Sequential Machines 2

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Verilog for sequential machines
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Verilog always statement
Use always to wait for clock edge:
always @(posedge clock) // start execution
at the clock edge
// insert combinational logic here
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Verilog state machine
always @(posedge clock) // start execution at the clock edge
if (rst == 1)
// reset code
else begin // state machine
case (state)
‘state0: begin
o1 = 0;
state = ‘state1;
‘state1: begin
if (i1) o1 = 1; else o1 = 0;
state = ‘state0;
end // state machine
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Traffic light controller
Intersection of two roads:
– highway (busy);
– farm (not busy).
Want to give green light to highway
– as much as possible.
Want to give green to farm
– when needed.
Must always have
– at least one red light.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Traffic light system
farm road
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
System operation
Sensor on farm road
– indicates when cars on farm road are waiting
for green light.
Must obey
– required lengths for green, yellow lights.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Traffic light machine
Build controller out of two machines:
– sequencer which sets colors of lights, etc.
– timer which is used to control durations of
Separate counter isolates logical design
from clock period.
 Separate counter greatly reduces number of
states in sequencer.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Sequencer state transition graph
(cars & long)’ / 0 green red
short/ 1 red yellow
short’ /
0 red yellow
cars & long / 1 green red
short’ /
0 yellow red
short / 1 yellow red
cars’ & long / 1 red green
cars & long’ / 0 red green
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Verilog model of controller
module sequencer(rst,clk,cars,long,short,hg,hy,hr,fg,fy,fr,count_reset);
input rst, clk; /* reset and clock */ input cars; // high when a car is present at the farm road
input long, short; /* long and short timers */ output hg, hy, hr; // highway light: green, yellow, red
output fg, fy, fr; /* farm light: green, yellow, red */ reg hg, hy, hr, fg, fy, fr; // remember these outputs
output count_reset; /* reset the counter */ reg count_reset; // register this value for simplicity
// define the state codes
‘define HWY_GREEN 0
‘define HWY_YX 1
‘define HWY_YELLOW 2
‘define HWY_YY 3
‘define FARM_GREEN 4
‘define FARM_YX 5
‘define FARM_YELLOW 6
‘define FARM_YY 7
reg [2:0] state; // state of the sequencer
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst == 1)
state = ‘HWY_GREEN; // default state
count_reset = 1;
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Verilog model of controller, cont’d.
else begin // state machine
count_reset = 0;
case (state)
‘HWY_GREEN: begin
if (~(cars & long)) state = ‘HWY_GREEN;
else begin
state = ‘HWY_YX;
count_reset = 1;
hg = 1; hy = 0; hr = 0; fg = 0; fy = 0; fr = 1;
‘HWY_YX: begin
state = ‘HWY_YELLOW;
hg = 0; hy = 1; hr = 0; fg = 0; fy = 0; fr = 1;
‘HWY_YELLOW: begin
if (~short) state = ‘HWY_YELLOW;
else begin
state = ‘FARM_YY;
hg = 0; hy = 1; hr = 0; fg = 0; fy = 0; fr = 1;
‘FARM_YY: begin
state = ‘FARM_GREEN;
hg = 0; hy = 0; hr = 1; fg = 1; fy = 0; fr = 0;
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5end
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Verilog model of system
‘FARM_GREEN: begin
if (cars & ~long) state = ‘FARM_GREEN;
else begin
state = ‘FARM_YX;
count_reset = 1;
hg = 0; hy = 0; hr = 1; fg = 1; fy = 0; fr = 0;
‘FARM_YX: begin
state = ‘FARM_YELLOW;
hg = 0; hy = 0; hr = 1; fg = 1; fy = 0; fr = 0;
if (~short) state = ‘FARM_YELLOW;
else begin
state = ‘HWY_GREEN;
hg = 0; hy = 0; hr = 1; fg = 0; fy = 1; fr = 0;
‘HWY_YY: begin
state = ‘HWY_GREEN;
hg = 1; hy = 0; hr = 0; fg = 0; fy = 0; fr = 1;
end // state machine
end // always
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Verilog model of timer
module timer(rst,clk,long,short);
input rst, clk; // reset and clock
output long, short; // long and short timer outputs
reg [3:0] tval; // current state of the timer
always @(posedge clk) // update the timer and outputs
if (rst == 1)
tval = 4’b0000;
short = 0;
long = 0;
end // reset
else begin
{long,tval} = tval + 1; // raise long at rollover
if (tval == 4’b0100)
short = 1’b1; // raise short after 2^2
end // state machine
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Verilog model of system
module tlc(rst,clk,cars,hg,hy,hr,fg,fy,fr);
input rst, clk; // reset and clock
input cars; // high when a car is present at the farm road
output hg, hy, hr; // highway light: green, yellow, red
output fg, fy, fr; // farm light: green, yellow, red
wire long, short, count_reset; // long and short
// timers +
counter reset
sequencer s1(rst,clk,cars,long,short,
timer t1(count_reset,clk,long,short);
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
The synchronous philosophy
All operation is controlled by the clock.
– All timing is relative to clock.
– Separates functional, performance
Put a lot of work into designing the clock
network so you don’t have to worry about it
throughout the combinational logic.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Register characteristics
Form of clock signal
– used to trigger the register.
How the behavior of data around the clock
trigger affects the stored value.
 When the stored value is presented at the
 Whether there is ever a combinational path
from input to output.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Types of registers
Latch: transparent when internal memory is
being set.
 Flip-flop: not transparent, reading and
changing output are separate.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Types of registers
D-type (data). Q output is determined by the
D input at the clocking event.
 T-type (toggle). Toggles its state at input
 SR-type (set/reset). Set or reset by inputs
(S=R=1 not allowed).
 JK-type. Allows both J and K to be 1,
otherwise similar to SR.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Clock event
Change in clock signal that controls register
– 0-1 transition or 1-0 transition.
Data must generally be held constant
around the clock event.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Setup and hold times
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Duty cycle
Percentage of time that clock is active.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 5
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR