Transcript Slide 1

Who is the CLA,
and what do they do for you?
A look into the services provided by your national
governing body
CLA Mandate
 Facilitate communications and relationships building among
MAs / AMAs
Develop player, coach, official and volunteer programs for
implementation by MAs / AMAs
Develop, regulate and review playing rules, equipment
standards and codes of ethics
Monitor and abide by policies and financial requirements of
federal institutions
Provide a Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model
for lacrosse in Canada
CLA Mandate
 Provide exposure and resources to support the growth and
development of lacrosse nationwide
 Sanction and provide national competitions
 Represent Canadian Lacrosse internationally
Members of the CLA
 Member associations: BCLA, ALA, SLA, MLA, OLA, FCQ,
 MA status open to the recognized governing body for lacrosse
in each province
 Associate member associations: ILA, Can-Am, NLLA
 AMA status open to any league/organization in a
province/territory/area where no governing body exists
 Individual members of these associations: YOU!!!
 Only Member Associations have a vote at CLA meetings
Membership Organizational Chart
CLA Board of Directors
Board of
Hall of
Who’s Who of the CLA
 MA Presidents
 AMA Presidents
 BCLA: Sohen Gill
 NLLA: James Hearn
 ALA: Keith Talbot
 ILA: Mike Mitchell
 SLA: Shawn Williams
 Can-Am: Roger Hill
 MLA: Paul Magnan
 OLA: John Doherty
 FCQ: Richard Grondin
 LNB: Dave Higdon
 LNS: Kevan Mills
Who’s Who of the CLA
 Executive Committee
 President: Joey Harris
 VP Administration: Tom Engel
 VP Organizational Development: Terry Rowland
 VP International Competition: Stew Begg
 VP Domestic Competition: AJ Jomha
 VP Domestic Development: Russ Sheppard
 Past President: Jim Burke
 Hall of Fame Director: Randy Radonich
 First Nations Director: Mike Mitchell
Sectors of the CLA
 Box, Men’s Field and Women’s Field
 Meet annually at the CLA SAGM
 Consist of sector chairs and reps from each MA/AMA
 Discuss rules of play, competition structure, player eligibility,
player transfers, national championships
 Intercrosse
 Coaching
 Meet bi-annually at odd-numbered years’ SAGMs
 Sector Chair, National Resource Person, VP Domestic
Development and reps from each MA/AMA
 Operate the NCCP program
 Officiating
 Meet bi-annually at even-numbered years’ SAGMs
 Sector Chair, RICs/UIC, VP Domestic Development and
MA/AMA reps
 Operate the NOCP program
Sector Chairs
 Box: Doug Luey
 Men’s Field: Bill Fox
 Women’s Field: Marisa Di Bari
 Intercrosse: Gef Lachapelle
 Coaching: Jim Gow
 Officiating: Brent McCauley
CLA Staff
 Executive Director – Melissa McKenzie
 Responsible for: finance, policy, public relations, marketing,
national teams, national championships
 Program Coordinator – Ross Ste-Croix
 Responsible for: coaching, officiating, domestic development,
projects, website
 Office Administrator – Jane Clapham
 Responsible for: communication, finance, meetings of the
Association, player transfers, daily administration
Policy Changes/New Policies
 General policy changes
 Policy change proposals are forwarded to the CLA Office 45
days prior to the Board of Directors meeting at which they will
be discussed
 They are then decided upon at the BOD meeting
 Sector policy changes
 Policy change proposals affecting any of the sectors must be
forwarded to the CLA Office 45 days prior to the SAGM
 They are then decided upon at the relevant Sector(s) meetings,
and if passed there, brought to the BOD meeting
 All policy changes take effect immediately
Rule Changes/New Rules
 Box Lacrosse Rule Changes
 Rule change proposals are forwarded to the CLA Office by
March 1st of even-numbered years
 Submissions are forwarded to the appropriate Sector Chair and
to the Coaching & Officiating Sector Chairs by March 15th, who
must submit their evaluations by April 15th to the CLA Office
 CLA Office then sends the evaluations to the appropriate Sector
Chair & includes them in a report to the MAs/AMAs at the
Sector meeting
 Rule changes are then decided upon at the relevant Sector(s)
meetings, and if passed there, are brought to the Board
 All rule changes take effect at the start of the
following season
Rule Changes/New Rules
 Men’s and Women’s Field Lacrosse
 MF/WF are governed by the rules of FIL with a few exceptions
 Changes to these exceptions must follow the same process as
Box Lacrosse rule changes
 Rule changes issued by FIL must be reported to the CLA and
accepted by the Board of Directors
CLA Committees
 Standing Committees
 Equipment Review Committee
 Minto Cup Committee
 Nominations Committee
 Disciplinary Committee
 Appeals Committee
 Transfer Review Committee
 LTAD Committee
 NOCP Committee
 Aboriginal Development Committee
Equipment Review Committee
 Established in November 2001 to formalize CLA equipment
approval process
 Mandate:
 Offer manufacturers a review team on lacrosse equipment
 Review lacrosse equipment vis-à-vis existing/proposed CLA
playing rules
 Approve lacrosse equipment for CLA play
Minto Cup Committee
 The Committee consists of the following individuals:
 CLA President
 CLA Vice-President Domestic Competition
 CLA Vice President Administration
 CLA Box Sector Chair (Chair)
 ALA, BCLA and OLA Presidents and League Commissioners or
their designates
 CLA Executive Director
 The Committee meets yearly on the Thursday prior to the CLA
SAGM, at the Minto Cup tournament and at any additional
meeting as deemed necessary
Nominations Committee
 The committee consists of:
 Chairperson: CLA Past President
 2 additional members appointed by the BOD at the SAGM
 Executive Director (who serves as a non-voting member)
 Mandate
 Explain to potential candidates their duties and responsibilities should
they be elected to the Executive
 Obtain written consent from each nominee
 Recommend a slate of candidates prior to each AGM, comprising of
at least one candidate per vacant position
 Nominations may also come from the floor from any
voting delegate at the AGM
Disciplinary Committee
 Upon receiving a complaint, the CLA Executive Director
must immediately notify the President
 If the President determines that there may be a breach or
violation, he/she must appoint a Discipline Committee
 Members are drawn from the BOD and Sector Chair
positions, excluding the Executive Committee and the Chair
of the Appeals Committee
Appeals Committee
 The CLA Appeals Committee is made up of a Chair,
appointed by the Board of Directors at the CLA AGM. Two
additional members are selected from the Board at the
discretion of the Chair based on the nature of the appeal to
be heard or the parties involved.
 Any member of the Association may appeal, to the CLA
Appeals Board, a decision on any matter made by any
Director, Committee or by the Executive affecting the rights
of the Member.
 NOTE: Members must exhaust all avenues of appeal in their
own MA before applying to the CLA
Transfer Review Committee
 The CLA Transfer Review Committee (TRC) is made up of:
 A Chair (Box Sector Chair or alternate)
 CLA VP Domestic Competition
 CLA Past President
 Presidents of the MA/AMA involved or their designates
 Reviews denied transfers of primarily Jr. A & Sr. A players
 The TRC is not used for hearing any discipline related
issues. However, the committee may forward on its findings
to the CLA for further action if the committee deems it
LTAD Committee
 Consisting of:
 CLA National Resource Person
 CLA Chair of Coaching
 CLA Program Coordinator
 MA representatives
 Mandate
 To develop the LTAD and work on its accompanying
NOCP Committee
 Consisting of:
 CLA VP Domestic Development
 CLA Chair of Officiating
 MA representatives
 Mandate
 To develop the NOCP and work on its accompanying
Aboriginal Development Committee
 Consisting of:
 First Nations Director
 CLA Program Coordinator
 MA representatives
 Mandate
 Increase participation numbers and competitive opportunities
in lacrosse for Aboriginal communities in each
CLA Website
CLA Website
How many of you have visited the CLA website?
What can you find on there?
 Calendar of Events
 Downloadable resources for
LTAD, Coaching, Officiating
 CLA News
 Technical Bulletins
 Info on National Teams
 Info on National
 Results of Appeals &
Discipline Hearings
 Sticks & Stones Newsletter
 Pro Shop
 CLA Operations Manual
 History of Lacrosse
 CLA Strategic Plan
Follow the CLA on
Facebook and Twitter
On Facebook, search
‘Canadian Lacrosse Association’
Sticks & Stones E-newsletter
 Published every 2 months on and sent out to
our mailing list
 Available in English & French
 Includes:
 Updates on national programs & events
 Local lacrosse stories
 Important dates
 Local lacrosse stories are welcome & invited
 How can I receive Sticks & Stones?
 E-mail: [email protected] and ask to be added to the
distribution list
NCCP Coaching Programs
 Development and maintenance of NCCP-approved coaching
programs for community and competitive level coaches
 Online coaching program (
 Marking of coach workbooks
 2010 Initiatives:
 LTAD Coach Manual review
 Men’s Field/Women’s Field Community Initiation Manuals
 Learning Facilitator LTAD Training sessions
 YouTube Video Contest
NOCP Officiating Programs
 Development and maintenance of NOCP officiating
programs from entry-level through to Level 5
 2010 Initiatives:
 NOCP Meetings (in all disciplines)
 Sports Officials Canada meeting
 Online course development
 Referees and assessors to Worlds
National Championships
 Administration and delivery of national championship events
in three disciplines spanning Pee Wee to Senior lacrosse
 2010 Initiatives:
 Establishment of the CLA Calendar of National Championships
National Teams
 Coordination of national team events
 Awarding of National Teams to management groups
 2010 Initiatives:
 Senior Men’s Field team to Manchester, ENGLAND
 Preparation for 2011 International Competitions
 Development of Long Term National Team Strategy
Lacrosse for Life
 Development of policies and recommendations to ensure
optimal development of lacrosse athletes throughout their
sporting life
 Development of materials and resources to aid local
associations and coaches in implementing the principles of
Long-Term Athlete Development
 2010 Initiatives:
 Implementation Plan
 National Grassroots Program
Domestic Development
 Organization and delivery of projects and programs that
bring lacrosse to new areas of the country
 Development of lacrosse in aboriginal communities
 Open to all areas of the country
 2010 Initiatives:
 Field Challenge Cup
 University Field Lacrosse
Sticks & Stones Newsletter
 Bi-monthly e-newsletter consisting of coaching updates, local
lacrosse stories and important dates/events
 2010 Highlights:
 BCLA Achievement Award - February
 Lacrosse on the Hill - April
Production of Resources
 Fun with Fundamentals DVD box set
 Skill/drill card set
 School Phys. Ed. curriculum
 Coaching manuals/rulebooks
 Online drill library
 2010 Initiatives:
 National grassroots program website and
All Made Possible By…
 Sport Canada is our primary source of income, providing funding
 Administration
 Meetings
 Projects
 Operational Expenses
 CLF (through a granting process)
 Coaching Association of Canada
 Investments
 Membership fees
All of these services available to…
(for only a $3 membership fee!)
Closing Remarks
 Any organization is only as strong as its weakest link
 We will all benefit from working together and helping each
other out
What else can we do for you?