World Teaches Day 2013 “A Call for Teachers!”

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Transcript World Teaches Day 2013 “A Call for Teachers!”

Teachers Quality Learning & Citizenship Conversations for Positive Social Change

A Call for Teachers!” on World Teachers’ Day 2013 (5 October) – With International and Local Partners: UNESCO, International Labour Organization (ILO), UNDP, UNICEF and Education International (EI) – Ministries and Departments of Education & Teacher Unions Since teachers are the most powerful force for equity, access and quality education, a call for teachers means calling for quality education for all.

Quality education offers hope and the promise of a better standard of living.

There is no stronger foundation for lasting peace and sustainable development than a quality education provided by well trained, valued, supported and motivated teachers.

Teachers’ professional knowledge and skills are the most important factor for quality education. This World Teachers’ Day, we call for teachers to receive stronger training upfront

and continual professional development and support...

Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General

Why a Call for teachers?

There is a huge shortage of professional, well-trained and well-supported teachers The challenge of recruiting teachers does not lie just in the numbers, but in the provision of quality teachers. Far too often teachers remain under-qualified, poorly paid and with low status .

Lets Take a Stand for



• A greater number of teachers are required if adequate provision of primary, secondary, higher, technical and vocational, or non-formal education is to be assured.

• Teachers have a bigger role to play – what are the competencies in hand..? How can we expand them? – Teachers With Imagination & Courage; Teachers Without Frontiers • Are training institutions prepared for national and global challenges – multiple literacies?

• Are Teacher Unions and Associations prepared to expand their horizons –bargaining for rights – teachers’ status – child rights?


• • • •

Teachers Parents Society

Article 25 A -18

The State


Amendment – Education A Constitutional Fundamental Right State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law”.

Whose responsibility is Right to Education?

Status of Right to Education Acts and Ordinances Provision for teachers- in 25 A

• • Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act (2012)-Islamabad Capital Territory

Punjab RTE - Bill is ready but not shared with Public or tabled in the Assembly :

• Website of SED says : Draft for legislation under Article 25-A, has been prepared and submitted to the Law Department. This law will be placed here after getting approval.

Retrieved from

: • • •

Right to Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (2013)–Sindh Balochistan Free and Compulsory Education Ordinance (2013)

No Rules made anywhere yet.. !

The unequivocal centrality of the clauses presented by each Act needs to be recognized by all for timely action aligned to the core education mandates of teacher unions and other stakeholders 5

Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act as passed by the Senate (Islamabad Capital Territory);

Clauses for Teachers – in the Act

17. Terms and conditions of service of teachers. (1) No person shall be appointed as a teacher unless he possesses the prescribed qualifications.

(2) Where the persons having the prescribed qualifications are not available, the appropriate government may, by notification, relax the prescribed qualifications, for a period not exceeding two years: Provided that a teacher, who at the commencement of this Act, does not possess the prescribed qualifications, shall acquire such qualifications within a period of two years.

18. Duties of teachers. (1) A teacher shall perform the following duties, namely:— (a) maintain regularity and punctuality in attending the school; (b) complete the curriculum and syllabi within the specified time;

Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act as passed by the Senate (Islamabad Capital Territory); Clauses for Teachers (c) assess the learning abilities of every child and supplement additional instructions, if any, as required; (d) all round development of the child; (e) building up child’s knowledge, potentiality and talent; (f) adopt learning through activities, discovery and exploration in a child friendly and child-centered manner; (g) make the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety and help the child to express views freely; (h) hold regular meetings with parents and share with them the relevant information about the child; and (i) perform such other duties as may be prescribed.

(2) A teacher committing default in performance of duties specified in sub-section (1), shall be liable to disciplinary action under the applicable service laws.

Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act as passed by the Senate (Islamabad Capital Territory); Clauses for Teachers 19. Other teachers related matters. (1) The appropriate Government shall ensure that the prescribed Pupil-Teacher Ratio, is maintained in each school within one year from the date of commencement of this Act.

(2) The appointing government shall ensure that vacancies of teachers in a school shall not exceed ten per cent of the total sanctioned strength and such vacancy shall be filled within four months.

(3) No teacher shall be deployed for any non-educational purposes other than the population census, disaster relief duties or duties relating to elections.

(4) Every child completing his education shall be awarded a proper certificate, in such form and in such manner, as may be prescribed.

(5) The grievances, if any, of a teacher shall immediately be redressed in such manner as may be prescribed.

Teachers Unions/Association A Formidable Organized Force Globally & Nationally – Teachers Part of the Problem

but must be mobilized as Part of a Very Big Solution

• • • • • Punjab has more than .6 million teachers as members of some union /association : Punjab Teachers Union (PTU) – 450,000 members registered – oldest (1937) for public sector teachers BS 9 to BS Primary, Elementary Teachers Association (PETA), Punjab, Secondary School Teachers Association Private Sector Schools Associations • • Each province has Teacher Unions and Associations organized from primary to tertiary or University level –these are registered and well organized bodies Teacher Unions are a good platform for social and professional dialogues to improve Quality Education responding to challenges in society and learning 9

Type Pre Primary Primary Middle High Higher Secondary Degree Colleges Universities Pakistan

Teachers in Pakistan- Scale


436,928 334,984 395,709 81,103 36,349 63,557

1,348,630 2011-2012

427,400 351,400 458,700 97,600 40,200 70,100


Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan (2012-2013)

Province Punjab Sindh Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Balochistan Islamabad Capital Territory FATA Azad Jammu and Kashmir Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan

Teachers by Province

Total Number of Teachers

752,361 286,177 187,164 52,515 15,340 25,074 46,724 9,876

1,375,231 Share of Total (in %)










Source: Pakistan Education Statistics 2011-12

Level Pre-Primary Primary Middle High Higher Sec.

Inter College Degree College Total

Challenge of Gender in Public Sector – the Case of Gilgit Baltistan


2,970 2,440 398 120 125 287

6,340 Female

1,608 1,152 542 72 61 101




4,578 3,592 940 192 186 388


Source: Pakistan Education Statistics 2011-12

Professional Competencies- Another Challenge !


Primary Middle High High Secondary

Professional Qualification



Other Trained




Other Trained




Other Trained




Other Trained

Total Pakistan

150,487 55,377 57,065 7,417 46,342


9,409 21,879 40,484 6,977 38,894


9,609 25,520 68,089 24,531 55,897


965 3,028 13,898 9,183 8,072

35,146 Gilgit Baltistan

579 900 1,678 89 44


283 443 1,681 107 17


10 8 29 -




Public & Private Sector Institutions

Province/ Region Punjab Sindh Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Balochistan Islamabad Capital Territory FATA Azad Jammu and Kashmir Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan Public Institutions Institutions Teaching Staff

58,645 327,307 50,789 27,636 12,405 158,883 120,472 43,497 418 9,412 5,625 6,170 1,112


20,495 31,264 6,495

717,825 Private Institutions Institutions Teaching Staff

43955 415,653 10179 6732 898 121,551 63,948 8,277 504 5,746 330 1,957 436


4,530 15,114 2,949


Source: Pakistan Education Statistics 2011-12

CHALLENGES OF QUALITY & ACCESS In Pakistan learning levels of 5-16 children reveals (ASER 2012) 50% of Children in grade 5 unable to reach competencies of grade 2 ! 5.7 million children of primary age group are out of school 25 million children 5-16 years are out of school The Education Emergency persists in Pakistan - Who is taking notice?


ASER PAKISTAN 2012 Learning Levels- GB has better results!

Learning Levels – Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto

Class 2 level text Children who can read story Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto 2011 2012 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 36 31 51 47 17 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Language Learning levels for class 4 have improved by 5% since 2011 49% of Class 5 students cannot read Class 2 story 65 60 Class 6

Learning Levels (Class 5):


Learning Levels - English

Class 2 level text Children who can read English sentences 2011 2012 100 80 60 40 20 0 19 13 Class 3 34 25 Class 4 48 41 Class 5 63 56 Language Learning levels for class 4 have improved by 9% since 2011 Almost 52% of the children may complete primary without learning how to read fluently in English at grade II competencies Class 6

Learning Levels

(Class 5)

: English


Learning Levels - Arithmetic

Class 2 level

100 80 60 40 20 0

Children who can do division

2011 15 10 Class 3 29 22 Class 4 2012 44 37 Class 5

Language Learning levels for class 4 & 5 have improved by 7% since 2011 Almost 56% of the children may complete class 5 without learning how to do division at grade II/III competencies

58 52 Class 6

Learning Levels (Class 5): Arithmetic

Learning levels – Boys vs. Girls

(5-16 Years)

Girls continue to lag behind boys in learning levels Learning levels by gender Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto

100 80 60 40 20 0

37 45

Girls Boys Who can read at least sentences

Learning levels by gender English

100 80 60 40 20 0

40 48

Girls Boys Who can read at least words

Learning levels by gender Arithmetic





0 Girls Boys Who can at least do subtraction

Girls are behind boys by 9% in basic Arithmetic

Learning levels – Public vs. Private

Learning Levels are better in Private schools overall

100 80 60 40 20 0 69

Learning levels by school type Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto

Government 83 38 Private 58 48 63 Class 1: Can read at least letters Class 3: Can read at least sentences Class 5: Can read at least story 100 80 60 40 20 0 32

Learning levels by school type English

Government Private 69 57 43 43 64 Class 1: Can read at least small letters Class 3: Can read at least words Class 5: Can read at least sentences  48% children in government and 63% children in private schools in class 5 can read class 2 Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto story.

 43% of the children in Government schools and 64% of children in private schools can read English sentences.

Learning levels by school type Arithmetic

Government Private 100 80 60 40 20 0 32 53 35 56 Class 1: Can recognize at least numbers (10-99) Class 3: Can at least do subtraction 41 55 Class 5: Can at least do division

School Attendance

Attendance - Students and Teachers

1 in every 5 children in government schools was absent from school

Overall attendance is better in Private schools Primary

Children Attendance (%) on the day of visit

Government schools Elementary High Others Overall Primary Private schools Elementary High Children attendance Teacher attendance 79.1
















Others 82.5


13% and 14% teachers in private and government schools respectively were found to be absent Overall 86.2


Collecting Deeper Evidence by ITA Research & Governance Centre

Teacher Characteristics, Actions and Perceptions: What Matters for Student Achievement in Pakistan?


Shenila Rawal, Monazza Aslam and Baela Jamil

Background & Key Questions

• • • • • • • Drive for UPE, access and quality.

ASER data (various years) consistently show a vast majority of pupils aged between five and sixteen years of age lacking behind in basic competencies.

Teacher quality recognised as one of the most significant institutional determinants of academic success Improvements in teaching may be the most effective ways of raising educational quality However, debate regarding which characteristics of teachers are important is taking place.

Key Question: what makes one teacher more effective than another?

In this paper, teacher attitudes and opinions are investigated to give a more holistic approach to researching teacher effectiveness and its impact on student learning.

Source and Methodology of Data Collection

SchoolTELLS-Pakistan survey of 120 primary schools in rural Punjab.

Survey covered three districts: Faisalabad, Mianwali and Rahim Yar Khan.

20 villages from each district and two schools from each village (1 Government, 1 Private, where available) totalling sample 120 schools overall.

Each school visited once, teacher absence recorded.

Series of questionnaires – school questionnaire, teacher questionnaire, student questionnaires.

More on data…variables include

Students:  Standard variables (age, gender etc.)  Children’s aspirations  Ability (Ravens test)  Private tuition  Details on their health in the last three years  Their involvement with household chores as well as in the family business.


 Teacher’s age  Qualifications  Experience  Political affiliations etc.  Information on pedagogical style and time-on-task.  Questions on teachers’ views on various aspects of the teaching profession  A teacher test aimed at evaluating the teachers’ ability to teach at the primary school level.

Key findings: Actions, skills, perceptions?

• • • • • •

Ability to teach, subject matter knowledge and attitudes to teaching matter more than observable teacher characteristics.

Teachers’ salary not appear to significantly affect their students’ performance.

Teachers’ levels of satisfaction with their salary rates also do not significantly impact student outcomes.

Teacher’s skills matter!

The tests conducted on teachers in math and language aimed at understanding levels of teacher skills and subject.

Teachers maths scores are positively related to student outcomes.

Key findings: Attitudes, Perceptions & Competencies

• Perceptions and attitudes: Teachers who are dissatisfied with the school’s facilities are also associated with poor student performance.

• Those teachers who are associated with political parties and those that are active in teacher unions have a significant negative impact on student learning with low test scores than for those taught by less politically active teachers. How can the engagement be positive professionally for learning outcomes?

• Teachers who are confident in their maths teaching capabilities have students who perform significantly better than those who are less confident.

Key findings: Gender biases?

• • • • • Gender matching of teachers and students in Pakistan according to the findings is not of significance.

A large proportion of both male and female teachers are of the opinion that boys are more capable in maths than girls.

And more significantly a higher percentage of male teachers than female teachers are of the opinion that boys are more enthusiastic about their studies.

However, neither of these aforementioned biases appears to significantly impact on student test scores.

This suggests that although teachers in Pakistan may hold some gender biases about their pupils’ capabilities, these do not appear to impact on the results of the children they teach.

Research Matters for Raising the Professional Status of Teachers

Pre STEP Initiative for Teacher Education in Pakistan – Ground Baking Pre –Service Professional Development (2008-2013)


Pre STEP Supported :

22 Pakistani universities and 75 teacher colleges to raise the level of academic standards in teacher education programs • •


1887 scholarships 21 research grants to partner universities and apex bodies to conduct research on effective teacher preparation strategies and their implementation

Teacher Licensing is the next Big Initiative and Will Elevate the Status of Teachers- We must do it!

Shifting Paradigm of Teacher Education-

From In-Service Training to Continuous Professional Development

New Model

In-service Education & Training Pre-service Education &Training Training Follow-Up Incentives Other Pedagogical Support Accountability Accreditation and Licensing

Source: Kiyani – DSD 2012

ISO 9001 - 2008 Box Adjusting Systematically to New Realities

• • • • •


From empty vessels to adult reflective practitioners From one-off training to long term systematic training opportunities, at the local, provincial and national levels From fragmented dislocated training, to processes in contexts and cultures that make space for in-service capacity-building opportunities addressing lifelong teacher education From skill training, to training on content supported by school/curricular reforms From isolated/individual efforts, to collaborative processes where support groups can be developed through mentors or District Teacher Educators and Teacher Educators From passive participants, to thinkers, actors and key reform agents.

Addressing Teachers Shortages

A Total of 5.24 million teachers needed by 2015 world wide

57 million children of primary school age currently out of school, 54 percent of them are girls 250 Million children are not learning

Situation in Pakistan

In each province/area the Education Sector Plans being developed to identify teacher shortages against targets of enrolments needed for right to education 25 A for 5-16 year olds Education needs higher allocations – Beyond the 2 percent GDP and currently even lower expenditures!

International Pledges and Commitments

EFA Goals

MDGs 2 & 3

Emerging Post 2015 Development Agenda

GMR UNESCO - Education Transforms Lives

Education For All Goals : Six internationally agreed education goals to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015.

Goal 1

Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

Goal 2

Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to, and complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality.

Goal 3

Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes.

Goal 4

Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults.

Goal 5

Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality.

Goal 6

Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.

Pakistan is struggling to achieve these by December 2015! The challenges of learning and governance are multiplying in Pakistan

The Post 2015 Challenges – 14 Core Areas For Our Teachers

A comprehensive and transformative agenda was discussed at the 68 th UN General Assembly last week covering14 areas; Poverty, gender and education as cross cutting Each of the 14 areas is about education and teachers engaging actively for understanding and action to make a difference to society and responsible citizenship.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Eradicate poverty in all its forms through a multifaceted approach; Tackle exclusion and inequality; Empower women and girls –with equal access of women and girls to all services;

Provide quality education and lifelong learning: Young people should be able to receive high-quality education and learning, from early childhood development to post-primary schooling, including not only formal schooling but also life skills and vocational education and training;

Improve Health ; Address Climate Change; Address environmental challenges; Promote inclusive and sustainable growth and decent employment End hunger and malnutrition; Address the Demographic Challenges; Enhance the Positive Contributions of Migrants; Meet the challenges of urbanization; Build peace and effective governance based on the rule of law and sound institutions and Foster a renewed global partnership

Global Monitoring Report GMR - Proposed Goals

Education transforms lives- GMR

Education lights every stage of the journey to a better life, especially for the poor and the most vulnerable.

That means making special efforts to ensure that all children and young people – regardless of their family income, where they live, their gender, their ethnicity, whether they are disabled – can benefit equally from its transformative power.

Education empowers girls and young women, in particular, by increasing their chances of getting jobs, staying healthy and participating fully in society – and it boosts their children’s chances of leading healthy lives.

To unlock the wider benefits of education, all children need the chance to complete not only primary school but also lower secondary school. And access to schooling is not enough on its own: education needs to be of good quality so that children actually learn. Given education’s transformative power, it needs to be a central part of any post-2015 global development framework.

ITA Contributions – Research, Awards and Social Dialogues for World Teachers Day 2004-2015

• Status of Teachers 2008

-Social Dialogues

• Empowered Stories

- Anita Ghulam Ali WTD Awards -Mobilization of Teachers Unions -Research diversity -Policy Round Tables -Teacher Education - Quality Assurance

Call for Empowered Teachers Stories Volume II - UNESCO ITA

• • • • Details: ITA/IPL and UNESCO calls for Stories from Teachers in Pakistan on Best Practices on National Professional Standards for Teachers 2009* Full document for downloading at: ndards%20for%20Teachers.pdf & Ideas given below for each of the 10 Standards The best 100 stories will be selected by an eminent panel of practitioners, each one translated in Urdu/English to be published as "Stories from Empowered Teachers II" 2013 ;for use in classrooms and teacher education institutions across Pakistan Who can write: Teachers from ALL SCHOOL SYSTEMS ACROSS PAKISTAN (as long as a teacher is a practicing one ) Words’ Limit: 500-750 words - to be concluded with some key questions for tomorrows teachers .. some ideas to consider at the end of the story Important Dates: August 30- September 30th, 2013 43

A Call for Action Some Pledges & Responses By Teacher Unions On September 8, 2013 International Literacy Day .. • Get as many out of school children enrolled as possible • Impart education through modern teaching methodologies in the classroom • Focus on teacher and student learning outcomes by emphasising on teaching abilities and interactive learning environment • Provision of free or subsidized education to deserving students to encourage greater enrolment • Lobby and advocacy with different stakeholders for promotion and implementation of Article 25-A.

There is a dire need to work collectively at all levels to enhance Status of Education in Pakistan ------- ---A LONG WAY OF STRUGGLE