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Mark 10: 46-52
Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large
crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (that is, the Son of
Timaeus), was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard that it was
Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on
Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more,
“Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.”
So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling
you.” Throwing his cloak aside (where he collected the coins/editor), he
jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man
said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go,” Jesus said, “your faith has healed you.”
Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
Results of Vestry Election
Frank Anderson
Heidi Gant
Bob McCartin
Karin Remington
Mary Ellen Howey
Lynette Telford
1.What do you have in common/not have in common with Bartimaeus?
2.What is the phrase/image/freeze frame that most grabs your attention?
3.What is the significance of this phrase/image in your life now?
If you take this part of the story seriously what happens?
What might hold you back from letting this story influence your life?
What might move you toward letting this story influence your life?
What encouragement might you need to let this story influence your life?
4.How might the same phrase/image apply to the community of St Nick’s?
If we were to take this story seriously what would happen?
What might hold us back from letting this story influence our life?
What might move us toward letting this story influence our life?
How does this story inform what we are called to do/to be as individuals in community?
How does this story inform what we are called to do/to be as community?
Wardens Report
The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are glad indeed.
Psalm 126:4
Wardens Report
Accomplishments in 2008-2009:
Completed/occupied the church building (Apr. 2008)
Held first Holy Week/Easter services in the new building (Apr. 2009)
Dedicated/consecrated the new building – 300+ attendees (May 2009)
Begun exploring/experimenting with our space (Jun. 2009)
Kicked off our first full program year in the new building (Sep. 2009)
Added 90+ new people to our fellowship since last annual meeting
Wardens Report
Goals for 2009-2010:
Become more “settled in” & “organized” while continuing to explore.
Assist newer members to become engaged in the work of the church.
Assist all parishioners in discerning their unique callings in leadership.
Strengthen/support/expand our programs/ministries.
Begin to develop plans for a second morning service
Stabilize finances: income = expenses by mid-to-late 2010.
Wardens Report
Dreams for the Future (beyond 2010):
To be a place to belong & become for all whom God sends to us.
To be a place of ministry and a place of healing.
To be a place to be strengthened to do God’s work.
To live fully into our vision of being a place united by Christ alone (his love
for us, and ours for him and each other).
To be a place fully committed to supporting the work of God through the
To be a place to be called fully into life
Wardens Report
Needed to accomplish our Goals and Dreams:
A fully engaged membership.
A partnership of clergy and laity.
Generosity of time/talent/treasure.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come into God's presence with singing.
Psalm 101:1-2
Our Mission
Worship is the heart and soul of our faith community
Believing that corporate worship is the heart and soul of Christian
faith and that “all who seek God and are drawn to Christ are
welcome at Christ’s Table,” our vision is to foster a worship
environment that is joyful, warm, and relaxed, yet reverent,
inspiring, and uplifting; appreciative of Anglican liturgical and
musical traditions, yet open to learn from other tradition and
forms. We strive for a worship experience that is inviting to the
newcomer and the stranger, and accessible to people of diverse
backgrounds, ages, and traditions. We seek the active involvement
in liturgy and music by clergy and laity, young and old.
Accomplishments in 2008-2009:
Called new Music Director – Steven Carman (Nov. 2008)
Held first Holy Week/Easter services in new building (Apr. 2009)
Dedicated/consecrated the new building – 300+ attendees (May 2009)
Began the process of adapting our services to dedicated space and
recruiting/(re)training servers (June 2009).
Goals for 2009-2010:
Recruit/train full worship teams for all services (target: Dec. 2009).
Begin to develop plans for 2nd morning service (target: Lent 2010).
Complete liturgical outfitting of worship space (target: Fall 2010).
Start a children’s choir (target: Fall 2010).
Dreams for the Future (beyond 2010):
Using our music program creatively, to attract people to St. Nick’s.
Installation of organ (a significant, though not exorbitant expense).
Possible joint choir programs with other congregation.
Install a labyrinth on our site.
Needed to accomplish our Goals and Dreams:
Volunteer Worship Servers (all positions).
Continued growth.
Spiritual Formation – Children & Youth
"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."
Matthew 19:14
Spiritual Formation – Children & Youth
Our Mission
A Safe, Peaceful, Nurturing Place to Explore, Learn, Love and Belong
Guided by and sustained in Christ, our vision is founded in a welcoming
spirit that encourages a flexible, creative, and active learning environment
for the entire community. Children and Youth will find at St. Nicholas a
safe, peaceful, nurturing place to explore, learn, love and belong, and a
playful curriculum that facilitates a growing relationship with God,
communication with our community and opportunities to embrace
Spiritual Formation – Children & Youth
Accomplishments in 2008-2009:
Continued to grow Sunday school student population (25+ K-6 Kids).
Held Children/Youth Summits to plan educ. programs for new space (Aug.
Started Youth Program (15+ Youth) &Confirmation Program (Sep. 2009).
Spiritual Formation – Children & Youth
Goals for 2009-2010:
Recruit/train more Sunday School Teachers/Youth Program Leaders
(target: Dec. 2009).
First Confirmations from new Youth Program (target: Spring 2010).
Achieve greater stability/consistency in program/teachers/students.
Spiritual Formation – Children & Youth
Dreams for the Future (beyond 2010):
Mission Trips for Youth Program.
Service projects for older Sunday School kids and Youth Program.
Addition of a dedicated part-time Youth Leader/Minister.
Needed to accomplish our Goals and Dreams:
More Volunteer Teachers (keep existing volunteers from burning out).
Generosity in giving to support a part-time Youth Leader/Minister.
Spiritual Formation – Adults
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me;
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:29
Spiritual Formation – Adults
Our Mission
A Place of Welcome for Adults to Examine and Deepen Their Spiritual Walk
Grounded in scripture and in obedience to Christ, we offer
opportunities for adults to examine and develop their
Christian faith and wrestle with the question, “How do I live
out my faith in everyday life?”
Spiritual Formation – Adults
Accomplishments in 2008-2009:
Expanded Sunday Adult Program (15+ adults and growing in Sep. 2009)
Established reg. Tues. Bible Study Breakfast (8+ adults in Sep. 2009).
Two seasonal book studies (Advent 2008/Summer 2009) & retreat.
Goals for 2009-2010:
Increased congregational participation in/lay leadership of programs.
Continue EfM program in coordination with other parishes.
“Theology on Tap” (Pub Evangelism/Spiritual Formation)
Spiritual Formation – Adults
Dreams for the Future (beyond 2010):
Adult programs year round, greater variety, and for specific target
groups or issues.
Develop self-sustaining small groups.
Open adult spiritual formation offerings to non-parishioners.
Needed to accomplish our Goals and Dreams:
Greater engagement of the congregation.
Lay Volunteers.
Parish Life
"This is my commandment,
that you love one another as I have loved you."
John 15:12
Parish Life
Our Mission
A Welcoming Community Where People Can Find a Spiritual Home
Believing that the only sufficient basis for Christian community is Christ’s
love for us, our vision is to create a welcoming community where people of
faith from all backgrounds can find a spiritual home. We offer a variety of
opportunities to explore faith, build community, strengthen friendships
and have fun. We strive for a balance of organizational structure and laidback atmosphere where strangers are welcomed, newcomers are included,
diversity is celebrated, leadership is shared, and sharing the Good News
with our friends and neighbors leads to the growth of our spiritual
Parish Life
Accomplishments in 2008-2009:
Sponsored gala hospitality event after Dedication of Building (May ‘09).
Held Hospitality Summit to plan for welcoming/incorporating visitors in
new building (Aug. 2009)
Sponsored several other hospitality events: (a) End of Summer Tailgate
Picnic, (b) Kick-Off Sunday Fellowship, (c) special hospitality at Blessing
of the Animals service.
Parish Life
Goals for 2009-2010:
Continue to optimize use of building space for hospitality, including
installation of kitchen (Nov. 2009)
Develop two annual community fundraising events that both draw the
whole congregation together and draw in the surrounding community
(Spring 2010/Fall 2010)
Regular monthly fellowship programs suitable mixing newcomers and
vintage members.
Quarterly New Member Welcome liturgy.
Parish Life
Dreams for the Future (beyond 2010):
Become a gathering place for the surrounding community.
Creative ways of encouraging group fellowship that make effective use of
Needed to accomplish our Goals and Dreams:
Greater engagement of the congregation.
Lay Volunteers.
"I was hungry and you gave me food...
thirsty and you gave me something to drink...
a stranger and you welcomed me...
naked and you gave me clothing...
sick and you took care of me...
in prison and you visited me."
Matthew 25:34-36
Our Mission
Transforming the World with Small Deeds Done with Great Love
Responding to Christ's call to proclaim the Gospel by both word and deed,
our vision is to serve the diverse community around us, inclusive of all
cultures and ages, responding with love and compassion to those in need
within our congregation, in the greater community, and throughout the
world. We serve all God's people and transform the world with small deeds
done with great love, one at a time.
Accomplishments in 2008-2009:
Continuing Outreach Programs:
(a) El Hogar Vocational School in Honduras (supporting 2 students),
(b) Germantown HELP (food collection),
(c) Shady Grove Nursing Home (communion ministry),
(d) Adopt-A-Highway (Darnestown Road clean-up),
(e) M.D.G. Project (mosquito nets to fight malaria),
(f) Animal Welfare League (Blessing of Animals bake sale & offering).
New Outreach Programs:
(a) Outreach Sundays (monthly, intergenerational outreach project ).
(b) InterFaith Works (winter coat collection).
Recruited new Outreach co-chairs: Rose Mahan & Reynold Kirby-Smith.
Goals for 2009-2010:
Focus on doing a few Outreach programs well.
Increase our MDG giving to achieve our goal of 1% of normal operating
Open our building for use by community organizations.
Dreams for the Future (beyond 2010):
Work with Diocese/other churches to sponsor a Kids-4-Peace program.
Partner with other organizations in outreach activities.
Creative use of property for Outreach (e.g. community garden).
Needed to accomplish our Goals and Dreams:
Lay Volunteers.
Generosity in giving.
Administration & Ministry Support
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God,
serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10
Administration & Ministry Support
Our Mission
Stewards of God's Many Gifts
As individuals and as a community of faith, we are good stewards of the
many gifts we have received through God's grace and love. We respond to
God's generosity by supporting God's work in the church and in the world.
Administration & Ministry Support
Accomplishments in 2008-2009:
Completed construction and occupied church building (Apr. 2009).
Brought on board two seminarians to assist with programs (Sep. 2009).
Moved from Pledge Giving to Estimated Giving (Nov. 2009).
Individual giving to parish operations continues to grow (but income still
short of expenses).
Administration & Ministry Support
Goals for 2009-2010:
Reach breakeven point (increasing income surpasses already increased
fixed expenses).
Raise additional $90,000 in capital for remaining to complete repayment
of building contractors and/or pay down additional indebtedness.
Start regular twice annual, community-building fundraisers (spring and
fall), possibly in coordination with Seneca Academy.
Administration & Ministry Support
Dreams for the Future (beyond 2010):
Begin renting classroom space to Seneca Academy.
Complete Afforestation project and retire our bonds.
Complete entrance from Darnestown Road.
Continue construction of remaining phases, perhaps in defraying expenses
through classroom space rental by Seneca Academy.
Administration & Ministry Support
Needed to accomplish our Goals and Dreams:
Generosity in giving.
Continued determination.
Investment Allocation by Ministry Area
October 2009
Construction and Finances
Completion, Occupancy, and Dedication
•Building Completed and Occupied (April 2000). After years of hard work by the
Building Construction Committee, under the diligent and determined leadership of its
chair, Dave Ruf, St. Nicholas Church completed and occupied its first building in April
2009, just in time to celebrate Holy Week and Easter.
•Building Dedicated (May 2009). After much preparation by the Parish Life
committee, under the creative leadership of Mary Ellen Howey, the new building was
dedicated and consecrated by the Rt. Rev. John Bryson Chane On May 10, 2009. Over 300
guests were in attendance.
Construction and Finances
Financial Summary
•“Punch List,” Financial Close Out, and Audit.
Upon completion of the construction project, Vestry requested a final closeout
and audit of the Building/Reserve Account.
Diocese of Washington picking up cost for a Bookkeeper and a CPA.
Completion of the post-construction “punch list” is proceeding apace.
The Bookkeeper has completed a preliminary analysis of our accounts.
No red flags and that all funds appear to have been used for appropriate
Construction and Finances
Financial Summary
•Construction Costs Outstanding.
Final bill from Hopkins&Porter Construction approx. $1.18M on a fixed-price
contract of about $1.14M.
Diff. of $37.5K (about 3%) due entirely to changes required by Montgomery
County Office of Permitting Services, Pepco or Verizon
Permitting Services, Pepco or Verizon were also responsible for significant
additional charges outside of our fixed price contract with H&P.
Remaining balance due to H&P approx. $90K, of which $45K has been advanced
by the Diocese on our behalf
Construction and Finances
Financial Summary
•Building Fund Pledged/Anticipated Income Outstanding.
Bad News: due to the 2-year delay in permitting approvals in 20062008 and the deteriorating economic climate in 2008-2009 pledged
and other income to the Building/Reserve Fund slowed considerably.
Good News: as the economic climate improves we may see an upswing
in completion of Building Fund Pledges.
Construction and Finances
Financial Summary
•Building Fund Pledged/Anticipated Income Outstanding.
Bad News: due to the 2-year delay in permitting approvals in 20062008 and the deteriorating economic climate in 2008-2009 pledged
and other income to the Building/Reserve Fund slowed considerably.
Good News: as the economic climate improves we may see an upswing
in completion of Building Fund Pledges.
Financial Report Summary
•Currently operating in deficit (as expected).
18-24 months is generally accepted post-occupancy “window” for
income growth to catch up with new fixed expenses.
Deficit larger than originally forecast because faltering economy
suppressed giving and later-than-expected occupancy precluded
additional fundraising.
On the positive side, deficit is not as bad as it could be, since we held
down expenses aggressively (including foregoing staff C.O.L.A.’s).
Need to increase income by about 1/3 by the end of 2010 to break even.
Financial Report Summary
•“People Metrics” Are Moving Strongly in the Right Direction (UP).
Added more than 90 people since last Annual Parish Meeting.
New Estimates of Giving have been arriving regularly.
•Diocese is Backing Us.
Bishop understands it takes time to build a congregation .
Diocese is helping us with cashflow while we grow.
“You do the work God has given you to do… We’ve got your back!”
Budget for 2010
•Main Points:
Flat in most areas, except…
Giving C.O.L.A.’s originally planned but not paid in 2008 and 2008.
Phasing in pension benefits for lay employees as required by church
$70K in income growth to break even in 2010 in.
Growth in membership and giving.
For the “right” reasons (not because we have to but because it’s what
God calls us to do).
We belong to each other:
Becoming an engaged congregation.
To increase the engagement
of our congregation members
with each other, with the Church,
and with God.
•We believe that every person God brings into our
fellowship God has sent to us for a reason.
to complete us in some way that only they can do and
so that we can complete them in some way that only we can do,
so that both as individuals and as a congregation we are better
equipped to do the work God has called us to do.
•It’s our job as individuals and as a congregation to help
each other listen to God’s call and to fully engage in our
individual and corporate callings.
•We believe that the key to our growth as a church is our
full engagement as individuals and as a congregation.
•Our approach to growth this year will be one of
discernment about engagement. We want to ask ourselves
several questions:
What draws us toward deep engagement with God and each
other? What holds us back?
What draws us toward seeking to fulfill the dreams God has
given us? What holds us back?
Engage 2010 is a year round campaign:
•begins at the 2009 Annual Parish Meeting on October 25
•continues throughout 2010.
Phase 1: Discerning/Deciding our Commitment to Engagement
(Oct. 25-Dec. 6)
•Oct. 25 – Nov. 15: Focus on Discernment
Giving Estimates Not Accepted
•Nov. 22– Dec. 6 (St. Nicholas Sunday): Focus on Decision
Giving Estimates Accepted
Phase 2: Blessing/Celebrating our Commitment to Engagement
(Dec. 6 – Dec. 25)
•Dec. 6: St. Nicholas Sunday/Advent Program Begins
(“Giving Presence”)
Visit from Bp. Nicholas/Ingathering & Blessing of Giving Estimates
•Dec. 20: Annual Christmas Party & Dinner/Advent Program
Christmas Presence Potluck Celebration
Phase 3: Fulfilling, Expanding and Deepening our Engagement
•Jan. 1: Second Sunday of Christmas
Begin Planning for 2nd Morning Service
•Jan. 10 – Feb. 7: Epiphany Sunday/Epiphany Program Begins
(“Daring to Dream”)
Dreams for St. Nick’s discussions begin (Potluck Supper)
•Feb. 7: 5th Sunday after the Epiphany/Episcopal Visitation
Dreams presented and blessed.
Phase 4: Accounting for Our Engagement
•Monthly Income/Expense Reports
So everyone knows how we’re doing.
•Quarterly Membership Recognition Sundays
Recognizing members and ministries
A Prayer for Engagement
Dear Lord,
Help us to face our fears:
of loving you
with all that we are and all that we have:
all our heart and all our soul,
all our mind and all our strength.
Help us to face our fear
of loving our neighbor
as much as we love ourselves.
And help us to embrace our desire
to do them both.
Estimate of Giving – 2010
(May submit after November 22)
Estimated Financial Giving
Yes. Recognizing that all that –we have and all that we are comes
from God, we estimate that during the next year we will give to
our church to carry out the work God has given us to do:
$________ per week, or $________ per month, or $________ per year.
Name of Household __________________________________________
Tele _________________________ Email________________________
I understand that this giving estimate may be raised or lowered at any time simply by notifying the Treasurer.
Estimate of Giving – 2010
(May submit after November 22)
Estimated Time and Talent Giving
Yes. We would like to explore ways that we might give of our time
and talent to carry out the work of God through our church.
Please contact us to discuss how our specific gifts and talents
might best be put to work.
Name_________________________ Email________________________
Name_________________________ Email________________________
Name_________________________ Email________________________
Name_________________________ Email________________________