Transcript Slide 1

Graduate Studies at FMU
School Psychology Option
Program Overview
Typical program is 72 credit hours
3 years
Practicum placements the first 2 years
Internship the last year
Fulfills educational criteria for certification as a Nationally Certified School
Fulfills educational criteria for certification as a Level II School Psychologist in SC
The addition of the
It is up to you to know criteria for certification/licensure in other states
Approval and Accreditation
APA DOES NOT accredit masters-level programs.
National Association of School Psychologists
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Training criteria for masters- and doctoral level training programs in
school psychology
Training criteria for educator training programs
Council of Applied Master's Programs in Psychology
Master’s in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council
Training criteria for masters-level, applied psychology training programs
Why is Approval and Accreditation
• Goals:
• Establishing general standards of education and training;
• Encouraging and helping training programs to meet these
• Certifying compliance with the standards;
• Communicating with the public about these standards;
• Advocating for CAMPP, NASP, and CAEP approved programs to the
professional psychology community.
Program History
1976  Paraprofessional Option at FMU
Development of M.S. program at FMU
CAMPP was established in 1986.
MPCAC developed later; FMU’s program was the first
accredited program.
• NASP/CAEP approved the School Psychology program
in 2001; current approval through Fall 2019
Course of Study
• Requirements
– MSAP/SSP Program of Study
– FMU Catalog (pp. 218 – 225)
To stay up-to-date…
Advising and Your Advisor
Pages 19 – 25 in Handbook
• Program of Study  stick to model program outline (page 25)
• Potential delays and Program Progress
• Mid-semester advising is mandatory (dates are in FMU course schedule)
• Be familiar with the FMU catalog and the FMU Student Handbook.
Academic Advisor: Hill-Chapman
- Program Coordinator: Hill-Chapman/Broughton
- Practicum Coordinators: Bridger, Broughton, Faykus, Hill-Chapman
- Internship Coordinator: Bridger
Pages 45 - 49 in Handbook
Consultation Practicum (w/ 749)
– Spring 2016 (700D)
Introductory Practicum
– Fall 2014 (600A)
Intervention courses (w/604/704/714)
– Spring 2015 (600C)
– Fall 2015 (700C)
– Spring 2016 (700C)
Integrated Practicum
– Spring 2016 (700E)
Assessment courses (w/ 606/616/706)
– Fall 2014 (600B)
– Spring 2015 (600B)
– Fall 2015 (700B)
Role of Practicum Coordinator
Required Paperwork
Each practica requires a minimum of 50+ logged hours for credit!
Pages 50 - 58 in Handbook
Read this section carefully!
PSY 799F/799S, after all coursework is completed
Individualized placement
Role of Internship Coordinator
Requirements of site and supervisor
Required Paperwork
1200+ clinical hours (at least 40% direct client contact)
End of Year Portfolios
Pages 85 - 96 in Handbook
Read this section carefully!
• Required Products
• Required Paperwork
50+ hours per practica (40% must be direct client contact)
Permanent products documenting work in all courses
Applied Research Project
Pages 53 – 58 in Handbook
• Individualized project
• Initial Literature Review are due before the end of PSY 759
– The project may change during the internship year
• Required Paperwork
– Institutional Review Board
– Abstract of completed project MUST be submitted to NASP for
presentation prior to your graduation
Other Program Requirements
• SCASP & NASP student membership
• SLED Background Check paperwork
– RCC Paperwork
• Student liability insurance (next slide)
Other Program Requirements
• Graduation Application for MSAP
– Must complete the FMU graduation application
AND readmission application for SSP prior to the
completion of Summer I after your first full year of
course work
• Graduation Application for SSP
– Must complete the FMU graduation application in
February prior to May graduation
Student Liability Insurance
• NASP  $25/year for insurance
• APA  $55/year for student membership +
$35/year insurance
• ACA  $92 for the length of graduate
program (includes liability insurance)
• NAMP  $23-$35/year
• HPSO  SC rate approx $37/year
• American Professional Agency 
Recording Clinical Hours
Page 80 in Handbook
Paper logs, PLUS
Access key =
Applying for SC Certification &
Page 79 in Handbook
• YOU are responsible!
Professional Ethics
Pages 38 - 44 in Handbook
M.S. program ethical guidelines for School Psychology Option
FMU Student Handbook
FMU Catalog
American Psychological Association’s (2002) Ethical Principles of
Psychologists and Code of Conduct
• American Counseling Association’s (2005) Code of Ethics
• National Association of School Psychologist’s (2010) Principals for
Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
• Professional ethics is
not a matter of minimal
compliance with codes
and laws
• It represents a deep,
personal commitment
to be a virtuous
clinician who strives for
the ethical ideal.
Five Fundamental Ethical Principles
• Do no harm
• For example, the duty to use only interventions
that are not likely to harm clients
• Professionals use their power wisely so that
clients, students, or research participants leave
the experience at least no worse off than they
• The responsibility to do good
• The duty to help not only clients, but also
society in general
• Professionals work within the boundaries of
their competence and strive to promote the
public welfare
• Respect for the inherent freedom and dignity of each
• The right to privacy
• Duty to obtain informed consent and to maintain
Limit: A person’s actions or intended actions cannot
interfere with the freedoms of others
• Obligation to:
be fair and nondiscriminatory
avoid bias
be sure services are accessible to the public
protect the public welfare and to actively combat
Faithfulness to promises made
Allegiance to the truth
Placing clients’ interests ahead of your own
Loyalty to clients and the profession
Codes of Ethics
American Psychological Association
National Association of School
Psychologists (NASP)
• The codes represent the
official statements of the
profession about what is
expected of members
• The codes guide the
professional through the
most common pitfalls in
University Academic Information
Financial Assistance
Pages 26 - 29 in Handbook
Departmental assistance
– Assistantships and scholarships
– Complete the form EACH semester
Student Loans
Become friends with the Financial Assistance personnel!
Residency (Admissions office)
On- and off-campus job opportunities
NHSC Loan Repayment Program
Student Organizations
• Psychology Graduate Student Organization
• Pi Gamma Mu
• Phi Kappa Phi
• Psi Chi
• Online
Signature Page
Due by August 17, 2014
An Introduction to Professional
“Professional Face”
• If you haven’t before, you are now stepping into
the professional arena
• Be conscientious of what you wear when you
attend practicum or internship
– We’re not talking suits and ties here, people (unless
that’s what you’re into), but being a professional
starts with how you present yourself.
“Professional Face”
• Save the jeans and mini
dresses for the club
• No low cut tops
• No flip flops
• Undergarments are meant to
be under your clothing
• Refer to the dress code at your
placement site
• Be neat and tidy
• Dress for success!
• Dress as if for church
Social Media
• Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (if that’s still around…)
• Use the strongest privacy settings, but even then
ALWAYS be careful what you post because you never
know who will see it.
• Always have your professional face on, so please no
proof of drunken nights out, looking “hot,” or kissy
faces (no duck face!).
• Avoid checking your sites while on the job.
Social Media
• NEVER post anything
online about a client!
– Not only is that ethically
wrong, but you might
share mutual friends
• No matter how exciting or
funny (or even gross),
whatever is said in
therapy STAYS IN
Social Media
• It can be a slippery slope!
– Do not friend request clients or
accept friend requests from clients
(or friends/family of clients).
– Do not even go searching for
clients on social networking sites.
Remember to just say no…
– to any form of relationship, romantic
or otherwise, outside of the therapy
“Abstinence from SelfGratification”
Avoid Multiple Relationships
According to the American Psychological Association :
“A multiple relationship occurs when a psychologist is in a professional role with a person and (1) at the
same time is in another role with the same person, (2) at the same time is in a relationship with a
person closely associated with or related to the person with whom the psychologist has the professional
relationship, or (3) promises to enter into another relationship in the future with the person or a person
closely associated with or related to the person.”
In other words, a multiple relationship occurs when a mental health professional has connections with
clients outside of the therapeutic relationship.
– Once referred to as “dual relationships”
– Concurrent or Consecutive
Avoid Multiple Relationships
Multiple relationships can affect the therapeutic relationship and be harmful to clients.
• Professional’s judgment and objectivity are compromised:
– Power imbalance
– Threat of self-interest
– Conflict-of-interest
• Client’s responses are altered - “undue influence”:
– Emotional attachment
– Trust
– Confidence in mental health professional
– Friend and Counselor
– Business partner and Counselor
– Employee/Employer and Counselor
– Dating Partner and Counselor
– “An ethical duty to keep client
identity and disclosures
– “Legal duty to honor the
fiduciary relationship with the
client” (Welfel, 2013, p. 118).
– Suspicion of Child/Elder
abuse (vulnerable individuals)
– “Clear and imminent” danger
to client or others (SC Code,
Section 36-19 B4)
Privileged Communication
Privilege protects the client’s
right to confidentiality in
legal proceedings by
preventing the court from
demanding information
that was disclosed to a
mental health professional.
Informed Consent
• Definition
– Explanation of the counseling process (Disclosure)
– Clients understand that they have the right to decide whether they want to
receive those services (Voluntariness)
• It is a process, not simply something that happens at the
outset of treatment.
**Must explain limits to confidentiality during the consent process**
Multicultural Counseling
• Sue & Sue (1999) wrote: “It is our contention that the
reasons why minority-group individuals underutilize and
prematurely terminate counseling/therapy lie in the biased
nature of the services themselves. The services offered are
frequently antagonistic or inappropriate to the
experiences of the culturally different client; they
lack sensitivity and understanding; and they are
oppressive and discriminating toward minority
• Face-to-face contact between a supervisor and
trainee in which the diagnosis and treatment of
each client is reviewed.
• The trainee is provided with guidance in treating,
diagnosing, and dealing with clients.
• During the interaction the person’s
performance is reviewed by the
Two Types of Supervision
1. Group supervision
a regularly scheduled
meeting of not more than
4 supervisees and a
b) no less than 1 ½ hours
2. Individual supervision
a meeting of 1 or 2
supervisees with a
b) at least a 1-hour session
Just Say NO to Boundary Violations!
Maintain proper boundaries with
– Don’t engage any
nonprofessional interaction
that may compromise the
supervisory relationship.
Don’t have sex with a supervisor!
Don’t be a victim of sexual
Choose nonprofessional
relationships carefully; always
seek guidance and DOCUMENT!
Benefits of Supervision
• You have a lifeline! You can provide better care to clients under the
guidance of an experienced professional.
• Building skills: Working closely with another professional allows you to
try and be introduced to other techniques.
• You can get your license! Completing required supervision hours helps
you obtain your license.
• Take notes and actively participate in all supervisory experiences.
– In your supervision notes, there should be NO identifying
– Request that your supervisor look over them to insure
that confidentiality and anonymity are protected.
Always look ahead, toward your goals!