Transcript Document


21 July 2008

EFMP Enrollment/Screening Process and Family Travel 21 Jul 2008

Ms. Jennifer Funk, IMCOM-Europe EFMP Assistant

Our mission is to provide the Army the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent conflict, and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service.

We are the Army’s home

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Jennifer Funk, EFMP, [email protected]/DSN 314-319-6527



21 July 2008


• EFMP Overview • EFMP enrollment criteria • EFMP screening & Family travel process • Helping Soldiers and Families Transition • Civilian employee process overview • Discussion/Questions

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21 July 2008

EFMP Overview

• EFMP is mandated by DoD to ensure Service Members (SMs) are pinpoint assigned to communities where they are needed and where family members receive required medical and educational services (DoDI 1315.19) • An exceptional family member (EFM) is a family member (child or adult) with any physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual disorder that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training, or counseling (Enrollment criteria/DoDI 1315.19).

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21 July 2008

EFMP Overview

• EFMP enrollment needs to be updated every 3 years or if there is a significant change in the EFM’s condition (possible need for update if PCSing back to CONUS from OCONUS).

• EFMP screening of Family Members (FMs) needed for ALL CONUS to OCONUS and OCONUS-OCONUS moves (AR 608-75,

Nov 06).

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21 July 2008

EFMP Overview

Bottom line: EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program for all active duty SMs who have family members (FMs) with special needs. EFMP works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, educational, medical, recreational, and personnel services to families with special needs.

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21 July 2008

EFMP Enrollment Criteria

Special Medical Needs FMs of active Soldiers and civilian employees appointed to an overseas position who meet one or more of these criteria:

• Potentially life-threatening conditions and/or chronic medical/physical conditions requiring follow-up support more than once a year or specialty care. • Current and chronic mental health condition (duration of 6 months or longer); inpatient or intensive outpatient mental health service within the last 5 years; intensive mental health services at the present time (greater than one visit monthly for more than 6 months).

• A Dx of Asthma or other respiratory-related diagnosis with chronic recurring wheezing which meet specific criteria (i.e., scheduled use of inhaled anti-inflammatory agents, history of ER visits w/in last year).

AR 608-75, Nov 06

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21 July 2008

EFMP Enrollment Criteria

Special Medical Needs

• A Dx of ADD/ADHD that meets one or several criteria (i.e., a co morbid psych. diagnosis, management by mental health provider or specialty consultant).

• FM requires adaptive equipment (i.e., hearing aids, apnea monitor, wheelchair, nebulizer).

• FM requires assistive technology devices or services (i.e., communication devices, TTY).

• FM requires environmental/architectural considerations (i.e, stairs, housing mods., AC).

• Health care providers are directed to refer for enrollment as soon as medical diagnosis is made.

AR 608-75, Nov 06

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21 July 2008

EFMP Enrollment Criteria

Special Educational Needs

• FMs of active duty Soldiers and civilian employees appointed to an overseas position shall be identified as FM with special ed. needs and eligible for Early Intervention Services (EIS) or special ed. or if they meet one of two criteria: 1) Has or requires an IFSP 2) Has or requires an IEP AR 608-75, Nov 06

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21 July 2008

How do EFMs get enrolled?

How do they get to an overseas location?

A Look at the EFMP Screening & Family Travel Process

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21 July 2008

EFMP Screening/Family Travel Process

• FMs need to be enrolled in DEERS • Soldier/spouse contacts nearest Army Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) and makes appointment for EFMP screening • If no Army MTF w/in 60 miles or 1 hr drive, the MTF EFMP Case Coordinator will coordinate process through nearest DOD MTF or with Civ. Physician.

• Soldier/spouse completes Part A of DA 5888 (1 7) and all of DA 7246 prior to appointment

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21 July 2008

EFMP Screening/Family Travel Process

• Military Personnel Division (MPD) staff authenticate the DA Form 5888 (8) • Army MTF EFMP staff reviews the forms and medical records of all family members and completes/signs/stamps the DA Form 5888 • IS ENROLLMENT WARRANTED? If yes, then provider completes DD Form 2792

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21 July 2008

EFMP Screening/Family Travel Process

• Family member over the age of 18 must sign form (DD 2792-1 st page, 2nd page) – If minor, Soldier or spouse sign • If educational requirements exist, DD 2792-1 is completed by school -during summer months when school personnel not available, Physician and parents complete the DD 2792-1 -IEP/IFSP attached to DD 2792-1

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21 July 2008

EFMP Screening/Family Travel Process

• Army MTF EFMP staff will explain process to sponsor and reason for enrollment • Commanders are to counsel soldiers that providing false information leading to inappropriate travel of family can result in disciplinary action (IAW AR 608-75) • Army MTF EFMP staff forward demographic pages of DD Forms 2792 and 2792-1 to ACS EFMP Mgr (update EFMP database).

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21 July 2008

EFMP Screening/Family Travel Process

• Army MTF EFMP staff forwards EFMP enrollment paperwork to appropriate Special Needs Advisor for review, coding and entry into PERNET (original kept, PERNET printout to medical record and copy given to soldier) • If requesting Family travel, Soldier takes forms back to personnel office (completed DA 5888, DD 2792 and/or DD 2792 1, not the DA Form 7426) and soldier’s personnel office forwards forms to IMCOM-Region Military Personnel Branch (MPB) Family Travel office for processing and review by the gaining Regional Medical Command (RMC) (BEFORE orders are cut).

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21 July 2008 Process for the Family Travel Consideration Process

• • • The RMC EFMP Family Travel office informs IMCOM-Region MPD/Family travel office in writing of recommended sites for family travel based on medical needs.

DoDDs OCONUS screening staff provide recommendations to help make pin-point assignments based on educational needs (cannot deny Family travel based on ed., only medical) IMCOM-Region MPB/Family travel makes FINAL travel decision. Bold Locations are EDIS clinics, Shaded Areas are Major Hospitals Medical 1 2

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21 July 2008 Process for the Family Travel Consideration Process

• IMCOM-Region MPB/Family Travel office sends message to losing post • Mission: To keep family together without straining deployability • Cases are reviewed on an individual basis • All family members needs are taken into consideration along with needs of Army-rank, specialty (MOS)

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21 July 2008 Process for the Family Travel Consideration Process

• Family travel not recommended for severe cases or when medical specialty care is not available • Sometimes assignment made to location where no services for EFM are available so message is “MEDC

• If denied, refer Soldier to local Army MTF EFMP staff for more info/clarification

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21 July 2008 Process for the Family Travel Consideration Process

• Remember: The OCONUS RMC and DoDDS make recommendations, IMCOM-Region MPB/ Family Travel makes final assignment decisions • If general medical care is not available, the Soldier may be required to serve an “all-others” tour.

• Requests for deletion, deferment, or CR must be processed under AR 614-100 or AR 614-200. Participation in the EFMP is not the basis for deletion, deferment or CR (AR 608-75).

• Enrollment has no bearing on promotions, school selection, or deployment availability

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21 July 2008

Paperwork needed

• What – Medical: DD 2792 – Educational: DD 2792-1 and IEP, IFSP, 504 – Family Member Deployment Screening sheet, DA Form 5888 (for all CONUS to OCONUS and OCONUS to OCONUS moves) • Why – Medical condition warrants enrollment – Educational plan warrants enrollment • Where – All paperwork sent to MEDDAC for enrollment; demographic page of DD 2792/2792-1 to ACS EFMP manager – If command sponsorship or Family travel through personnel office to IMCOM-Region MPD/family travel with DA 5888 and DA 4787 or 4187 • When – Identification of new condition – Any time Family/Soldier moving CONUS to OCONUS or OCONUS to OCONUS (ITT, COT, IPCOT, FSTE, command sponsorship, unit move).

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21 July 2008


• Death – death certificate • Condition no longer exists and no longer meets enrollment criteria after PCS move • Divorce – children, spouse: copy of divorce decree; if joint custody – remain enrolled. If sole custody to ex spouse, may disenroll.

• Refer to Army MTF EFMP staff

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21 July 2008

EFMP Screening YES Back to the US Do you have family members enrolled in EFMP?

NO I’m moving or extending I need to update my enrollment/I need to disenroll a family member I have a new spouse.

I have a new baby Are you moving back to the US or to another OCONUS duty station?

Make an appt. w/ your primary care physician to update EFMP paperwork.

Make an appointment for EFMP Screening w/ EFMP Case Coordinator Do you already have command sponsored family members?

Overseas Duty Station YES No Make an appt. w/ your primary care physician to update EFMP paperwork.

No EFMP screening required to move CONUS.

Make an appointment for EFMP Screening w/ EFMP Case Coordinator Your new baby is automatically command sponsored and EFMP screening. Is to be done during WBC Make an appointment for EFMP Screening w/ EFMP Case Coordinator

Paperwork Needed For:

EFMP Screening with Case Coordinator DA5888 EFMP Enrollment Update/Disenroll DD2792/DD 2792-1

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21 July 2008

Stateside Screening Process if Soldier is already at OCONUS location

• OCONUS EFMP MTF/ACS POC coordinates with their RMC for stateside screening • Soldier prepares DA Form 5888 (Part A) and Family Contact Sheet to be sent stateside • Region Medical Command coordinates with stateside Army MTF EFMP staff • Tracking numbers of stateside screenings (ERMC EFMP: over 1300 in 2.5 years)

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OCONUS EFMP Personnel forward EFMP paperwork to Service Member


Service Member gives


all appropriate EFMP paperwork to Unit Personnel Section with a request for Command Sponsorship


21 July 2008 1 step


Service Member turns in a DA5888 ( Part A completed and signed by PSB) to OCONUS EFMP personnel


OCONUS EFMP personnel forward DA5888 and family contact information to ERMC EFMP Manager


ERMC EFMP Manager forwards EFMP paperwork back to originating OCONUS EFMP personnel


ERMC EFMP Manager forwards DA5888 to appropriate CONUS EFMP personnel Completed EFMP paperwork is forwarded from CONUS EFMP personnel to ERMC EFMP Manager

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CONUS EFMP personnel contact family members to facilitate EFMP Screening Process and returned to CONUS EFMP



21 July 2008

Helping Soldiers and Families Transition

• Losing Installation EFMP Mgr needs to forward assessed community support and housing needs to gaining Installation EFMP Mgr (IAW AR 608-75/ i.e., respite care, child care, housing, ed./med).

• Use of encrypted emails, IP/OP checklists, memos signed by Soldiers • Remind Soldiers/spouses to hand carry IEP/IFSP, DA Form 5888, enrollment paperwork, medications • Orders cannot be finalized until EFMP is cleared (levy briefings, office visits) • Use of TRICARE Preferred Provider Network (PPN) in Europe • Coordinate with local SLO • Other suggestions?

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Makes tentative selection - Returns referral list to CPAC to make job offer


- Reviews selection list and verifies selectee ’s qualifications and eligibility - If qualified and eligible, makes tentative job offer -Prepares and mails written job offer to selectee and sends O/S processing package to the CONUS personnel office ( includes DA forms 5863-R (EFMP Instruction Sheet & applicable enrollment forms).

CONUS Personnel Processing OFC

- Contacts selectee and begins overseas processing; ensures selectee completes all processing forms-including DA forms 5863-R & applicable enrollment forms.

- Returns completed processing forms (including EFMP forms) to O/S CPAC office


selectee departs CONUS


- Complete in-processing - Files completed DA form 5863-R on the left side of the OPF


- Reviews completed processing documents. IF EFMP forms indicate special needs exist, applicable forms are forwarded to ERMC EFMP, who will coordinate with DoDDS and the physician for input. Information will be faxed back to the POC at the CPAC.

- Ensures selectee receives info on available services - Makes firm job offer -If EFMs: ensures completed DA 5863 is forwarded to FMWRC, if NO EFMs: ensures completed DA 5863 is forwarded to CPOC for inclusion in the employee's OPF

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21 July 2008

Contact Information

• Jennifer Funk, IMCOM-Europe EFMP Assistant/Contractor DSN 314-379-6527, CIV 011-49-(0)6202-80-6527 [email protected]

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21 July 2008


“Sustain, Support and Defend

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