Transcript Document

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Method or System of Project Delivery • Traditional design-bid-build • Phased or Fast-track • Design-build

Design Phase Bid Construction phase

Traditional Design-Bid-Build

Design Phase

Time Savin gs

Construction phase

Phased or Fast-Track Construction

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Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Contract Types

• Traditional vs. alternative • Classification by

method of award method of pricing

and • Model contracts have been developed by AIA, AGC, CEC, DBIA, CMAA, and Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC)

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Contract Types

v Method of Award

1. Competitive bidding

– formally advertised public work – selective invitation for private work – awarding of contracts by: • Lowest responsible bid or • Best value i.e.: technical score  price


price + time(f t ), and other variations

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Contract Types

v Method of Award

2. Negotiated contracts

– Generally private work – Benefits include flexibility of pricing arrangement – Often used on projects of large size and great complexity – Owner may value expertise and integrity of a particular contractor and can award contract without competition that may otherwise exclude that contractor from the work

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

v  Method of Pricing


1. Lump sum – Traditional, single fixed price – Predetermined price that includes profit, overhead, and all other costs – Greatest risk to contractor resulting in a higher markup (the greater the risk, the higher required rate of return ) – Most common contract form

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

v  Method of Pricing


2. Unit-price contract – Prices of specified units of work are fixed or predetermined – Actual cost to the owner will vary with actual quantities placed – Best used when details and general character of the work are known, but quantities are subject to variation – Risk of unbalanced bids

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

v  Method of Pricing • • •


Contractor agrees to perform the work for a fixed or variable fee covering profit and home office costs (general overhead) Field costs are reimbursable at actual cost Used when: – nature of the work or physical conditions are unpredictable – scope is unknown or difficult to define

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

v  Method of Pricing • • • •


All cost-plus contracts depend on cooperation among A/E, owner, and contractor Record keeping and timely evaluation are extremely critical Detail record of labor hours and salaries, material and equipment must be maintained Good application for professional CM services

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Types of Cost-plus Contracts

3. Cost plus fixed % – Fixed % based on portion or all of reimbursable costs – Used in construction involving new technology or extremely pressing needs – Owner assumes risk – Contractor cooperation very high – Little or no incentive for cost savings

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Types of Cost-plus Contracts

4. Cost plus fixed fee – – – More incentive for cost savings Incentive for timely completion Risk shared by owner and contractor 5. Cost plus variable % – – – Also called “sliding scale %” Keeps fee in line with type & volume of work Fee becomes progressively smaller on work that is repetitive, requires little or no re-engineering, re planning, or additional layout

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Types of Cost-plus Contracts

6. Target estimate – May be based on dollar amounts, man-hours, schedule, or combination – Cost savings or overrun shared by owner and contractor at predetermined split – Cost underrun increases contractor profit, overrun decreases profit 7. Guaranteed maximum price – Used with well defined scope of work – – – Particularly suitable for turnkey operation Contractor or design-builder assumes all risk Provisions to share savings can be applied

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Excel Spreadsheet

Contract Types

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Construction Contracts • Prequalification of bidders – Evidence of satisfactory previous experience – Financial stability – Advanced or specialized prequalification may be required as dictated by the magnitude and nature of the work – Bid bonds are often required

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Elements of a legal contract • offer • acceptance • consideration • legal in every respect • requires a

meeting of the minds

• offer + acceptance = binding obligation

Construction Contract Documents

• Advertisement for bids • Information for bidders • Bid form • General notices • Notice of award • Notice to proceed • Bid bond • Performance bond • Payment bond • Contract form or agreement • General conditions or provisions • Supplemental and/or special conditions • Plans • Specifications

Construction Contract Documents

Characteristics of a “good” contract document: 1. Carefully considered 2. Expressed clearly 3. Time-tested 4. Comprehensive 5. Fair 6. Balanced 7. Applicable to the elements of a construction projects

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Construction Contracts ……bidders are required to: – examine all portions of the contract documents – examine the physical conditions of the site – determine legal requirements affecting the work – complete these investigations prior to bidding

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Construction Contracts ……contract documents should: – Include a hierarchy to determine which documents govern in case of conflict, i.e.: DelDOT’s hierarchy – Not contain ambiguous language – Not contain exculpatory clauses

Construction Contracts -- General Conditions • Contractor’s warranties • Defective drawings • Approval of contractor’s plans and equipment • Approval of shop drawings other submittals • Guarantee by the Contractor • Conduct of the work • Defective work • Relations with other contractors and subcontractors • Inspection of materials • Inspection of field work • Authority of the Eng’r.

• Duties of the inspector • Permits and licenses • Labor considerations • Work done by the owner • Lines and grades • Order and discipline • Performance • Final inspection & acceptance

Construction Contracts -- General Conditions • Federal, state, and local government regulations • Employment (EOE rules) • Emergencies • Minimum wage rate • Domestic vs.foreign materials and labor • Construction reports • Payrolls and bills of material • Cooperation among contractors • Patents • Retainage • Bonding and insurance • Guarantee of equipment • Borings • Spare parts

Risk Allocations -- General Conditions • Force majeure • Indemnification • Liens • Labor laws • Differing site conditions • Delays and extension of time • Liquidated damages • Consequential damage • Occupational safety, and health of workers • Permits, licenses, and regulations • Termination for default by contractor • Suspension of work • Warranties and guarantees

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Specifications • Standard, supplemental, and special provisions • two types of specifications: –

method specification

and procedures dictates equipment –

performance spec

specifies only the desired end result or product – should include hierarchy

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Hierarchy Governing ranking of contract components in case of a discrepancy (DelDOT) • General Notices • Special Provisions • Plans • Supplemental Specifications • Standard Construction Details • Standard Specifications

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Classification Coding System • Architectural building and site development industry employees the CSI Format that includes 16 divisions of work.

• Public owners generally use a system of sections or divisions developed and employed for several decades

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Codes, Standards, and Regulations Model Codes • Basic/National Building Code (BOCA Code) • Uniform Building Code • Standard Building Code • National Electric Code (NEC) and Life Safety Code by the NFPA under ANSI • The International Building Code 2000 (IBC) replaces the first three codes. Several subcodes of the IBC include Fire, Residential, Plumbing, Energy Conservation, Mechanical, & Private Sewage

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Codes, Standards, and Regulations Model Codes • Model codes are adopted in whole or in part by the local municipality, and become enforceable under the law Zoning Regulations • imposed by local zoning commissions Environmental Regulations • imposed by the EPA, State DEP (DNREC), or local agency

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Codes, Standards, and Regulations


• ASTM • Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) • AASHTO • ACI • AISC • many, many others • no enforcement by these agencies • specifications generally refer back to these standards

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Submittals required in the contract – copies of subcontracts – shop drawings and support calculations – catalog cuts – material or equipment samples – schedule(s) – certified payrolls – certificates of insurance – environmental test reports – material test reports & certifications

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Shop Drawings – structural steel details & erection plan – erection procedures (safety) – PS/PC concrete items – shoring & underpinning details – jacking plans and calculations – scaffolding and falsework – concrete formwork design and details – construction sequencing diagrams

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Shop Drawings – cofferdam design & details – dewatering procedure – stream diversions – pipe and ductwork fabrication details – reinforcing steel bending diagrams and bar lists – structural timber elements – ornamental iron or steel – maintenance of traffic plans (alternates)

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Payments and related issues – mobilization and initial costs – retainage – progress payments and partial payments – material payments – change orders – substantial completion – punchlist – final acceptance and payment

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Changes in plans and specs – clarification, correction, modifications prior to bid are referred to as “addenda” • owner must maintain a system of distributing and acknowledging receipt of addendum – plan and spec changes after award are referred to as “revisions”, and generally require issuance of a change order(s)

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Change Orders – a written order issued by the owner to the contractor for a change to the contract within the scope of work – change orders are written for: • extra work • increasing or decreasing the contract quantities • alterations – change orders state the basis and amount of payment and time extensions

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Contracts

• Liquidated damages • Incentive/Disincentive (bonus/penalty) • Acceleration – Increase crew levels, crew size – Add shifts and/or extend work hours • CPM schedule is an


analyzing delay claims valuable tool in

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Claims and Disputes • a claim is a request by a contractor for additional compensation or time extension for occurrences beyond the contractor’s control including : – differing or unexpected site conditions – change in scope – delays caused by the owner • owner has duty to provide adequate, accurate data to the bidders

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Claims and Disputes • Owner is liable to contractor when: – inaccurate data are given – extras develop because of improper design – design is significantly changed after the contract is signed (constructive change) • Contractor must prove entitlement and the associated damages • Contractor must provide timely notice of claim upon discovering impact

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Types of Claims – delay claim – extra work claim – acceleration – impossibility-of-performance claim – defective design claim (error or omission) – interference claim – superior knowledge claim

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Dispute Resolution • Early settlement between parties • Alternative depute resolution (ADR) – negotiation – arbitration (1 or 3 members) – mediation – neutral advisors – Dispute Review Board (DRB) • 3 or more odd number of board members selected evenly by both sides • Litigation – sometimes unavoidable; usually undesirable; but sometimes best method

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013


• Credits – reimbursement from contractor to owner for work eliminated (lump sum contract or item) • Credit may also be given when specified performance criteria is not met

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Claims Avoidance • producing comprehensive, accurate, contract documents • constructibility review • clear understanding of contract requirements prior to bidding • having good administrative procedures in place • open and honest communication • timely troubleshooting

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Claims Avoidance

• Claims avoidance begins in the pre construction phase • Contract documents need to be clear, accurate, comprehensive, and fairly distribute risk

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Ability to influence cost over time

• Greatest potential to influence cost is during the pre-construction design phase • Claims avoidance begins during pre-construction • Design phase – Intensive preparation and review of contract documents – Careful consideration of methods and equipment = consider overall constructibility


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0% Concept & Feasibility Design and Engineering Procurement and Construction Startup Oper.

Ability to Influence Construction Costs over Time

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Design Professionals should:

• Specify locally available material • Allow substitution of equal quality material • Avoid one-of–a-kind or non-standard items where possibly • Design structures with as many redundant elements as possible • Design should allow construction using the prevailing methods and equipment

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Design Professionals should:

• Design to minimize required labor • Specify a quality of workmanship consistent with the quality of the project • Do not require the contractor to assume responsibility for information that should be furnished by the design engineer/architect • Produce simple, straight-forward specs = clearly state what is expected

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

Construction Management

Contractual arrangement: at-risk or management services for fee only


Act of managing the construction process

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013

• • •

Construction Management

Contractual arrangement Construction management personnel can represent owner or contractor CM manages the basic resources of construction

Basic Resources

• workforce • subcontractors • equipment • construction plant • material • information • time • money

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Project Management

• Optimize the three attributes of: quality, cost, and time • Principle objective of a construction manager is to complete each project on time and within budget, while maintaining acceptable levels of safety and risk

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013 Value Engineering

• Effect overall economy in the total life cycle • Performed prior to the bid as part of the review process, or • Performed by the contractor under terms of the contract = cost savings shared by the owner and contractor • Goal is to lower construction or life cycle cost without reducing quality or usefulness

Value Engineering

Structured VE job plan consists of five phases

1. Information phase

Function analysis

1. What is its purpose?

2. What does it do?

3. What does it cost?

4. What is it worth? 5. What alternative would accomplish the same function?

6. What would the alternative cost?

Value Engineering

2. Speculation/Creative Phase


3. Evaluation/Analytical Phase 4. Development Phase 5. Report Phase

Value Engineering

Economic evaluations considering the time value of money

Present Worth vs. Future Worth Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) Return on Investment (ROI)

Construction Management & Engineering CIEG 467-013