IPC Workgroup Goals Seminars

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Transcript IPC Workgroup Goals Seminars

FA-HUM 01 - Topics
Seminars (Updated Version)
Presenting Agency
1. FA-HUM 99 After Action
Report/Status of 11 final issues and
“how we got to” FA-HUM 01
(Presentation: 20 minutes)
USARSO (Exercise Co-Director,
Lead) Reviewed 11 issues!
2. Caribbean DP Regional
Objectives, Status and Road Ahead
(Presentation: 30 minutes)
CDERA (Lead)
Mr. Jeremy Collymore
3. Central America DP Regional
Objectives, Status and Road Ahead
(Presentation: 50 minutes)
Mr. Luis Rolando Duran Vargas
Dr. David Novelo
Updated 18Jan 01 (Seminar Group Master)
Presenting Agency
4. Andean Ridge DP Regional
Objectives, Status and Road Ahead
(Presentation: 50 minutes)
Andean Ridge Disaster Preparedness
Seminar Host (Lead)
Mr. Fernando Molina, Direccion
Defensa Civil, Ecuador
Mr. Molina to invite another rep from
different Andean Ridge nation (TBC)
5. Southern Cone DP Seminar
Objectives, Status and Results
(Panel: 60 minutes)
Southern Cone Disaster Preparedness
Seminar Host (Lead)
CAPT Jose Barrionuevo, Argentina
To include representatives from
Southern Cone (+5)
6. Technologies/Applications
(materials, early warning, management
of HA supplies, etc.)
(Presentation: 70 minutes)
Costa Rica CNE (Lead)
Mr Douglas Salgado,, CNE
Mr. Bruce Brailsford, Office of Naval
Research (ONR)
Edgardo Acosta, FUNDESUMA
Lic. Max Campos, Regional Council for
Hydrology Resources (CRRH)
Mr Juan Manuel Espinosa, Ctr of Cismic
Registry Research, Mexico
7. Interaction Between UN System,
Regional, and National Organizations
(Panel: 75 minutes)
Remarks: Regional representatives
independent panelists
8. OSLO Guidelines and Central
American Foreign Ministry
Coordination Manual.
(Presentation: 60 minutes)
Presenting Agency
Dr. Claude de Ville, PAHO (Lead)
Dr. Philippe Lamy, PAHO/WHO, Costa
Mr. Nils Kastberg, UNICEF
Mr. Guillaume de Montravel, Deputy
Chief, MCDU
Mr. Rolando Duran, CEPREDENAC
Mr. Jeremy Collymore, CDERA
Mr. Fernando Molina, Direccion
Nacional de Defensa Civil, Ecuador
CAPT Jose Barrionuevo, Argentina
UN Representative - OSLO (Co-Lead),
(Venezuela, RADM Fontaine, alternate) Mr. Pablo Torrealba, CEPREDENAC Coordination Manual (Co-Lead)
Mr. Guillaume de Montravel, Dep. Chief
MCDU - 20 Minute overview OSLO
Guidelines for international cooperation);
CEPREDENAC Rep 20 Min. Open
discussion, Q&A 20 Min
9. Regional Interaction within
U.S. Agencies (i.e., USAID)
(Panel Discussion)
(60 minutes)
Remarks: Regional
representatives independent
10. Bank Resources for disaster
(Panel: 45 minutes)
Remarks: Dominican Republic case
study ( 15 min)
Inter-American Development Bank Status of on-going initiatives (20 min)
(10 min Q & A)
Presenting Agency
USAID LAC Bureau (Lead)
Mr. Tim Callaghan, USAID Wash
Representative from FEMA
Mr. Robert W. Jubach, NOAA,
Technology Transfer Center
Dr. Paul Hearn Jr., USGS, Bureau
Coordinator for Hurricane Mitch relief
effort; Mr. C. Dan Miller, USGS, Chief,
Volcano Disaster Assistance Program
Ms. Tami Halmrast-Sanchez, OFDA
(Mr. Steve Catlin, OFDA LNO to
SOUTHCOM to Coordinate)
Representative from the IDB
Representative from the WB
(Dr. Hughes to coordinate)
(OFDA, Alvaro Montero to
provide name, phone,
etc…DomRep case study)
11. Role of educational institutions
in disaster preparation and
(Panel: 60 minutes)
Presenting Agency
Dr. Eamon Kelly, Chairman,
National Science Foundation
Board/Pres. Emeritus and Professor
of Tulane University (Lead),
Dr. William Bertrand, CDMHA CoDir, CSUCA
Dr. Luis Jorge Perez, PAHO
Dr. Laura de Thomas, Central
American University Commission
12. FA HUM AAR/Status, results of
EOC exercises, and shaping of FA
HUM 02
(Workshop: 2 days x 90 minutes)
SCJ34 (Lead)
USARSO Exercise Co-Director,
former Host Nation Co-Directors,
and regional representatives
(Guatemala, El Salvador,
Dominican Republic)
UN Exercise Planner Mr. Charles
EOC Ex Results: Mr. Alvaro
Montero, OFDA/LAC
Presenting Agency
13. Private sector initiatives:
Available resources during
(Panel: 45 minutes)
Mr. Ollie Davidson, CDMHA
Representative from the OAS, to
coordinate with Regional Chambers
of Commerce representatives
U.S. Department of Commerce
Private Sector Representatives
Representative from the IDB-MIF
EOC Test Results
(Presentation: 30 minutes)
Mr. Alvaro Montero, OFDA/LAC
Presenting Agency
15. Climatic Variability and Climatic
Changes; Alerts, Economic Impacts,
Public Health Impacts, and Response;
Case Studies on Caribbean, Panama
and Peru
(Workshop: 90 minutes)
Costa Rica CNE (Lead)
Ms. Claudia M. Solera Mora, UNDP
Lic. Max Campos, Regional Council
of Hydrology Resources (CRRH)
Mr. Oscar Arango, World
Meteorological Organization
Dr. Ricardo Zapata, Latin
American Economic Commission
Dr. Homero Silva, HEP, PAHOHonduras/Dr. Marlo Libel, PAHO
+ Manuel Jimenez (CORECA)
Dr. Hughes for coordination of
other organizations
Workshop: CEPREDENAC, Mr
Jose Joaquin Chacon; CAF Mrs
Tannya Miquilena
Presenting Agency
16. Early Warning Systems for Disasters
(National-Regional and Local applications)
(Local communities and emergency
(Workshop: 60 minutes)
Lic. Pedro Gonzalez (Co-Lead), CNE & Dr.
William Bertrand, CDMHA (Co-Lead)
Current options for early warning and
surveillance in the Americas; How to access
and use available resources. Examples
from Carib Mitigation Project
Dr. Marino Protti, Institute of Sismology,
- Mr. Jan C. Vermairen
Volcano Early Warning Systems Servando de la Cruz (IGF de la UNAM)
Mr. Pedro Bastidas - Flood Early Warning
in Small Communities in Central America
Mr. Andrew Maskrey - UNDP-GIS,
Application at local levels for vulnerability
and early warning
Mr. Pablo Torrealba - CEPREDENAC,
Community level network for early
17. Importance of Communication in Risk
(Presentation: 60 minutes)
Lic.Rebeca Madrigal, CNE (Lead)
Ms. Gloria Bratschi, Argentina, U. Nacional
de Cuyo (Title to be defined.)
Ms. Cecilia Narvaez, Regional Disaster
Information Center (CRID)
Presenting Agency
18. Lessons Learned from Venezuela
flood relief: Management of
information as it applies to public
health; role of public health in
(Panel: 90 minutes)
Dr. Philippe Lamy, PAHO/WHO, Costa
Rica (Lead)
Mr. Marco Rondon, Disaster Focal Point,
PAHO, Venezuela
19. Technological Disasters:
vulnerability and prevention;
consequence management
(Workshop: 60 minutes)
Dr. Thomas Mason, CDMHA, University of South
Florida (Lead)
Mr. Jorge Grande, OFDA
Dr. Sergio Augusto Caporali, CEPIS/PAHO, Peru
Dr. Carlos Nogeira, Orgamismo Int. Energia
Atomica, Argentina
Dr. Mark Keim, Director, Emergency & Disaster
Public Health Sciences, Center for Disease Control &
20. Advances and initiatives in
multilateral communications between
agencies in Central America
(Presentation: 45 minutes)
Mr. Omar Smith,
Local NGOs, International Federation
of the Red Cross, etc.