E.O. 2 Review Game

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E.O. 2 Review


The oldest religion still in practice is: S Buddhism S Hinduism S Christianity S Judaism

What is the evidence that Neanderthals expressed religious beliefs?

S Carved ivory statues in gravesites S Glass beads in gravesides S Flint tools and prepared food in gravesites S All of the above

Hinduism historically gained the most new converts outside the Indian subcontinent where?

S Sub-Saharan Africa S Southeast Asia S Arabia S China

In the Bhagaadgita S Arjuna learns that he should follow his dharma S Krishna is the commander of Arjuna S Krishna tells Arjuna that Arjuna is not truly a warrior S Arjuna leanrs that pacifism is the proper way of Hindu

The dance of this god symbolizes the cycle of creation and destruction S Shiva S Krishna S Brahma S Vishnu

According to the Upanishads, the time for “forest wandering”, or reflection, is the S First stage of life S Second stage of life S Third stage of life S Fourth stage of life

Regarding Hinduism, it is most true that S Temples were usually directed by the peasants S Brahmin priests often donated their land to the king S Brahmin priests often supported local rulers S Religion and politics were strictly separated

Which of the following is NOT an original caste?

S Vaishya S Sudra S Jatis S Brahmin S Kshatriya

For the Buddha, unhappiness was caused by S Desire S The wish to reach enlightenment S The inaccurate teachings of the brahmins S The inability for souls to be reincarnated

Buddhism in China S Conflicted sharply with Daoism S Enjoyed immediate and lasting favor in the ruling classes S Came from India via sea trading routes S Developed a sect called Chan, which later became Zen in Japan

The Buddhist center furthest from the site of Buddha’s enlightenment is S Bamiyan S Edo S Kandy S Kotabangun

According to Jewish beliefs, God S Has always maintained the same outlook toward the Jews S Is accessible only through rabbis S Would sometimes dialogue with humans S Would be invoked by repeatedly chanting his name out loud

The Torah S Is notable for its absence of miracles S Has changed little since it was written S Was written just before the birth of Christ S Begins with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt

Regarding gender relations, the Torah S Gave women more religious rights than men S Hold that men and women are equal S Advocate polygamy S Gave women fewer civil rights than men

Before the death of Solomon, the Jewish state controlled from the Euphrates to S The Sea of Galilee S The Mediterranean Sea S The Red Sea S The Dead Sea

Which of the following Jewish groups stayed aloof from politics and preached the end of the world?

S Pharisees S Zealots S Sadducees S Essenes

Which diaspora caused the most fundamental and lasting change for Jews?

S Babylonian diaspora S Diaspora at the hands of the Romans S Diaspora in Egypt S Diaspora at the hands of the Assyrians

The four Christian gospels were written S Between about 70 CE and 100 CE S By the apostle Paul S With the strict guidance of Roman censors S Just after the crucifixion of Jesus

By 250 CE, most of Rome’s Christians were members of the S Military S Lower class S Middle class S Upper class

Which of the following locations was NOT visited by Paul on his fourth journey?

S Italy S Crete S Macedonia S Malta

Emperor Theodosius S Was overthrown by Constantine S Made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire S Practiced religious tolerance S Gave special privileges to Jews

Augustine S Supported the separation of church and state S Taught that the path to salvation was through human reason S Was a bishop in Rome who eventually became the first pope S Held that the spiritual cannot be separated from the political

Charlemagne S Was a great friend of the Eastern emperor in Constantinople S Was the major reason why Europe entered the Dark Ages S Suffered several defeats which cut the size of his empire by half S Was crowned Roman Emperor by the Pope

Name the Five Pillars of Islam S Faith S Alms S Hajj S Fasting S Prayer

Abu Bakr S Was a direct descendent of Muhammad S Was the first caliph S Refused to use force to keep converts faithful to Islam S Ruled for nearly 30 years

The Shi’as S Wanted the caliph to focus on imperial aspirations S Are currently the majority of the Islamic world S Thought that descendants of Ali should be imam S Were most numerous in Egypt

Many of the major agricultural exchanges that helped the Islamic world came from S Sub-Saharan Africa S India S Coastal eastern Africa S The Fertile Crescent

Which of the following religious advocates a complete separation of spiritual and commercial matters?

S Islam S Judaism S Hinduism S Christianity