The Designated Subject Program - West Hills Community College

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Transcript The Designated Subject Program - West Hills Community College

How 2 B a CTE Teacher
 5:00-5:15-
Registration and Welcome
 5:15-6:15-
Dinner and CTE Educator Spotlight
Charles Freeman- Director of Nursing
David Rengh- Business/CIS instructor
David Castillo- Westside Institute of Technology
Nancy Jeffcoach- WHC Lemoore Childhood Development Centers
 6:15-7:15
FPU Designated Subject CTE credential
JoEllen Misakian- Fresno Pacific University
Mary West- Fresno Pacific University
 7:15-7:30 The
Questions, Answers, Wrap up
PowerPoint will be available on T.E.A.M. Teach
What is the
Designated Subject
Credential Program
Adult Education
Special Subjects
The Designated Subject
At Fresno Pacific University
School of Education
The credential allows…
These four different credentials allow teachers
to teach courses in:
Adult education schools/programs,
ROP programs (career technical education),
Prisons (vocational), and
High school NJROTC programs
Adult Education Credential
Education or degree in subject area to be named on the
Passage of CBEST
US Constitution requirement (if full-time credential)
A year of teaching in a subject area (single subject
credential) may meet requirements
Adult Education Courses
Five Courses = Ten Units
Computer Technology / 1-unit
Instructional Strategies & Evaluation / 2-unit
Perspectives on the Adult Learner / 2-unit
Curriculum, Instructional Technology, etc. / 3-unit
Interpersonal Relations, Counseling and Guidance / 2-unit
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Credential (new program)
Requirements for the preliminary credential:
 Three years of experience in the subject named on the
 Possession of a high school diploma or equivalency
 Satisfaction of teacher fitness (fingerprint clearance)
 Minimum experience to teach the class assigned by
the employer
Requirements for the clear credential:
Completion of 15 units of advanced preparation with multiple
measures demonstrating proficiency in all competencies.
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Credential (new program)
Eight courses = 15 units
DSE 400: Early Orientation / 2
DSE: 405: Educational Technology / 1
DSE: 410: Foundations of CTE Standards/History / 1
DSE: 415 Curriculum Development / 3
DSE 420: Learning & Instruction / 3
DSE 425: Classroom & Lab Management / 1
DSE 430: Assessing Student Learning / 2
DSE 435: Special Needs / 2
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Credential (new program)
The 15 sectors applicable to career technical education for
public schools are identified in the California CTE
Model Curriculum Standards.
They are:
Agriculture and Natural Resources Industry
Arts, Media, and Entertainment Industry
Building Trades and Construction Industry
Education, Child Development, and Family Services Industry
Energy and Utilities Industry
Engineering and Design Industry
Fashion and Interior Design Industry
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Credential (new program)
Finance and Business Industry
Health Science and Medical Technology Industry
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industry
Information Technology Industry
Manufacturing and Product Development Industry
Marketing, Sales, and Service Industry
Public Services Industry
Transportation Industry
Special Subjects
Can be earned within the Designated Subjects courses
for those possessing a preliminary special subjects
teaching credential and specializing in a particular
subject area. Candidates are required to:
Earn nine units in the career technical education/ vocational
education 300 or 400 series of courses.
Complete the courses within the first two years of
credential issuance.
Supervision & Coordination
The credential consists of 6 units of coursework
following completion of the adult education program.
These two, 3-unit courses are designed to be offered as a
directed study.
Allows candidates to become supervisors.
Entrance procedures
Step 1
Step 2
Contact Barbara Horn for an appointment with Mary or Jo Ellen
Complete a one-page application
Step 3
Complete registration application send to registrar’s office
Fees: $115 per unit
Step 4
Attend class on Main Campus or Visalia Center
Contact Information
Jo Ellen Priest Misakian, Program Director (Main
eMail: [email protected]
Mary West , Program Coordinator (Main Campus)
Phone: 453-2291
Phone: 453-5693
eMail: [email protected]
Barbara Horn, Program Assistant (Visalia)
Phone: 622-9958
eMail: [email protected]
Future plans for the program
with FPU as the program sponsor
Recently received approval to offer the new Career
Technical Program reflecting new California
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) standards.
Planning to move the program into the online format
Expecting to write to the new CTC Adult Education