Call to Commitment – Action Plan 2012

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Transcript Call to Commitment – Action Plan 2012

Covenant of Grace Presbyterian Church
Mission Statement:
“Loving God by celebrating, proclaiming and
living the Gospel”.
Growth and Ministry Pathway
As Christians, we are
Called to Commitment 委身
Called to Community 群體
Called to Maturity 成熟
Called to Mission 使命
1. Call to Commitment 委身
Called to Christ, His Church, and Discipleship
Gospel-Centered Worship – Corporate 敬拜
 Believers are told to “sing to the Lord”
Non-believers are expected to be present in worship
Non-believers must find worship comprehensible
The Gospel is clearly seen in all elements
Kingdom-Centered Prayer 祈禱
Personal Private Worship 個人靈修
Daily Devotion
Call to Commitment – Action Plan 2011
 Sign up for discipleship
 Prayer Walk
Adding discussion time
Call to Commitment – Action Plan 2012
 Sign up for discipleship
 Prayer Walk
Add discussion time
Develop parallel English and Chinese
speaking ministries - small groups/fellowship
groups, worship and outreach. 中英文事工
Good Friday service 受難節崇拜
2. Call to Community群體
Real practical and spiritual support for the trials of life. Oneanother ministry. God has made relationship essential to our
spiritual growth.
 Current situation: We are a regional church, meaning
our church is in Briarwood, but many of us live outside and
commute to Briarwood on Sunday.
 Expanding each aspect of God’s Family: singles,
married couples, and families 教會不同層面
 Building a welcoming and vibrant community
Friendship Evangelism – using our living space (homes,
apartments) and community public places to reach out
to neighbors, friends, and family for gathering to look
at the Gospel in the Bible. 活潑,見証主的群體
Show others what a Christian community is about
Call to Community - Action Plan 2011
New English-speaking groups
Personal Outreach
Call to Community - Action Plan 2012
New English-speaking groups
Personal Outreach through networking
Restructure and reformat our small groups
3. Call to Maturity成熟
Helping all members grow as disciples of Jesus Christ
in every season of life.
 Current Situation: Complacency amongst Christians. A
lack of desire to learn from God about the Christian life.
 Core Leadership 領袖
Church leaders & leaders at home
Gospel-Transformed Leader
Leadership training - Discipleship, Sunday Afternoon
Equipping seminars.
 Nurture 餵養
Applicable Bible Study - nurturing spiritually and
relationally. Small groups
Adult Sunday School, seminars and conferences.
Call to Maturity – Action Plan 2011
 Adult Sunday School
Corporate sermon application
 Marriage Seminars in the Spring/TE Mak & RE Chan
 March – June ( 6 meetings) –
 Parents’ Seminars in the Fall/TE Cheng & RE Wai
 September – November ( 6 meetings)
 Men’s Fellowship –
 Meets every other months (Dan Doriani’s God-Made Men)
 building up men as servant-leaders at home and in church
Call to Maturity – Action Plan 2012
Adult Sunday School
Men’s Fellowship
Develop spiritually mature lay leaders
4. Call to Mission 使命
To see every member equipped and effectively participating
in ministry to the full extent of their opportunities and
spiritual gifts.
 Outreach & Follow-up – Know the Gospel yourself and
share the Gospel with others 傳福音
Networking – 7 areas
Mobilization – Commitment
Attending church events and worship
Follow-up new comers
Follow-Up/Discipleship – Maturity
Assimilation into church life – Community
 Missions 差傳
 Mercy 慈惠
Call to Mission – Action Plan 2011
Missions – at least one mission weekend
Mercy Committee –
Visiting the needy; partnership with Joy Fellowship
Call to Mission – Action Plan 2012
Missions – mission weekend
Outreach to the Briarwood community
(summer VBS and community services etc)
Call to Mission – Church Calendar 2012
 (4/6 – Fri)
 (4/8 – Sun)
 (5/26 – Sat)
 (6/3 – Sun)
 (July/August)
 (7/20 – 7/22)
 (11/18 – Sun)
 (12/23 – Sun)
Good Friday Communion service
Easter Sunday Celebration
Memorial Day Picnic @ Belmont Lake Park
Church anniversary; Baptism and receiving
new members
Children Vacation Bible School
Summer Conference
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Christmas Celebration
 First Sundays – Church’s Prayer Meeting
 Second Sundays - Nursing Home Visitation
 Third Sundays – Joy Middle-Age Fellowship + Kids’ Club