Bentuk Bahan tetulang - Universiti Sains Malaysia

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Transcript Bentuk Bahan tetulang - Universiti Sains Malaysia

Tetulang: Whiskers
• Single crystals grown with nearly zero
defects a re termed whiskers
• They are usually discontinuous and short
fibers made from several materials like
graphite, silicon carbide, copper, iron, etc.
• Whiskers differ from particles where
whiskers have a definite length to width
ratio greater than one
• Whiskers can have extraordinary
strengths upto 7000 MPa
• Metal-whisker combination, strengthening
the system at high temperature
• Ceramic-whisker combinations, have high
moduli, useful strength and low density,
resist temperature and resistant to
mechanical and oxidation more than
metallic whiskers
Tetulang: Flake
• Often used in place of fibers as they can
be densely packed
• Flakes are not expensive to produce and
usually cost less than fibers
• Metal flakes that are in close contact with
each other in polymer matrices can
conduct electricity and heat
• Flakes tend to have notches or cracks
around the edges, which weaken the final
• They are also resistant to be lined up
parallel to each other in a matrix, causing
uneven strength
Tetulang: Partikel
• The composite’s strength of
particulate reinforced composites
depends on the diameter of the
particles, the interparticle spacing,
volume fraction of the
reinforcement, size and shape of the
Flaky particle + polymer
Spherical particle + polymer
Continuous and Aligned Fiber Composites
a) Stress-strain behavior for fiber and
matrix phases
-Consider the matrix
is ductile and the
fiber is brittle
-Fracture strength for
fiber is σ*f and for the
matrix is σ*m
- Fracture strain for
fiber is ε*f and for the
matrix is ε*m
(ε*m > ε*f )
b) Stress-strain behavior for a fiber reinforced
-Stage I-the curve
is linear, the matrix
and resin deform
-For the composites,
the matrix yield and
deform plastically (at
-The fiber continue
to stretch elastically,
the fracture strength
of the composite is
higher than tensile
strength of fiber
Elastic Behavior
a) Longitudinal Loading
• Consider the elastic behavior of a
continuous and oriented fibrous
composites and loaded in the
direction of fiber alignment
• Assumption: the interfacial bonding
is good, thus deformation of both
matrix and fibers is the same (an
isostrain condition)
• Total load sustained by the composites Fc is equal to the
sum of the loads carried by the matrix phase Fm and the
fiber phase Ff
• From definition of stress, F=σA, thus
• Then dividing through by the total cross-sectional area of
the composite, Ac; then we have
Eq. 1
• Am/Ac and Af/Ac are the area fractions of the matrix and
fiber phases, respectively.
• If the composite, matrix and fiber phase lengths are all
equal, Am/Ac is equivalent to the volume fraction of the
matrix, and likewise for the fibers, Vf=Af/Ac.
• Hence the equation 1 becomes,
Eq. 2
• Based on previous assumption of an
isostrain state;
• Devide Eq. 2 by its respective strain
• Modulus elasticity of a continuous and
aligned fibrous composites in the direction
of alignment is
• The ratio of the load carried by the fibers
to that carried by the matrix is
• A continuous and aligned glassreinforced composite consists of
40% of glass fibers having a modulus
of elasticity of 69 GPa and 60% vol.
of a polyester resin that when
hardened, displays a modulus of 3.4
a) Compute the modulus of elasticity of this
composite in the longitudinal direction
b) If the cross-sectional area is 250 mm2
and a stress of 50 MPa is applied in this
direction, compute the magnitude of the
load carried by each of the fiber and
matrix phases
c) Determine the strain that is sustained by
each phase when the stress in part (b) is
b) Transverse loading
• A continuous and oriented fiber
composites may be loaded in
transverse direction, load is applied
at a 90º angle to the direction of
fiber alignment
• In this case, the stresses of the
composite, matrix and reinforcement
are the same.
• For this situation the stress of the
composites and both phases is the
• The strain or deformation of entire
• For isostress condition, the equation
which reduce to
Modulus Elastik vs Vf dibawah keadaan
isostress dan isostrain, perhatikan bahan yg
menunjukkan modulus yg tinggi
Exercise 1
• Pertimbangkan komposit epoksi
ditetulangkan oleh gentian karbon,
gentiannya tersusun selanjar, satu
arah dan berisipadu 70%. Modulus
Young bagi gentian karbon dan epoksi
masing-masing ialah 360 x 103 MPa
dan 6.9 x 103 MPa
i) Hitungkan modulus komposit ini di
bawah keadaan sama-tegasan dan
ii) Lakarkan graf tegasan melawan
terikan bagi gentian, matriks dan
komposit ini di bawah keadaan
sama-tegasan dan sama-terikan
sebagai contoh pada terikan=0.02.
Anda perlu menunjukkan cara kiraan
untuk menghasilkan graf tersebut
iii) Hasilkan lakaran graf
kebergantungan modulus komposit, Ec
terhadap pecahan isipadu (Vf) gentian
karbon di bawah keadaan samategasan dan sama-terikan
(Nota: Gunakan sekurang-kurangkan 4
nilai Vf)
Exercise 2
• Komposit yang ditetulangi gentian selanjar
dan tersusun telah dihasilkan daripada
30% isipadu gentian aramid dan 70%
isipadu matriks polikarbonat. Anggapkan
komposit ini mempunyai luas keratan rentas
sebanyak 320mm2 dan dikenakan beban
pada arah membujur sebanyak 44500 N.
(Modulus kenyal bagi gentian aramid ialah
131 GPa dan polikarbonat ialah 2.4 GPa).
Untuk komposit ini, kira:
i) Modulus kenyal pd arah membujur
ii) Nisbah beban gentian-matriks
iii) Beban sebenar yang ditanggung oleh
fasa-fasa gentian dan matriks
iv) Magnitud tegasan yg dikenakan ke atas
fasa-fasa gentian dan matriks
v) Terikan yang dikenakan ke atas komposit
vi) Anggapkan tegasan dikenakan pd arag
merentas lintang drp arah gentian,
kirakan modulus kenyal. Bandingkan nilai
yang diperolehi dengan nilai di bhg.(i)
Indicate whether the
statements are TRUE of FALSE
1) Usually the matrix has a lower Young’s
Modulus than the reinforcement
2) The main objective in reinforcing a metal
is to lower the Young’s Modulus
3)The properties of a composite are
essentially isotropic when the
reinforcement is randomly oriented,
equiaxed particles
Mark the correct
The matrix
a) Is always fibrous
b) Transfers the load to the reinforcement
c) Separates and protects the surface of
the reinforcement
d) Is usually stronger than the
e) Is never a ceramic
• The specific modulus
a) Is given by 1/E where E is Young’s
b) Is given by Eρ where ρ is density
c) Is given by E/ ρ
d) Is generally low for polymer matrix
e) Is generally low for metallic
• Hybrids
a) Are composites with two matrix
b) Are composites with mixed fibers
c) Always have a metallic constituents
d) Are also known as bidirectional woven
e) Are usually multilayered composites
Compared with a ceramic, a polymer
normally has a
Greater strength
Lower stiffness
Lower density
Better high temperature
Lower hardness