Transcript Document

Internet and Health care: Extensive Knowledge
Lessons Learned -5
patients’ bringing Internet information to their doctor’s
appointments affected various outcomes for physicians
and patients depending on how the physicians’
assessed the reliability of the information , doc’s
attitudes toward general popular access to
health information , patient’s education and attitude
site map and orientation guides necessary for
website designs
social support and interpersonal utility needs
structural indicators of website quality and accreditation
seals may not be highly related to accuracy and
quality of its medical content
Internet and Health care: Extensive Knowledge
Lessons Learned -6
patients’ bringing Internet information to their doctor’s
appointments affected various outcomes for physicians
and patients depending on how the physicians’
assessed the reliability of the information , doc’s
attitudes toward general popular access to
health information , patient’s education and attitude
site map and orientation guides necessary for
website designs
social support and interpersonal utility needs
structural indicators of website quality and accreditation
seals may not be highly related to accuracy and
quality of its medical content
Internet and Health care: Extensive Knowledge
Lessons Learned -7
users rate online health information quality much
higher than physicians do
visualization of system prototypes helpful for users
to understand and comment on design possibilities
widespread use of Internet by physicians but much less
so for interaction with patients
The future challenges in ICT and Health care:
context- or location-sensitive services
disabled patients using embedded sensors to interact
with their environment
electronic learning environments
electronic research environments
evaluating e-health behavioral and management
bio genetic engineering
high-speed broadband wireless Internet
integration of various treatment and response media
(such as online assessment generating advice to
contact a telephone hot line o send an email)
interactive voice-response applications
Internet and Health care:
Developments – 2 -
mobile telephone-based or converging media -based
health information and communication services
online databases of rare pathologies and cases
online diagnosis tools
online health monitoring and personal health
online or mobile health monitoring or reminder systems
portable digital personal medical records
territorial health information organizations
Internet and Health care:
Developments – 3 -
use of Internet2 for medical research networks
using wireless devices as data entry interface for
Internet-accessible databases, digital cameras to
capture and transmit medical images
virtual reality anatomy demonstrations and medical
web-based store-and-forward health information
applications (such as for X-rays)
Internet and Health care:
accuracy and privacy certifications and criteria
broadcasting baby births through the Internet
business-related applications
developing national medical databases
electronic patient records (use for public health purpose)
electronic prescribing services
electronic publication of medical research
email between health providers and patients (legality)
health group discussion threads
hospital and health resource portals for patients
Internet and Health care:
Trends – 2 -
increased emphasis on health problems and disparities
increased system security
increasing business-to-consumer and
business-to-business Internet transactions
increasing online intermediaries
massive increase in healthcare sector investments
and expenses
moderated health discussion sites
online medical education (physicians, students, patient)
Internet and Health care:
Trends – 3 -
online medical textbooks , journals and CME
online test results
personalized and customized online portals and
medical training
physician referral of patients to health websites
(including more formally as “information prescriptions”)
physicians turning to the Internet to keep up to date
with current research
real-time and asynchronous monitoring and reporting
individual health status as well as disease outbreaks
and diffusion
Internet and Health care:
Trends – 4 -
remote diagnosis
rise of online appointments, transaction processing
technology-enhanced clinical applications
telehealth in remote areas
telesurgery (robotics)
traditional print and broadcast media providing links
to online health sites
virtual clinics
Internet and Health care:
broadband infrastructure
cooperation and coordination among service and
infrastructure providers
government promotion of access and infrastructure
for e-health
e-health policy
interconnectivity across systems and channels
Internet and Health care:
Facilitators – 2 -
mobile/wireless devices and convergence
patients demand to be involved in their medical decisions
physician recommendations of health sites
positive perceptions of innovation attributes
reimbursement to doctors for online time and services
support by national medical associations & gov.
access and knowledge
computer fears
computer/ICT skills
cultural divides concerning technology use and social
norms toward health behaviors
differences in procedures for reimbursement and health
coverage across economic sect and national boundaries
difficulties in assessing online knowledge acquisition
Barriers - 2
digital divide (cultural divide)
high costs of technology overwhelm low cost of access
and communication
individuals’ perceptions of current medical information
insufficient bandwidth
insufficient control or awareness of third party access
to personal medical records
insufficient health dedicated staff
joint involvement by local service providers/physicians
Barriers - 3
lack of basic infrastructure
lack of standard evaluation criteria
lack of support for sustainability of online interventions
and health projects
large gap between those with Internet access and those
offline with chronic health problems (such
limited vision by government and health care agencies
as to potential applications
Barriers - 4
legal limitations of online medical practice
majority of health sites in English language
national and cultural norms and policies
online privacy concerns
physician resistance/hesitancy
poor management of ICT personnel and projects
standard codes for practices and protocols
sustainability (costs, updating, link stability)
time required to learn new systems
Shocking Uses Of The Internet In Body Part Commercialization
Today, thanks to advanced scientific
and technological medical practices
thousands of babies are born, also
thanks to the internet…
Body Parts Donation and Surrogate Mothers Over the Net
Body Parts Donation - Men
While donations and trade of body parts like eggs
is a diffused practice, man also are part of the
sperm bank opened in india for tourism...
Future trends in Building human beings:
What is going to happen?
What information on the WWW in future years ?
Tomorrow genetic engineering opens new
dilemmas and possibilities to internet users
(Video) of building a human being
Ethical, legal social implications
Every year
thousands of people
waiting ...
and waiting ...
...and waiting ...
waiting for a transplant
E-buy me an organ: the new opportunities of Web 2.0
Social networks, blogs offer easy access to unprecedented information?
Living donors Online blog
More controversial and shocking implications:
The Illegal trade of children’s organs
How far should we go in developing info
highways for body parts procurement
(… and effective sensibilization
campaings) ?
How far should we go in developing info highways for e-health
(body parts procurement) ?
E-Health: An interdisciplinary and
International approach to Research
& Methods.
Political, legal, social, economical
aspects for policy making
Internet and Health care:
Policy Issues
codes of ethics
cross-state and cross-border regulations (commerce,
drug prescription etc.)
digital and cultural divide
electronic medical records for public health use
enforcement of online pharmacies
health web site licensure
identify theft
e-health policies
privacy (collection, accessibility,
security, , anonymity, verification)
telecommunications policy reform
in developing countries
telecommunications tariffs
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