Wczoraj, dziś i jutro Politechniki Wrocławskiej

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Wrocław University of Technology
yesterday – today - tomorrow
Wrocław 2012
Wrocław University of Technology
Today’s Wrocław University of Technology is the heir to the material
legacy the German Königliche Technische Hochschule Breslau and the
intellectual and research traditions of the Lviv University of Technology.
The university has used its current name since 1945. It was
established and organised by researchers from Lviv and Warsaw. Since
the very beginning of its existence, it has been an important centre
of technical education.
Today it is one the best technical universities in Poland – over 33 000
students study here under the guidance of 2 000 academic teachers, at
12 Faculties, the Department of Fundamental Studies and in 4 Regional
Wrocław University of Technology is an autonomous university, a
research institution of a university type. Its mission is to shape creative
and critical personalities of students and chart directions for the
development of science and technology.
 Adapting University operation to its social and economic
 Priority to education quality and commercialising research
 Educational system which meets social, economic and labour
market needs
Fields of study
Including unique fields of study
33 775
PhD students
1 058
4 438
Academic staff
2 045
Associate professors
PhD holders
1 247
Campus area (ha)
 budget grant for
teaching and research
 own income
from teaching and
research activity
One of the best in rankings
5th place among all public universities
2nd place among all technical universities
July 2011
2nd place among Polish universities
1st place among Polish technical universities
3rd place among Polish universities
Wrocław 2012
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Chemistry
Faculty of Electronics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
Faculty of Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science and Management
Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology
Faculty of Microsystems Electronics and Photonics
Department of Fundamental Studies
Regional Branches in Jelenia Góra, Legnica, Wałbrzych
Programmes taught in English
Bachelor Programmes:
 Architecture
 Computer Science
 Information and Communication Management
 Organizational Management
 Mechanics and Machine Building
Master Programmes:
 Architecture
 Civil Engineering
 Bioinformatics
 Medicinal Chemistry
 Chemical Metallurgy
 Organic and Polymer Chemistry
 Molecular nano-bio-photonics for telecommunication and biotechnologies
 Advanced Applied Electronics
 Internet Engineering
 Control in Electrical Power Engineering
 Renewable Energy Systems
Programmes taught in English
Master Programmes:
 European Geotechnical and Environmental Course
 European Minerals Engineering Course
 Mining and Power Engineering
 Environmental Quality Management
 European Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Management
 Business Information Systems
 Computer Engineering
 Computer Science - Intelligent Information Systems
 Information Technology
 Renewable Sources of Energy
 Refrigeration and Cryogenics
 Automotive Engineering
 Production Management
 Nanoengineering
 Mathematics for Industry and Commerce
 Electronics, Photonics, Microsystems
Education quality and accreditation
University Quality Assurance System
 monitoring of academic standards
 evaluation of the learning process
 evaluation of teaching quality and conditions
 evaluation of the availability of information on education
State Accreditation Committee
 Outstanding assessment for 6 fields of study:
 Architecture and Urban Planning (Faculty of Architecture)
 Civil Engineering (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
 Automation and Robotics (Faculty of Electronics)
 Computer Science (Faculty of Electronics)
 Electrotechnics (Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
 Electronics and Telecommunication (Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and
 positive assessment for 41 fields of study
University Accreditation Committee
 accreditation for 4 fields of study
European Federation of National Engineering Associations
 accreditation for 14 fields of study
European Chemistry Thematic Network
 accreditation for 2 fields of study
European Network for Quality of Higher Engineering Education for Industry
 QUESTE certificate for Computer Science
Teaching facilities
Available to students:
 over 250 buildings
with modern laboratories, libraries and
multimedia teaching rooms
 350 teaching rooms and lecture halls
 over 460 didactic laboratories
 over 100 computer laboratories
 computer laboratories and reading rooms
with 24h internet connection
 wireless internet access in 95% of buildings
 free of charge access to software
including: Microsoft, SAS Institute, MatLab,
Origin, Statistica, LabView, ANSYS
Academic Teaching Introductory, Autocad
 books and magazines – printed
and electronic versions – Polish
and foreign editions
 informational publications and
computer databases
 special collections including
standards, corporate
directories, video tapes, CDs
 textbooks and foreign language
teaching materials
 19th century scientific works,
mainly on construction and
journals in the field of
chemistry and electricity
Internet access:
 books catalogue
 lending services catalogue
 International databases
 Lower Silesian Digital Library
International cooperation
Wrocław 2012
International exchange programmes
Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus 2011/2012:
budget: 1 009 620 EUR
number of outgoing students: 234
number of students doing internships abroad: 164
number of incoming students: 150
number of employees teaching abroad: 65
number of employees participating in trainings abroad: 16
number of partner universities: 354
Bilateral agreements 2011/2012:
over 500 valid agreements within the LLP-Erasmus Programme
activities: scientific research, lectures, conferences, Ph.D. and postdoctoral
degree programmes, diplomas, publications, etc.
International agreements 2011/2012:
148 intercollegiate agreements
International exchange programmes
Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci 2011/2012:
foreign trainings for alumni
budget: 249 977 EUR
number of participants: 55
number of institutions: 58
Erasmus Mundus Action 2
External Cooperation Window EUBRANEX Brazil (2008-12)
External Cooperation Window Russia (2008-12)
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 MULTIC Russia (2010-14)
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 MULTIC Russia II edition (2011-15)
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 STEM Western Balkans (2010-14)
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 STRONG-TIES Asia Regional (2011-15)
Vulcanus in Japan
four-month intensive Japanese language courses
eight-month traineeships in Japan’s leading companies, such as: Toyota, Nissan,
University of Technology for the Young
Wrocław 2012
Student activities
Scientific organizations: 150
Student Culture Centres: 38
Student Associations: 30
Modern University
Prospective students:
 on-line registration at: www.rekrutacja.pwr.wroc.pl
 official website: www.pwr.wroc.pl
 electronic student ID
 cooperation with companies and institutions, opportunities for
internships and trainings – Whirlpool, Siemens, LG Electronics,
Toyota, Volvo, IBM
 ECTS Points
 studying in foreign languages
Wrocław University of Technology for the Young
Open days
Wrocławski Indeks – an education fair
Studium Talent – a course for gifted secondary school students
Correspondence courses – mathematics
and physics for prospective students
Team programming contests
Competition in maths and logic games
Chemistry contest
Lower Silesian Festival of Science
Young Researchers Academy
Science and research
Wrocław 2012
Research results:
5 118 publications in journals on the ISI Master Journal List
4 575 publications in JCRI indexed journals
4 612 patent applications including utility models (more than 50% of the total number of
inventions in Lower Silesia)
scientific journals (Optica Applicata, Material Science, Systems Science)
scientific conferences and seminars
Science and research centres:
Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing
Wroclaw Centre for Technology Transfer
Hugo Steinhaus Centre for Stochastic Methods
Centre of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology
Biomedical Engineering Centre
Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
EMC Centre of Excellence - Electromagnetic Compatibility of Devices, Systems and
Materials Recycling Centre of Excellence
Hugo Steinhaus Centre
Commercialisation of research results:
hundreds of original technical solutions, research and technology methods used in industry
numerous license agreements to use inventions
International research projects
37 projects conducted under the 7th Framework Programme
2 projects – Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
5 projects – Research Fund for Coal and Steel
69 projects – EU Structural Funds’ Operational Programmes: Human
Capital, Innovative Economy, Infrastructure and Environment and
Regional Operational Programme for Lower Silesia
2 projects – EOG Financial Mechanism
2 projects – Plan for European Cooperating States (PECS)
2 projects – ENIAC Nanoelectronics Joint Technology Initiative
Certified laboratories
Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility
Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field Standards and Metrology
Testing Laboratory of the Building Engineering Institute
Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Electrical Engineering
Laboratory of Computer Aided Designing
Chemical Laboratory of Multielemental Analyses
Belt Conveying Laboratory
Acoustics Testing Laboratory
Materials Testing Laboratory
Laboratory of Work safety
Laboratory of Reverse Engineering
Testing Laboratory of the Transport Infrastructure Facilities of the Institute of Civil Engineering
Cooperation with industry
joint research and implementation work in various industry sectors
development of new technologies
teaching and engineering staff and upgrading their professional skills
cooperation on using research, teaching and training facilities
opportunities for internships, student stays and diploma theses
alumni career support
development of academic entrepreneurship
commercialization of research results
preparation and implementation of projects financed from domestic and
foreign funding
promotion of modern technologies
Selected partners:
LG Electronics, IBM, Microsoft, EDF, Volvo Polska, Rafako S.A., Municipal Office of
Third generation
Main goals of Wrocław University
of Technology as the Third
Generation University:
 education
 research
 commercialization
of knowledge
 cooperation with the region
and the city
Thank you
for your attention.
Wrocław 2012