnecessary/inappropriate Can make people feel uncomfortable  Rule 3: Be wary of dual relationships (Bailey and Burch, 2010)

Communicating with Direct Reports  Supervising others  Treat them the way you would want to be treated  Be respectful  Be the supervisor you once had or did not have  Maintain good stimulus control  Use reinforcement! (Bailey and Burch, 2010)


Additional Readings

(Bailey and Burch, 2010)


 Bailey, J., & Burch, M. (2010). 25 essential skills and strategies for the professional behavior analyst. New York, NY: Routledge.

 Wikipedia and youtube