Business Continuity - California State University, Long Beach

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Transcript Business Continuity - California State University, Long Beach

Brief Introduction:
Business Continuity
Business Continuity Services
California State University, Long Beach
CSULB, 2008
-- What is business continuity?
-- Why is it important?
-- How is it related to emergency
preparedness and disaster recovery?
-- What are the key questions to address
when developing a continuity plan?
How would you continue providing
your area’s critical function(s) if…
An earthquake destroys your building?
A water pipe bursts in your building and floods your area’s
work/service spaces—all contents are unavailable for several
weeks, including computer hard-drives, documents, and specialized
A fire destroys the campus data center?
Half of your area’s staff is unavailable for several weeks due to
personal or family illness?
Copyright Leslie Maltz, Beth Buse, Robert Block. 2008. Pam Downs. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational
purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To
disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Importance of Preparing
Planning provides resource backup / alternatives
– If staff unavailable – who will do the work?
– If a system or records are gone – how do we operate?
– If a specific building cannot be occupied – where do we go?
Planning creates routines
– Routines create repetition and normalcy
– Normalcy generates calm instead of panic
Planning reduces the impact of adverse events and boosts capacity to
rapidly restart an organization’s critical functions
Copyright Leslie Maltz, Beth Buse, Robert Block. 2008. Pam Downs. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational
purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To
disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Business Continuity
An ongoing program of activities
conducted in advance by an organization
to ensure it’s prepared to continue its
mission-critical functions when an
adverse event occurs…
...sometimes called “continuity of operations”...
Emergency Preparedness /
Business Continuity
Emergency Preparedness —
Preparation and planning to cope directly with hazards and
crisis-events, to protect people and property
Business Continuity —
Preparation and planning to continue teaching, research,
and other mission-critical functions despite crisis-events
CSULB Goal: Continue critical functions as soon as
possible and within no longer than 30 days.
CSULB Response Spectrum for Disaster Events
Emergency Response-Emergency Response (ER)
Crisis Management (CM)
Business Continuity (BC)
Actions to recognize/declare incident and
protect CSULB people, property, and
surrounding communities. (Public Safety,
EOC, Cabinet, external agencies, some or
all business and academic units)
Level of Activity
Crisis Management-Continuing activities to manage secondary
issues arising from incident. (Cabinet, EOC,
some business and academic units, some
external agencies)
Business Continuity--
Ongoing actions to maintain or resume
instruction, research, and essential services
for campus constituents. (Cabinet, EOC,
business and academic units providing
critical functions)
CSU Business Continuity Drivers
CSU Executive Order 1014, Business Continuity Program
(October 2007) Specifics on campus BC Planning, per CSU system.
Governor’s Executive Order S-4-06 (April 2006) Mandates compliance
by all state agencies with Continuity of Operations / Continuity of
Government plans and guidelines.
(CSU requested to assist in implementation.)
Pre-mitigation and recovery grant monies are now tied to Federal
Government Emergency Preparedness Standards.
Business continuity planning can safeguard our campus community
by minimizing the time and impact of an interruption to the
mission-critical activities of our university.
All-Hazards Planning Approach
-- Emphasizes identifying, developing capacities essential
to address the gamut of emergencies / disasters likely
to affect an organization.
-- Obviates need to develop separate continuity planning
for a multitude of hazard scenarios
-- Uses resource-oriented typology: focuses planning on
how an organization will restart or continue critical
functions if access to its usual facilities, people, or
infrastructure / systems is interrupted
Answer Central Questions
Overall, a continuity plan addresses two key questions:
1. What are the critical functions of your organization?
2. How will each critical function be continued
at sufficient levels if essential people, building(s), or
infrastructure elements / systems aren’t available?
(All Hazards Approach to Planning)
Determine Critical Functions
of an Organization
• Identified in terms of functions and services,
rather than processes or department names
• A critical function has one or more of these attributes:
• Has direct, immediate effect in preventing loss of life, personal injury,
or loss of property
• Is absolutely essential for teaching or research
• Provides vital support to critical function(s) of another dept., unit,
• Is required by law
• Must be continued under all circumstances
• Cannot suffer a significant interruption
Determine capacity and needs for
restarting each critical function
1. What are the essential resources (people, facilities, and
infrastructure/systems/equipment) for “Critical Function n”?
2. If essential resources for “Critical Function n”
are not available, what alternatives exist?
3. If alternative resources don’t exist,
what should be put in place? (Establish “to do” items that can
increase capacity for a rapid restart, minimize impact of disaster events.)
Three Steps for a
Continuity Planning Program
Identify / Prioritize
Determine critical
functions, their
priority categories,
lead units and
Develop plans
(CSULB Continuity
Planning Tool)
Take action on
“to do” items;
Test, and
Update plan
CSULB Continuity Planning Tool
Award winning, FEMAfunded, online planning tool
Developed by UC-Berkeley,
designed for higher
education organizations
Adopted for use by all UC
campuses, UC Medical
Answer series of questions
using web-based form,
produce a department-based
continuity plan
How do we know we’re done?
Written plan(s) and related activities in place
that include approaches and indispensable information
necessary to recover your area’s critical functions
Maintenance calendar established for periodic plan
updates, tests, and sharing plan contents with relevant personnel
Maintenance conducted (take action on “to do” items to
boost continuity readiness; test, revise and communicate plan
Cathy Gottlieb
Business Continuity Specialist
Brotman Hall 320
562/ 985-7148
[email protected]
Mishelle Laws
AVP, Quality Improvement
Brotman Hall 320
562/ 985-8356
[email protected]
CSULB, 2008