Safety Data Sheet Trainging

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Safety Data Sheet and
label Training
Prepared by Gary Johnson
October 2013
Background information
• Safety Data Sheets (SDS) must be provided by
manufacturer/provider – required by the
Hazard Communication Standard.
• SDS and labels must conform to the Global
harmonizing System (GHS)
Background information
• Safety data sheets must be provided by
manufacturer/provider/importer –
– These replace the Material Safety Data Sheets
• Labels and SDS must conform to the GHS
– Both required by the Hazard Communication
• SDS contains generally the same information
as the MSDS.
– SDS will be in a consistent 16 - section format
• Section 1
– Identifies the chemical and other common names
or synonyms
– Contains the name , address, and phone number
of the manufacturer/importer.
– Describes briefly the recommended use of the
chemical, and any restrictions on use.
• Section 2
– Identifies the hazard classification of the chemical
– Uses signal words (i.e. warning).
– Gives hazard statements
– Uses pictograms to identify the hazard
– Precautionary statements
– Description of hazards not otherwise classified
– For a mixture gives the percent of each
• Section 3 – substance( one ingredient )
– Chemical name
– Synonyms
– CAS number
– Impurities and stabilizing additives which
contribute to the classification of the chemical
• Section 3 – Mixtures
– Same information as required for Substances
– Chemical name and concentration of all
ingredients classified as health hazard and are
• Present above their cut-off/ concentration limits
• Present a health risk below the cut-off /concentration
– A range may be used if the exact quantities are a trade secret
– There is batch to batch variation
– SDS is used for a group of substantially similar mixtures
• Section 4 – first aid measures
– First aid instructions by relevant routes of
exposure (inhalation, skin and eye contact, and
– Description of symptoms
– Recommendation of immediate medical care and
special treatment , when necessary.
• Section 5 - Fire-Fighting Measures
– Recommend suitable extinguishing equipment,
and information about what equipment that is not
appropriate for a particular situation.
– Advice on specific hazards that develop from the
chemical during a fire – combustion products.
– Recommendation on special protective equipment
for fire fighters.
• Section 6 – Accidental release measures
– Advises appropriate response to spills
– Use of precautions ( remove ignition source,
provide sufficient ventilation)
– Emergency procedures ( evacuation, consult
experts, and PPE)
– Methods and materials for containment
– Cleanup procedures ( neutralize, decontaminate,
adsorbent materials, equipment)
• Section 7 – handling and storage
– Precautions for safe handling including
recommendations for handling incompatible
chemicals, minimize environmental release, and
general hygiene practices advise.
– Recommendation on the conditions for safe
storage including incompatibles, and special
storage requirements (e.g. ventilation)
• Section 8 - Exposure controls, Personal
protective equipment
– OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits(PELs), Threshold
Limit Values (TLVs) and any other exposure limit used
or recommended by the manufacturer.
– Appropriate engineering controls
– Recommendations for PPE (i.e. appropriate types of
eye/face skin or respiratory protection needed based
on hazards and potential exposure.
– Specific special requirement for PPE (i.e. type of glove
material, and breakthrough time of glove material)
• Section 9 – Physical and chemical properties
Odor, and odor threshold
Melting point
Boiling point and range
Flash point
Evaporation rate
Flammability (solid, gas)
• Upper/lower flammability or
explosive limits
• Vapor presure
• Vapor density
• Relative density
• Solubilities
• Partition coefficient
• Auto ignition temperature
• Decomposition temperature
• Viscosity
•Section 10 – Chemical stability and reactivity
• Reactivity
– Specific test data for the
– Chemical stability
• Indication of whether the chemical
is stable or unstable under normal
ambient temperature and
conditions while in storage
• Description of any stabilizers that
may be needed to maintain
chemical stabililty
• Indication of any safety issues that
may arise should the product
change physical appearance.
• Other
– Indicate possible
hazardous reactions,
including polymerization or
reaction that may produce
heat, pressure, or other
hazardous condition.
– List of conditions to avoid
– List of classes of
incompabile materials
– List of know or anticipated
hazardous decomposition
products that could be
produced because of use,
storage or heating
• Section 11 - Toxicological information
– Information on routes of exposure
– Description of delayed, immediate, or chronic effect
from short and long term exposure
– Numerical measures of toxicity ( i.e. acute toxicity
estimates LD50)
– Description of symptoms. Form lowest to the most
severe exposure
– National Toxicology Program (NTP) listing as
carcinogen, or International Agency for Research on
Cancer(IARC) monographs or potential carcinogen by
• Section 12, 13, 14, 15 – non mandatory
– Ecological information – not regulated by OSHA –
but by DEQ
– Disposal considerations – not regulated by OSHA –
but by DEQ
– Transport information – not regulated by OSHA –
but by DOT
– Regulatory information
• National or regional regulatory information
• Section 16
– When the SDS was prepared or the last known
revision was made.
– Any other useful information provided by
• Must contain hazard pictograms / hazard
• Must contain signal words
• As of June 1, 2015 all containers will be
required to have GHS compliant labels
– All secondary containers must have these labels
• Flame Over Circle
• Oxidizer
• Flame
• flammable
• Exploding Bomb
• Explosives
• Skull and Crossbones
• Poisonous
• Corrosion
• Gas Cylinder
• Health Hazard
• Environment
• Exclamation Mark
• Categories range from 1-5 for health hazards
– The larger the number the lower the hazard.
• Full information at
• Categories range from 1-6 for explosive hazard
• Different span dependent on hazard see site
above for specifics.
• OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1200(g) and Appendix D. United
Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and
Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), third revised edition, United
Nations, 2009. These references and other information
related to the revised Hazard Communication Standard can
be found on OSHA's Hazard Communication Safety and
Health Topics page, located at:
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