Getting Results from the Analysis Phase

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When eLearning & KM worlds
Collide: A Design Perspective
Kevin C. Moore
Total Learning Solutions
[email protected]
KM & eLearning
• The first generation of e-learning replicated the
physical classroom. Courses and curricula were
made up of slide-shows and quizzes, with return
on investment measured through reductions in
travel and delivery costs.
• As enterprises increase their focus on
knowledge creation, innovation and re-skilling
the knowledge workforce in support of business
objectives, e-learning will become a crucial
element of knowledge management
» Gartner, 2002 (Research Note)
What is KM?
KM is the intelligent capture, storage, and
retrieval process of data, information, and
knowledge by and for individuals in an
enterprise so they can do their jobs more
 Knowledge Management is a conscious strategy of
getting the right information to the right people at the
right time so they can take action and create value
“O’ Dell et al”
 KM is the key to utilizing the data stores of
information in your company. It is using
technologies to get the information to the person who
needs it, at the precise moment they need it.
However, the focus must be on learning not delivery.
Wait a minute…isn’t that what
we do?
• Yesterday, I heard…
– We need non linear learning just in time
– Move away from Curriculum, Course,
Lesson & Topic frameset
– Put designed content in front of the learner
to teach at the teachable moment
– Move away from the idea that course
“completion” has anything to do with
• Let’s Talk…
Help me here…
• Why does your person come to the learning
program you create?
• What are their motivations to be there?
• Are we making assumptions about their
ability to:
– find value
– look forward to necessary requirements
– get what they need and leave
A Model (traditional and non traditional)
Knowledge Services
Learning Solutions
Support Solutions
Help Desk
Knowledge Services based
• As the distributed network e-learning becomes
the key to the growth of enterprise information
• e-learning will support the development of
intellectual assets, workplace collaboration and
innovation through people, process, then
• eLearning is a Necessary component of any
knowledge services approach and is linked to
personnel and organizational competency
models, compensation plans and reward
schemes for contributions to the organizational
knowledge base, as well as to innovative
applications of the knowledge.
What we have to realize
Let’s do a little design
• What does a person who needs “Support”
have to have to improve performance?
• What does a person who need “Learning”
have to have to improve performance?
So what does that mean?
Object Orientation
• Reusable Content Objects
Information Object
Learning Object
Knowledge Object
Performance Object
Object Technology:
• Many companies now believe that an
object-based approach will provide the
basis for platform neutrality and
software reusability needed for the
large-scale development and
dissemination of powerful,costeffective learning content
KM Components
• Data
– A discrete set of facts (Declarative)
• Information
– Data that hangs together to have meaning
in some form (Conditional & Procedural)
• Knowledge
– knowledge is information in context
broader, deeper, and richer (Variables)
KM’s Model of KM…
• Information Objects
– Smallest form with enough context to add
support to an Expert
• Knowledge Objects
– Collection of IO to assist the Performer
• Performance Objects
– Collection of KO to assist in Learning
Let’s Do it…
• Design Session using Information
Objects, Knowledge Objects, &
Performance Objects
Not just me…where is it going?
• ADL, AICC, SCORM oh my?
ADL: Advanced Distributed Learning
• An initiative to ensure access to high-quality
education and training materials that can be
tailored to individual learner needs and made
available whenever and wherever they are
• A method to accelerate large-scale
development of dynamic and cost-effective
learning software and to stimulate an efficient
market for these products in order to meet the
education and training needs of the military
and the nation's workforce in the 21st century.
• The ADL consortium is developing a
common technical framework for computer
and net-based learning that fosters the
creation of reusable learning content as
"instructional objects."
• Federal government, private-sector
technology suppliers, and the broader
education and training community are
formulating voluntary guidelines that make
learning software accessible, interoperable,
durable, reusable, adaptable and affordable.
Rationale and Successes
• In 1997, ADL began working with key
industry leaders and standards organizations
such as the Learning Technology Standards
Committee of the IEEE, the Instruction
Management Project, and the Aviation
Industry CBT Committee to identify critical
technical interface points around which
standards for Web-based learning
technologies might be developed.
• Agreements were forged as to what needed to
be standardized.
• Results = Sharable Content Object Reference
Model (SCORM).
Sharable Course Object Reference Model
Sharable Course Object Reference Model
Who is involved: Academic
Behavioral Technology Labs/University of Southern California
Carnegie Mellon University/Carnegie Mellon Online
Central Texas College
Foothill College
Fox Valley Technical College
Illinois State University
Iowa State University
Miami Dade Community College
Middle Georgia College
Mississippi State University Center for Educational & Training Technology
Nicolet Area Technical College
Pennsylvania State University
Rochester Institute of Technology
United States Open University
University of California - Berkeley
University of California - Irvine
University of Central Florida
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
University of New Orleans
University of Maryland University College
University of Southern California
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin System
Vanderbilt-Northwestern-Texas-Harvard/MIT (VaNTH) Center for Bioengineering
Wisconsin Technical College System
Who is involved:Government
82d Training Group -- USAF -- AETC
Air Force Institute for ADL
US Air Force, Training Support Squadron,
Training Technology Flight
Army Medical Department
Department of the Army, University After Next
The Army Distance Learning Program
US Army Research Institute
US Army Training Support Center
– Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) •
– Naval Education & Training Professional
Development & Technology Center
– Navy Air Systems Command
– Patrol Squadron 30, Naval Air Station,
US Marine Corps
National Guard
National Guard Bureau Professional Education
National Guard Bureau
Department of Defense:
– Defense Acquisition University
– Defense Logistics Agency
– Office of the Secretary of Defense DIAP
Department of Justice/Immigration & Nat.
Department of Labor
HQ Civil Air Patrol
Joint Forces Command/JWFC
Joint Staff /Joint Staff J7
Joint Warfighting Center
National Defense University
National Institute for Standards and Technology
National Security Agency
US National Library of Medicine
Who is involved:Industry
Adams i-solutions, Inc.
Aviation Industry CBT
Avilar Technologies, Inc.
Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc.
Computer Curriculum
Computer Sciences Corporation
Concurrent Technologies
Cubic Applications, Inc.
Delex Systems, Inc.
Discovery Machine, Inc.
Docent, Inc.
Educational Object Economy
(EOE) Foundation
Educational Technologies
Element K
Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
Flight Safety Boeing
FT Knowledge
G3 Systems, Inc.
Galaxy Scientific Corporation
GD-CS Pathways
IMS Global Learning Consortium,
Inc. Instructional Science &
Handshaw & Associates
Hypercosm, Inc.
IBS Interactive
Institute for Defense Analyses
Information Resources Management,
Jardon & Howard Technologies
JHT Multimedia
Knowledge Mechanics
LearnFrame, Inc.
Litton TASC
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems
Logistic Services Incorporated
Logistic Services International
Lotus/IBM Mindspan Solutions
Mentergy Inc
MaxIT Corporation
Pathlore Software Corporation
Pearson Education
PerformTech Inc.
Plateau Systems Raytheon Interactive
Raytheon Systems Company
RealNetworks Inc.
Saba Software
SI International
SkillSoft Corporation
Stayhealthy Inc.
Steven Schatz Information Design
Teknowledge Corporation
The Boeing Company
UW Learning Innovations
Bottom Line
• Individuals in performance positions
will continue to “want to learn” not “be
• Get information so it moves to
knowledge and GET OUT
• Be engaged while in the learning…
canned, generalized content will
continue to have poor (add the metric)
Start the Revolution!
Your Role
• You must be able to create, capture, organize, and
disseminate knowledge throughout the enterprise
• You must move data to information to knowledge in
an intelligent, efficient, and effective manner
• You must get information / knowledge to the people
at the speed they conduct business
• You must Reuse Content within a Total Learning
Solution (for learning and support) so that
performance in enhanced
• You must sign up to improve performance for
individuals within their job and their own industry
When eLearning & KM worlds
Collide: A Design Perspective
Kevin C. Moore
Total Learning Solutions
[email protected]