Health Hazards of Consuming Gutka

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Health Hazards of Consuming Gutka

Presentation by: Sustainable Development Research Centre (SDRC) Team Members Mr. Masood Ahmed Ms. Batool Karimi Ms. Nosheen Munir Ms. Saima Khan

Gutka is a powdery, granular light brownish to white substance.

Within moments, the gutka begins to dissolve and turn deep red in color.

It is sold in small aluminum foil sachets.

The only known use of this product is that it is put in the mouth and then chewed and sucked.

Ingredients of Gutka

      

Betel Nuts Limestone Katha Tobacco Chaliya Crushed glass Lime used for flavoring Rn3D8E6HdQA 5GMPg

Mouth Cancer

Stomach cancer

Tongue Cancer

Heart diseases

Eyesight Problem

Blood Pressure

Psychological problem

Mouth Cancer

Tongue Cancer

Throat cancer gdtQM

Excessive gutka use can eventually lead to loss of appetite,

promote unusual sleep patterns,

loss of concentration along with other tobacco related problems.

A gutka user can easily be identified by prominently stained teeth ranging from dirty yellowish-orange to reddish-black.

Blurred vision

Stomach Cancer

There are chances of heart attacks

Also causes the stiffness of the muscles

E.g: Monthly Income: Rs/=12000

Cost of gutka per Packet: 10

Consumption of gutka per day: 10*10=100 packet

Total money spent on gutka: 3000

Pakistani government placed a ban selling and consuming of gutka.

CDGK Deputy District Officers Revenue with special magisterial powers have started conducting raids on manufacturing and sales outlets. During the raids, these magistrates have fined the sellers of the banned products and have arrested several involved in the menace.

Steps taken by SZABIST

SZABIST has also banned the use of having gutka.