Applications of the Monte Carlo Adjoint Shielding Methodology

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Transcript Applications of the Monte Carlo Adjoint Shielding Methodology

Lecture on
Applications of the Monte
Carlo Adjoint Shielding
Roger A. Rydin, University of Virginia,
Consultant U.S. Army
Craig R. Heimbach, formerly with Army Pulse
Radiation Facility
Rydin - University Expert, NGIC, VA
Computational Studies of Military Vehicles
and Structures
Heimbach – Experimentalist, APG, MD
Neutron and Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
1. APRF, Crane-Mounted Bare Fast Reactor
2. WWD, Munster, Germany, Movable
Fallout Simulator
3. ETBS, Bourges, France, Fallout Simulator
Order of Talk
Generalities About Shielding
Available Computer Codes
Statement of Problem
Solution – Hybrid Method Called MASH
Examples Galore
Comments on Mixed Field
Neutron-Gamma Ray Shielding
Shielding is an Art
Requires Skilled Modeling
Shielding Requires Transport Theory
Highly Anisotropic Cross Sections
Discrete Ordinates Sn Methods
Large Distances In Regular Geometry
Monte Carlo Methods
Short Distances In Detailed Geometry
General Mixed Field
Neutron-Gamma Ray Shielding
Shield Neutrons With Light Materials
Water, Plastic, Boron
Shield Gamma Rays With Heavy Materials
Lead, Iron
Beware of
Holes and Gaps !
Shielding Codes
ORNL (Shielding)
ANISN, DORT, TORT, Discrete Ordinates
MORSE, Multi-group Monte Carlo
LANL (Weapons Design)
TRIDENT, etc, Discrete Ordinates
MCNP, Continuous Energy Monte Carlo
Cross Section Libraries, Quadratures
Incompatible! (2 l +1) / 2 Factor
Monte Carlo Codes
Volumetric Primitives - SPH, RPP, ARB,
Boulean Combinatorial Geometry
Define Surfaces, Make Volumes
Easy Replication, Restart
Can’t Do Adjoint Problem
Basic Question
How Do You Accurately Calculate the Dose
Inside a Geometrically Complicated Shield
a Large Distance from a Mixed Source of
Neutrons and Gamma Rays ?
Discrete Ordinates Can’t Handle The
Shield Geometry (Stair Steps ?)
Monte Carlo Can’t Handle the Distance or
a Small Size Dose Receiver
Air-Over Ground Problem
2D Problem Covers 2+ Kilometers
Large, Geometrically Increasing, Mesh
Spaces in Air, Small Mesh in Ground
42 Neutron, 17 Gamma Ray Groups
Cover Inelastic Scattering
P6 Cross Sections
Compton Scattering Anisotropy
S16 Forward – Biased Quadrature Set
Adjoint Problem
Every Integro – Differential Equation Has
a Dual, Adjoint or Importance Counterpart
Equations Are Connected Through an
Integral Variational Principle Functional
They Have the Same Boundary Conditions
The Operators Are Obtainable By
Transpositions, Role Reversals, and
Energy Direction Reversal
Solution - MASH Methodology
Transport from Source = Discrete Sn
Calculation with DORT (2D) or TORT (3D)
No Distance and Geometry Limitations to Vicinity
of Shield
Dose in Complicated Shield = Stochastic
Calculation with MORSE in Adjoint Mode
Shield Geometry Complexity, Orientation, and All
Particles Start from Detector Volume
Couple Over a Surface Around Shield
MASH Methodology
Implied – The Presence of the Shield
Doesn’t Perturb the Discrete Ordinates
If Untrue, Add a Dummy Shield
Rotation of the Shield Before Coupling
Doesn’t Affect the Answer – Not True for
Big Shields
L  S
L  R
* *
FLUX From Source
Detector Response
L-Terms Cancel
Dose Calculation
VSource   SdP  VDetector  RdP  Dose
Need Flux at Detector
or Importance at
Dose 
Or Flux and
Importance at a
Coupling Surface
Neutron Reduction Factor NRF
Neutron Dose Outside (Gray) / Dose Inside Shield
Gamma Reduction Factor GRF
Gamma Dose Outside (Gray) / Dose Inside Shield
Fallout Protection Factor FPF
Fallout Gamma Dose Outside (Gray) / Dose Inside
Further Definitions
Neutron Protection Factor NPF
Neutron Dose Outside (Gray) / N and γ Dose
Inside Shield Caused by Neutron Source
Gamma Protection Factor GPF
Gamma Dose Outside (Gray) / γ Dose Inside
Shield Caused by γ Source
Boxes Near a Prompt Source
Vehicles Near a Prompt Source
BNCT Medical Therapy Room Design
Tank on a Fallout Field
Small Concrete Building
Buildings in an Urban Environment
Verification of Methodology for
Simple Geometries
1 Meter Box, Rotated, With Holes and
2 Meter Box ORNL Calculation
RTK Angled Box From WWD
ROSPEC – 4 Spherical Proportional
Counters, Unfolding
DOSPEC – Dose – Calibrated NaI
Calibrated GM Tubes
TE Ion Chambers
International Intercalibration Effort – US,
UK, Germany, France, Canada
Small Lined Iron Box
Small Lined Iron Box
Unlined, Polyethylene Liner,
Boron Polyethylene Liner
200 Meters From APRF
Calibrated GM Tubes, Tissue Equivalent
Learned The Value of Source Energy Biasing
Start More Particles That Give High Dose
Medical Therapy Room
Medical Therapy Room
Dummy Head in DORT Problem Gives
Scattering Source to Walls
Doesn’t Make Much Difference If Patient
Is Prone In Beam, Seated Out Of Beam,
Or Shadow Shielded
Dose To Rest Of Body Comes Through
the Neck !
T72 Russian Tank Model
>10000 Primitive
ARS Arbitrary
ARB Arbitrary
Polyhedrons; etc.
>6000 Material
Regions by
T72 Russian Tank Model
The Model Came From BRL CAD – CAM
Required Graphical Debugging – ORGBUG
Required Tolerance Debugging
Lost Particles !
Required a MORSE Modification !
Fallout Field at Bourges, France
Using La-140
80 by 80 Meter Dirt Field
At Corner, Rotated ~ 160 by 160 Meters
30 by 30 Meter Concrete Pad
At Corner, Rotated ~ 60 by 60 Meters
Experiment vs. Calculation
Fallout simulated with Fission Products
Fallout Simulated with La-140
Comparison to ORNL Calculations
FPF Comparisons
Strong Variation, Seat to Head
Concrete FPF > Dirt , in General
Conc. vs. Dirt Difference, Probably Real
Calculation ~ in Middle
Agreement Generally Within Error Bars
Fallout Protection is Significant
FPF Comparison, ORNL
General Conclusions for T 72
Fallout Protection Factor ~ 40
Driver Less Well Protected ~ 15
Some Differences for Source Type
Some Differences for Model Maker
Typical Accuracy, ~ 15 – 20 %
Concrete Building Photo
Concrete Building Model
Concrete Building, Neutrons
Concrete Building, Gammas
Concrete Building Conclusions
Reasonably Good Neutron Protection ~ 3
Fair Prompt Gamma Protection ~ 3.5
Good Fallout Protection ~ 9
Stay Away From Doors and Windows
Foxhole Model
Foxhole Protection Factors
Foxhole Conclusions
Reasonably Good Neutron Protection ~ 3
Fair Prompt Gamma Protection ~ 2
Good Fallout Protection ~ 12
Keep Head Down and Stay Inside
Tall Buildings
Buildings in an Urban Environment
Large Buildings
We Can Make a Geometry Model
But - New Problem, Not Yet Solved !
No Experimental Data !
TORT Had Computational Limits for 10 Story
MASH Coupling Over Large Surface ?
Large Buildings, cont.
Alternate Method, QAD Point Kernel
Gamma Code
QAD Uses MASH Model
Chinese Building Study near Reactor
QAD Point Kernel Buildup Factors ?
Effect of Extended Shadowed Source ?
MASH Works Very Well for Small Shields
C/E Typically 10 – 20 %
Large Buildings Represent an Unsolved
More Research Needed