Transcript Slide 1

8. Bottom left corner at (0,0), rest of coordinates at (2, 0), (0, 2) and (2, 2)
9. Coordinates at (0,0), (0, 1), (5, 0) or (0,0), (1, 0), (0, 5)
10. Using Midpt Formula: E (0, 5) and F (6, 5)
Distance Formula BC = 6 = EF
11. (0, 0), (0, 2m), (2m, 2m), (2m, 0)
12. (0, 0), (0, x), (3x, x), (3x, 0)
17. P = 2s + 2t units
A = st square units
18. (n, n)
19. (p, 0)
24. Distance Formula: KL = 2; MP = 2; LM = 3; PK = 3
25. You’re assuming figure has rt angle
26. a. BD = 38 in. CE = 24 in.
b. B (24, 0) C (24, 28)
38. 112
39. 22
D(24, 38) E(0, 38)
KM = KM (Reflex)
Warm Up
1. Find each angle measure.
60°; 60°; 60°
True or False. If false explain.
2. Every equilateral triangle is isosceles.
3. Every isosceles triangle is equilateral.
False; an isosceles triangle can have
only two congruent sides.
Recall that an isosceles triangle has at least two congruent
sides. The congruent sides are called the legs. The vertex
angle is the angle formed by the legs. The side opposite
the vertex angle is called the base, and the base angles
are the two angles that have the base as a side.
3 is the vertex angle.
1 and 2 are the base angles.
Reading Math
The Isosceles Triangle Theorem is
sometimes stated as “Base angles of an
isosceles triangle are congruent.”
Example 1:
The length of YX is 20 feet.
Explain why the length of YZ is the same.
The mYZX = 180 – 140,
so mYZX = 40°.
Since YZX  X, ∆XYZ is
isosceles by the Converse
of the Isosceles Triangle
Thus YZ = YX = 20 ft.
Example 2A: Finding the Measure of an Angle
Find mF.
mF = mD = x°
Isosc. ∆ Thm.
mF + mD + mA = 180 ∆ Sum Thm.
Substitute the
x + x + 22 = 180 given values.
Simplify and subtract
2x = 158 22 from both sides.
x = 79 Divide both
sides by 2.
Thus mF = 79°
Example 2B: Finding the Measure of an Angle
Find mG.
mJ = mG Isosc. ∆ Thm.
(x + 44) = 3x
44 = 2x
Substitute the
given values.
Simplify x from
both sides.
Divide both
sides by 2.
Thus mG = 22° + 44° = 66°.
x = 22
The following corollary and its converse show the
connection between equilateral triangles and
equiangular triangles.
Example 3A: Using Properties of Equilateral
Find the value of x.
∆LKM is equilateral.
Equilateral ∆  equiangular ∆
(2x + 32) = 60
2x = 28
x = 14
The measure of each  of an
equiangular ∆ is 60°.
Subtract 32 both sides.
Divide both sides by 2.
Example 3B: Using Properties of Equilateral
Find the value of y.
∆NPO is equiangular.
Equiangular ∆  equilateral ∆
5y – 6 = 4y + 12
y = 18
Definition of
equilateral ∆.
Subtract 4y and add 6 to
both sides.
A coordinate proof may be easier if you
place one side of the triangle along the
x-axis and locate a vertex at the origin or
on the y-axis.
Example 4: Using Coordinate Proof
Prove that the segment joining the midpoints
of two sides of an isosceles triangle is half the
Given: In isosceles ∆ABC, X is the mdpt. of AB, and
Y is the mdpt. of AC.
Prove: XY = 2 AC.
Example 4 Continued
Draw a diagram and place the coordinates as shown.
By the Midpoint Formula,
the coordinates of X are
(a, b), and Y are (3a, b).
By the Distance Formula,
XY = √4a2 = 2a, and AC
= 4a.
Therefore XY =
12. Angle add. mATB = 40°. mBAT = 40° (Alt Int s) ATB  BAT (def of ) Since
ΔABT is isos by converse of isos Δ thm, BT = BA = 2.4 mi
13. 69°
33. 20
14. 33°
34. 3
15. 130° or 172°
40. Two sides of a Δ are  iff the s
16. 31 °
17. 92
18. 48
19. 26
20. 20
28. m1= 58°; m2 = 64°; m3 = 122°
29. m1= 127°; m2 = 26.5°; m3 = 53°
opp. those sides are 