Transcript Slide 1

of Kites and Trapezoids
6-6 Properties
and Trapezoids
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Warm Up
Solve for x.
1. x2 + 38 = 3x2 – 12 5 or –5
2. 137 + x = 180
4. Find FE.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
A kite is a quadrilateral with exactly two pairs of
congruent consecutive sides.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 1: Problem-Solving Application
Lucy is framing a kite with
wooden dowels. She uses two
dowels that measure 18 cm,
one dowel that measures 30
cm, and two dowels that
measure 27 cm. To complete
the kite, she needs a dowel to
place along . She has a dowel
that is 36 cm long. About how
much wood will she have left
after cutting the last dowel?
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 2A: Using Properties of Kites
In kite ABCD, mDAB = 54°, and
mCDF = 52°. Find mBCD.
Kite  cons. sides 
∆BCD is isos.
2  sides isos. ∆
isos. ∆ base s 
mCBF = mCDF
Def. of   s
mBCD + mCBF + mCDF = 180° Polygon  Sum Thm.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 2A Continued
mBCD + mCBF + mCDF = 180°
Substitute mCDF
mBCD + mCBF + mCDF = 180°
for mCBF.
mBCD + 52° + 52° = 180°
mBCD = 76°
Holt Geometry
Substitute 52 for
Subtract 104
from both sides.
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 2B: Using Properties of Kites
In kite ABCD, mDAB = 54°, and
mCDF = 52°. Find mABC.
Kite  one pair opp. s 
Def. of  s
Polygon  Sum Thm.
mABC + mBCD + mADC + mDAB = 360°
mADC = mABC
Substitute mABC for mADC.
mABC + mBCD + mABC + mDAB = 360°
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 2B Continued
mABC + mBCD + mABC + mDAB = 360°
mABC + 76° + mABC + 54° = 360°
2mABC = 230°
mABC = 115°
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 2C: Using Properties of Kites
In kite ABCD, mDAB = 54°, and
mCDF = 52°. Find mFDA.
Kite  one pair opp. s 
mCDA = mABC Def. of  s
mCDF + mFDA = mABC  Add. Post.
52° + mFDA = 115°
mFDA = 63°
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of
parallel sides. Each of the parallel sides is called a
base. The nonparallel sides are called legs. Base
angles of a trapezoid are two consecutive angles
whose common side is a base.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
If the legs of a trapezoid are congruent, the trapezoid
is an isosceles trapezoid. The following theorems
state the properties of an isosceles trapezoid.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Reading Math
Theorem 6-6-5 is a biconditional statement. So it
is true both “forward” and “backward.”
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 3A: Using Properties of Isosceles
Find mA.
mC + mB = 180°
100 + mB = 180
Same-Side Int. s Thm.
Substitute 100 for mC.
mB = 80°
A  B
Subtract 100 from both sides.
Isos. trap. s base 
mA = mB
Def. of  s
mA = 80°
Substitute 80 for mB
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 3B: Using Properties of Isosceles
KB = 21.9m and MF = 32.7.
Find FB.
Isos.  trap. s base 
Def. of  segs.
KJ = 32.7 Substitute 32.7 for FM.
KB + BJ = KJ
Seg. Add. Post.
21.9 + BJ = 32.7 Substitute 21.9 for KB and 32.7 for KJ.
BJ = 10.8 Subtract 21.9 from both sides.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 3B Continued
Same line.
Isos. trap.  s base 
Isos. trap.  legs 
Vert. s 
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 3B Continued
Isos. trap.  legs 
Holt Geometry
Def. of  segs.
FB = 10.8
Substitute 10.8 for JB.
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Check It Out! Example 3a
Find mF.
mF + mE = 180°
E  H
mE = mH
mF + 49° = 180°
mF = 131°
Holt Geometry
Same-Side Int. s Thm.
Isos. trap. s base 
Def. of  s
Substitute 49 for mE.
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Check It Out! Example 3b
JN = 10.6, and NL = 14.8.
Find KM.
Isos. trap. s base 
JL = JN + NL
Def. of  segs.
KM = JN + NL
Segment Add Postulate
KM = 10.6 + 14.8 = 25.4 Substitute and simplify.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 4A: Applying Conditions for Isosceles
Find the value of a so that PQRS
is isosceles.
Trap. with pair base
s   isosc. trap.
S  P
mS = mP
– 54 =
Substitute 2a2 – 54 for mS and
+ 27 2
a + 27 for mP.
= 81
a = 9 or a = –9
Holt Geometry
Def. of  s
Subtract a2 from both sides and add
54 to both sides.
Find the square root of both sides.
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 4B: Applying Conditions for Isosceles
AD = 12x – 11, and BC = 9x – 2. Find
the value of x so that ABCD is
Diags.   isosc. trap.
Def. of  segs.
Substitute 12x – 11 for AD and
12x – 11 = 9x – 2 9x – 2 for BC.
3x = 9
Holt Geometry
Subtract 9x from both sides and add
11 to both sides.
Divide both sides by 3.
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Check It Out! Example 4
Find the value of x so that
PQST is isosceles.
Q  S
mQ = mS
Trap. with pair base
s   isosc. trap.
Def. of  s
2 + 19 for mQ
2x2 + 19 = 4x2 – 13 and 4x2 – 13 for mS.
32 = 2x2
x = 4 or x = –4
Holt Geometry
Subtract 2x2 and add
13 to both sides.
Divide by 2 and simplify.
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
The midsegment of a trapezoid is the segment
whose endpoints are the midpoints of the legs. In
Lesson 5-1, you studied the Triangle Midsegment
Theorem. The Trapezoid Midsegment Theorem is
similar to it.
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Example 5: Finding Lengths Using Midsegments
Find EF.
Trap. Midsegment Thm.
Substitute the given values.
EF = 10.75
Holt Geometry
6-6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids
Check It Out! Example 5
Find EH.
Trap. Midsegment Thm.
16.5 = 2 (25 + EH) Substitute the given values.
33 = 25 + EH
Multiply both sides by 2.
13 = EH
Subtract 25 from both sides.
Holt Geometry