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EUTEMPE-RX, an EC supported FP7 project for the Training and Education of Medical Physics Experts in Radiology

Hilde Bosmans, Kristina Bliznakova, Renato Padovani, Stelios Christofides, Nelis Van Peteghem and Carmel J Caruana

6 th Alpe-Adria Medical Physics Meeting EFOMP Session Budapest, Hungary May 29-31, 2014


• • • • • • • Introduction Motivation Situation Objectives Project Partners Course Modules Upcoming Events


• • • Successful application to the 2012 FP7 EC call for Euratom Fission Training Schemes (EFTS) in ‘Nuclear Fission, Safety and Radiation Protection’ (score of 14,5/15) EU support: € 1,658,000 Timing: 3 year project: 01/08/2013 – 1/07/2016


• • • Rising number of radiological examinations in Europe MPE in a rapidly changing environment: – New modalities, regulations, software, etc.

European Guidelines on the MPE: – The MPE is defined as an MP who has reached the expert level: EQF level 8 – EFOMP: ‘We urgently need to set up an agreed programme of education and training that could develop an MP to an MPE’


• EC-call: – Borderless mobility and lifelong learning: • Modularity of courses • European Passport: facilitate mobility – Gender equality – Special attention to the assessment of the learning outcomes at EQF level 8 – Active involvement of future employers: industry, hospitals, regulatory authorities


• • • • Most EC member states may not have the capability to provide such a high-level course Expertise is spread all over Europe A proper environment is needed: – Access to high end software, systems and applications – Access to prototypes and pre-clinical systems Solution: Modular course developed by a European network of experts


1. To provide a modular training scheme for the MP in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology to reach EQF level 8 2. To set up a multicampus Educational and training platform to combine online with face-to-face learning 3. To get the course either accredited or serve as an example (sustainability) for a maximally harmonized situation over Europe


• Target group: – The MP in hospitals (D&IR) – The MP in industry – The MP in regulatory authorities – PhD students – Medical Engineering


• • • Participant selection based on: – Entrance requirements: EQF level 7 = master + 2 years experience (in D&IR) – – CV and letter of recommendation Diverse European group: • • Participants from all over Europe Active participation from New Member States • Gender balanced No registration fee for the courses Maximal number of students/module in the face-to-face is 20

Project Partners

• • • • • • • Hilde Bosmans, Nick Marshall, (Federica Zanca: tbd) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Carmel Caruana, Stelios Christofides, Virginia Tsapaki, Stephen Evans & Peter Sharp European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics Eliseo Vano & Jose Miguel Fernandez Servicio Madrileno de Salud Andrea Ottolenghi, Vere Smyth & Klaus Trott Università degli Studi di Pavia Josep Sempau Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Mauro Gambaccini & Angelo Taibi Università degli Studi di Ferrara Kristina Bliznakova, Zhivko Bliznakov, (Jenia Vassileva) & Ivan Buliev Technical University of Varna

Project Partners

• • • • • • Kenneth Young & Allistair Mackenzie Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Francis Verdun & Pascal Monnin Hospices Cantonaux CHUV Ruben van Engen & Wouter Veldkamp Stichting Landelijk Referentie Centrum voor Bevolkingsonderzoek John Damilakis University of Crete Renato Padovani & Analisa Trianna Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria S. Maria della Misericordia of Udine Markus Borowski & Martin Fiebich Klinikum Braunschweig & Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Project Partners

Via the Scientific Advisory board even more of Europe is covered

Course Modules


1 2 3 4 5 6


Developments of the profession and the challenges of the MPE: Legal aspects, professional matters, communication and risk assessment, incidents and accidents, today and tomorrow. Raising the public profile of the profession. Basics of teaching RX users, including the RPE Radiation biology for MPEs Monte Carlo simulation of the complete X-ray imaging chain Fundamental physics of X-rays: energy, absorption and their phase Antropomorphic phantoms From routine QA to advanced QA and performance testing


C. Caruana & E. Vano A. Ottolenghi J. Sempau M. Gambaccini K. Bliznakova H. Bosmans & E. Vano

Course Modules


7 8 9 10 11 12


Advanced measurements of the performance of X-ray imaging systems CT imaging and dose optimized with objective means Achieving quality in the medical physics aspect of breast cancer screening High dose X-ray procedures in Interventional radiology and cardiology Dosimetry, from conceptus to the adolescent Personnel dosimetry, including techniques to communicate practical results to the users (RPE)


K. Young & A. McKenzie F. Verdun R. van Engen & W. Veldkamp R. Padovani & A. Trianni & E. Vano J. Damilakis M. Borowski & M. Fiebich

Course Modules

• Module structure: – Online: • E-learning platform • Theory: web lectures, suggested reading, movies, audiofiles, etc.

• Interactive: exercices, self-assessment, teacher feedback, discussion fora, etc.

• ~40 hours of active participation over a longer period • Done from at home

Course Modules

• Module structure: – Face-to-face: • (Lectures), demonstrations, exercises, discussions, hands-on workshops, practical sessions, etc.

• • Evaluation Review of the course • ~40 hours of active participation over approximately 5 days • On location

Example: Module 6

“From routine QA to advanced QA and performance testing” Research question: remotely controlled QA On-line. Presentations uploaded on: - Examples of protocols & the best protocol - Protocols & viewpoint of IEC & Industry - Examples of reports & how to make the best reports - Sharing practical hints on how to measure - How to get organized for periodical investigations - Overview of test objects & make database of images - Overview of objective/subjective scoring methods - Decide upon which new protocol will be dealt with during the face-to-face

Example: Module 6

“From routine QA to advanced QA and performance testing” Research question: remotely controlled QA Face-to-face. Welcome in Leuven !

- Getting to know each other and make a team - Develop a protocol (incl. test methods & phantom) for a new device by discussion & brain storm - Apply draft protocol in an X-ray room & improve text - Make your first model observer (computer lab) - Visit QA platform for remote control, dose monitoring platform, … - Evaluation & QA feedback - Excursion to medical device company or X-ray museum - Stay connected

Course Modules

• • Module timing: – Between January 2015 and April 2016 – Calendar is yet to be fixed Registration: – Each module can be followed individually – Not yet opened – Through website

Upcoming Events

• • European Conference on Medical Physics (ECMP) 2014: – September 11– 13, 2014 in Athens – Promotional event – A number of partners are invited to present their EUTEMPE-RX courses Module 1: – Team of teachers: C. Caruana, – Prague,

Upcoming Events

• Mid-Term Workshop: – September 24 – 26, 2015 in Sofia – Open meeting – First get together again of participants – Report on results of the first course modules – Promote upcoming courses – Discuss future of the EUTEMPE-RX project


• For more information please visit our website and subscribe to our mailing list:
