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Youth Unemployment in
the Netherlands
Monica Bota
Structural weakening of the position of young
people on the labour market 1953-2010,
Wiemer Salverda, UVA
Salverda (1992), Youth Unemployment: Dynamics of the Dutch labour market 1955-1988, and Dutch
Statistics / Statline
What Needs to be Done?
• Education
• Transition Fase
• Labour Market
What to do? Education& SBB
• Beter match between skills needed by the
labour market and education, skills, but also
numbers- Sector Plans! (FNV Young: 6 out of
10 favourite choice no perspective)
• Enough internships and apprenticeships!
• In education curriculum ‘how to survive the
labour market’ (Next Step Programme)
• Stay within the education system longer
(School Ex)- problem when the crisis takes
longer than a year or two
Vocational Education training
Two pathways
School-based vocational training (BOL)
Work based vocational training (BBL)
BBL-students show lower unemployment rates and
higher wages once on the labour market
CBS: 2008/2009: 93% of the BBL youngsters found paid
work after a few months, 79% BOL
Both pathways lead to the same type of diploma
SBB- The Foundation for Cooperation on
VET and Labor Market
Youth Unemployment Campaign:
• Creation of Apprenticeships
• Accrediting Employers for quality check
apprenticeship places
SBB Barometer
Statistics in the regions: Basiscijfers Jeugd
Transition Fase and Labour
• Youth Guarantee and Sector Plans
Labour Market Social Partners
• Generation Pact
• Tripartite Social Agreement:
 1,2 billion for 2014 and 2015 for Sector Plans, of
which 1/3 for youth unemployment
(Constructions and Transport ready)
 Less flexibility
Labour Market Government
• Exclusion of youth on all levels of the society?
Exclusion from the social assistance schemes and
unemployment benefit (4 weeks waiting, UWV after 1 year
personal guidance)- 2GetThere Programme.
2009- 2011 Actionplan Youth Unemploymenet regions
250 million euro’s
Youth Unemployment Ambassador (CDA)
80 million to regions (50 mil) and schools/ School Ex
programme (25 mil)
What to do? In a nutshell
 Try to cover all 3 phases of education, transition
and labour market (in)activity
 Work on BOTH the demand and supply side of
the economy, strengthening the position of
young people on the labour market and the help
they get once unemployed
What to do?
Segmentation- encourage transition from flex to
permanent (Social Agreement)
Make the negative results of the risc of
unemployment smaller through ALMP’s, access
to social assistence schemes and guidance
Creation of work, re-distribution of work,
mentoring (Sector Plans)
Help young people make informed choices
about their education and career path.