Transcript Slide 1

EAQUALS & International
A quality partnership
Sarah Aitken
EAQUALS Executive Director
What is EAQUALS?
• Founded as a European association in 1991
• Mission: to foster and contribute to the development of language
• An international accreditation scheme for language education
• 107 accredited member institutions and 27 associate members in 32
• Participatory status at the Council of Europe
• A global network of language education professionals
• 12 national quality associations are EAQUALS members
Members and Partners
• Founder members –
the association
the members involved in setting up
• Accredited members –
language education providers that
have demonstrated in an inspection that they fully meet the
EAQUALS standards
• Associate members –
cultural agencies, national
associations, examination boards, etc. which contribute to quality
language education
• Project partners –
organisations not eligible for full or
associate membership which participate in EAQUALS projects (not
members of EAQUALS)
An international network
British Council
CIEP, France – Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques
Instituto Cervantes (Spain)
National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (ACELS)
Goethe-Institut HQ (Germany)
Cambridge English Language Assessment
PASE Polish Association for Standards in Language Education
CEBS (Centre for Languages for Professional and Vocational Uses) Austria
g.a.s.t (Society of Academic Study Preparation and Test Development)
Camões, Instituto da Cooperacão e da Lingua, Portugal
The EAQUALS Mission
• to contribute to the development of excellence
in language education
• to be the internationally recognised authority for
quality standards and quality assurance in
language education and training
Intercultural understanding
International cooperation
Lifelong learning
EAQUALS Purposes
• To achieve excellence through accreditation of quality in
language learning services.
• To bring together providers of language education services.
• To seek to encourage greater awareness of consumer rights and
quality issues in language learning.
• To assist national and international bodies to develop
accreditation schemes.
• To provide support through self assessment, management
training and consultancy.
Our expertise
• Quality management:
- design of quality accreditation schemes
- inspection processes
- assessment methodology
- training and standardisation
- help with setting up schemes
• The Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR):
- descriptors, curriculum, assessment,
- portfolio, certification
• Teacher management and professional development:
- profiling grid for teachers
- teacher competences and development framework
- teacher training and evaluation
- academic management
EAQUALS activities
• Inspection and accreditation of educational institutions and
training centres
• Regular conferences, workshops on members’ special interest
• Participation in external projects with others
• Certification of CEFR levels
• Pathways to quality for institutions – advisory services, selfhelp materials, training
• Consultancy for national bodies on language training and
quality assurance
Projects with partners
• Core Inventory for English (with the British Council)
• With the Council of Europe: conferences on the linguistic
integration of adult migrants
• With ISO: developing a standard for providers of learning
services and language learning services
• With ALTE: the EAQUALS-ALTE and electronic ELP
• Current EU-funded project examples: ELP Project, Nellip
Project, Quality Gudelines Project
European Profiling Grid Pilot
• Language and culture – proficiency; intercultural
competence; language awareness
• Qualifications and experience – education and
training; assessed teaching; teaching experience
• Core teaching competences - methodology;
planning; classroom management; assessment; digital
• Professional conduct - professionalism,
EAQUALS Accreditation Scheme
• international
• plurilingual
• cross- sector
• consultative
• based on Charters: General, Course Participants,
Staff and Information
Joint Inspections
• 16 IH schools are members of EAQUALS
• IH London and IH San Sebastian – Lacunza are founding
• Joint inspection scheme launched in 2008
• 1 EAQUALS inspector & 1 IH/EAQUALS inspector
• Standard inspection covering EAQUALS/IH requirements
plus elements specific to the IH Charters and Affiliation
Joint inspections
• 2-day joint EAQUALS/IH inspection plus an IH day
• IH day timetable:
- Training session for teachers
- Check IH branding and compliance with our Affiliation
- Recruitment advice for teachers
- Additional meetings with marketing and finance
- Consultancy and advice as required
Further collaboration
• Reciprocal agreements on exhibiting at each others events. We can
promote and support each other.
• EAQUALS and IHWO will inform each other about developments
and projects relevant to both organisations.
• Joint projects – International House and EAQUALS will seek to run
joint projects especially in the area of promoting quality,
accreditation and training.
• Commercial projects - International House can provide the teacher
training courses or teacher trainers that EAQUALS commercial
projects may require.
[email protected]