Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager: A Comparison of Their OPACs

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Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager: A Comparison of Their Staff Modules

Ten Years of Experience, A Future of Possibilities VALE / NJ ACRL/ NJLA CUS Tenth Annual Users' Conference Friday, January 9, 2009 Sharon Yang, Melissa A. Hofmann , and Meghan Weeks Rider University Libraries

Overview of the Presentation

• • • • • •


▫ Open source & GNU General Public License ▫ Open source ILS ▫ Koha and Evergreen

Staff client comparison Comparison of staff functions

▫ Acquisitions ▫ Cataloging ▫ Circulation ▫ System administration

Behind-the-scenes technologies Cost analysis Conclusion

Introduction: Open Source & GNU GPL

GNU General Public License ▫ GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix" ▫ Free to run, study, modify, and redistribute the software ▫ Support is not free Other open source licenses ▫ Mozilla Public License ▫ Creative Commons licenses ▫ BSD License ▫ Apache Software License ▫ GNU Free Documentation License

Introduction: Why Open Source ILS?

• • • • • • Financial considerations Ability to tailor to fit local needs or customization No restrictions on use User driven vs. profit driven Dissatisfaction with current ILS No vendor lock-in

Introduction: Open Source ILS

• • • • • • • • • • • • Avanti MicroLCS (http://www.avantilibrarysystems.com/ ) Emilda, Finland ( http://www.emilda.org

) Evergreen, US ( http://evergreen-ils.org

/) Koha, New Zealand ( http://koha.org

) Learning Access ILS, US ( www.learningaccess.org

) NewGenLib, India ( http://www.verussolutions.biz

) OpenBiblio ( http://obiblio.sourceforge.net/ ) PhpMyLibrary, Philippines ( http://phpmylibrary.com/pml /) PMB (PhpMyBibli), France ( http://www.sigb.net

) PYTHEAS, US ( http://web2.uwindsor.ca/library/leddy/people/art/pytheas/index.html

) OPALS, US (http://www.opals-na.org/opals-fac.html

) WebLIS, UNESCO & Poland ( http://www.unesco.org/isis/ ) In conceptual stage: • OLE: The Open Library Environment ( http://www.oleproject.org


Introduction: Koha & Evergreen

• • • • • English language More mature that other open source ILSs More complete functions/modules More users Available technical support and planned future releases

Comparison of Staff Modules: Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager

“A thorough process of evaluating an integrated library system (ILS) today would not be complete without also weighing the open source ILS products against their proprietary counterparts." Marshall Breeding, Chapter 4, "Open Source Integrated Library Systems"

Comparison: Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager

First developed First implemented by a US library First became a turnkey system with technical support Number of libraries as of 1/09

Koha Evergreen Voyager

1999 2002 2006 400 2005 2006 2006 305 1994 1994 1994 1179

Comparison: Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager

Acquisitions Cataloging OPAC Circulation System Serials Reports   


   

Staff Modules Evergreen

         


    Note: Evergreen Acquisitions & Serials modules are currently under joint development by Equinox, Georgia Public Library Service, and several Evergreen libraries. No release date yet.

Staff Client Comparison

Koha-web browser Evergreen-locally installed client (Windows, Linux, Mac) Circulation Cataloging System Admin Voyager-locally installed client (Windows) Acquisitions Cataloging Circulation System Admin

Acquisitions Comparison

Activities Search parameters Import MARC records View/edit MARC records Voyager

Vendors, Ledgers, Funds, Rollover Rules, PO #, Line Items, Invoices, EDI Profiles, Routing Lists, Pub. Patterns Yes


Vendor name or title/vendor name only No (use existing bib, use suggestion, or create short bib). Yes (cataloging module must also be open and same operator signed in) Yes No, must search in catalog; edit in catalog (takes you away from P.O. screens) No (in planning stage)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Fiscal Period Close/Rollover Selection lists

Yes No

Patrons suggestions via OPAC and notification

No No No? Unless requesting through OPAC Yes

Acquisitions cont.

Activities Connect to university accounting software Add requestor information to an item Ability to notify requestor of status Flagging an order (rush, etc.) Receiving/marking monographs Subscription maintenance (patterns) Serials check-in Voyager

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes


No No (Notes field only) Only if from OPAC.

No (Notes field only) Yes Yes (Serials module) Yes (Serials module)

Koha Acquisitions: Issues for Libraries

• • Sample WALDO Requirements for Acquisitions before moving to Koha ▫ Print out P.O. or email as PDF ▫ Print cancellations and claim notices ▫ Flag orders upon receipt (rush, hold, reserve, ILL) ▫ Allow budget hierarchies ▫ Print out listing of all fund codes ▫ Standing order functionality ▫ Serials acquisitions: EBSCO invoice handling, building POs for serial items, mark for automatic renewal) From: “WALDO Development Projects Enhancements for Academic Libraries, Core Development Projects,” June 2008 Issues raised by Arcadia University: ▫ Unable to search by order number ▫ Unable to view a particular fund and see orders from that fund

Evergreen Acquisitions Timeline

• • •

Evergreen Acquisitions and Serials Timelines (Beta, Early 2009)

▫ Federated Z39.50/Evergreen Bibliographic Search ▫ Basic Fund, Provider, Funding Sources, and Picklist management interfaces ▫ Support for loading vendor order records for creating POs ▫ PO creation from selected items ▫ Initial receiving interfaces ▫ Rich permissions infrastructure ▫ Support for EDI ordering and acknowledgment ▫ Support for creating brief bibliographic order records

1.0 (Evergreen 2.0), Spring 2009

▫ Serials Check-in (prediction) ▫ Distribution patterns ▫ Automatic claiming


▫ Vendor web services for bib discovery ▫ Amazon Discover API ▫ Advanced shipment notification via EDI From: http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=acq:timeline

Cataloging Comparison

Import from file (non-Z39.50, e.g. export from OCLC Connexion) Voyager

Yes. Bibs and authority.


Yes* Bibs only.


Yes* Through “Tools” module (not in Cataloging). Two step process. Records stay in “reservoir” indefinitely?

(Coming in version 1.4). Bibs and authority through “Vandelay” batch MARC import/export

Bib import from Z39.50

Holdings export

Yes Yes (MARC) Yes Yes, MARC or XML Yes Yes

Authority control Automatic update of bib records from authority records

Yes Yes* Global Headings Change option requires a few steps both in Cataloging and Sys Admin. Not truly automatic; has limitations in function.

Yes * but ease and logistics of loading records No?

Yes * but how do you access authority records?


Cataloging cont.

Voyager Overlay/merge records Suppress bibs

Yes Yes

Mini/short bib flagging/catalog review Bib templates (where fields are pre-populated with text)

Yes Yes

Diacritic entry



Yes* Preserve MARC fields in target record?



Yes* Preserve MARC fields in target record?

No No No? “Mark for overlay”?

No (“Framework” under Admin., but this defines 008 values “form of material”) No No. ( Item templates only .) No

Cataloging cont.

Tracking of changes/operator history Voyager


(Update, merge, overlay, un/suppress. Tab in module.

Global data change Metadata choices (Dublin Core, etc.) Reorder MARC fields

No. Soon (2009, V. 8) No. MARC only.



Yes Link on screen, uses Tools (Add, delete, modify only.)


No (Only “last edited by” and library I.D.) No No.

Maps MARC to Koha SQL No.

Reorder subfields only.

No No (Create/import MARC) No

MFHD (MARC for Holdings Data) Supplies ISBD punctuation Spine Labels

Yes No No No No Yes* But under Tools, Label Templates No No Yes


Voyager Patron image


Bulk import of patrons Recalls

Yes* Yes

Course Reserves Calendar

Yes Yes Offline Transactions Yes No Yes No


Yes Yes No No No Yes


No Not easily No

Circulation Comparison: Patron Search

Koha • Barcode • Partial name • Browse by last name Evergreen • Last name • First name • Middle name • E-mail • Phone • Barcode • ID • Street address • City • Zip code Voyager • Last name • Barcode • ID

Evergreen Circulation Enhancements

Release candidate 1.4 (October 2008)

▫ New interface for circulation rules ▫ Credit card payments ▫ Pre-overdue (reminder) notices •

Release 2.0 (Winter 2008/2009)

▫ Recalls ▫ Reserves (Print and Electronic) •

Release 3.0 and higher (2009 and beyond)

▫ Netflix-style hold queues ▫ Web based patron self registration From: http:// evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap

Comparison: System Administration

Koha • Acquisitions • Cataloging • Circulation • Security • System Evergreen • Cataloging • Circulation • Security Voyager • Acquisitions • Cataloging • Circulation • OPAC • Search • Security • System

Behind the Scenes Technologies

• • •

Koha (3.0)

Server software: Linux (Debian), Apache, MySQL, Perl Client: web browser Limitation: any amount of data that MySQL can handle • •

Evergreen (

Server software: Linux (Debian, Gentoo, and Ubuntu), Windows (via a virtualized Unix-guest OS such as VirtualBox or Vmware) ,PostgreSQL Client: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Evergreen Client • •

Voyager (7.03)

Server: Solaris, Windows, Linux, Oracle Client: Windows, Voyager client (Acquisitions, Cataloging, Circulation, Reporter, System Admin)

Behind the Scenes Technologies: Installation

According to a 2008 survey of 361 libraries of Koha, Evergreen and proprietary ILS, libraries did not choose Koha or Evergreen for three reasons (Riewe 2008): 1.

Hard to install the system and some parts do not work.


Lack of good documentation 3.

Lack of functionality

Behind the Scenes Technologies: Labor Costs

Initial labor cost may be higher than proprietary ILS. “The higher initial labor costs of open source ILSs in some categories corroborate the view that OSS requires greater technical sophistication to use than proprietary software” (Riewe 2008).

Collection Size (items) Koha

>=1,000 & <10,000 $1,358 >=10,000 & <25,000 $3,232 >=25,000 & <50,000 >=50,000 & <100,000 >=100,000 & <1,000,000 $5958 $9,167 $18,023




$250 $1,350 $375 $14,600 34,719

Initial Cost of ILS

Software, License fee, installation, configuration, migration of data, documentation, training (Riewe, 2008)

Koha Evergreen Proprietary Collection Size by Items

>=100 & <500 >=500 & <1,000 >=1,000 & <10,000 >=10,000 & 25,000 >=25,000 & 50,000 >=50,000 &100,000 >=100,000 & <1,000,000 >=1,000,000 $250 $1,950 $1,407 $3,859 $5,958 $19,250 $21,675 $953 $25,125 $9,700 $8,000 $78,364 $217,609 $266,719

Annual Cost of ILS

Support Contract, Maintenance, License Fees (Riewe, 2008)

Collection Size by Items Koha

>=100 & <500 >=500 & <1,000 >=1,000 & <10,000 >=10,000 & 25,000 >=25,000 & 50,000 >=50,000 &100,000 >=100,000 & <1,000,000 >=1,000,000 $250 $450 $664 $1,429 $1,917 $2,550 $6,023



Proprietar y

$4,708 $3,200 $10,281 $18,167 $38,870 $69,250


Staff Modules





Koha Evergreen OPAC





Voyager Evergreen Libraries need to evaluate resources (budget, staffing, etc.) vs. needs



• Ayre, L. and Kress, L. (2008). Software requirements specification for the acquisitions module of an integrated library system. March 2008. Retrieved Jan. 5, 2009, from http://www.kcls.org/opensource/kcls-acquisitions-requirements.pdf

• Breeding, M. 2008. Automation Marketplace 2008: Opportunity Out of Turmoil. Library Journal 133 (6), 32-38.

• Breeding, M. 2007. Next-generation library catalogs. Library Technology Reports 43 (4).

• • Riewe, L. M. (2008). Survey of Open Source Integrated Library Systems. Unpublished master's thesis, San José State University, 210 North 4th Street San Jose, CA 95112 . Retrieved January/February, 2009, from http://users.sfo.com/~lmr/ils-survey.html The Evergreen Community. (n.d.). Evergreen [F&Q, documentation, download]. Retrieved January 8, 2009, from http://open-ils.org/ • “WALDO Development Projects Enhancements for Academic Libraries, Core Development Projects,” July 2008