Transcript Comparing

Learning at Work Day
ULR Action Plan
Aims of the Action Plan
• Find out general information on Learning at
Work Day
• Develop an Action Plan for Learning at
Work Day – from ‘making the case’ to
‘measuring success’
• Learn some tips on promoting learning and
how to motivate colleagues to learn
• Find out about funding opportunities
• Learn more about how to help colleagues
get “fit for work, fit for the future”
About Learning at Work Day
Learning at Work Day primes
people up for learning
• being fun
• offering bite-size tasters of learning
• embedding learning in the organisation
• building learning motivation
• establishing a sense of achievement
• acting as a springboard on to other
opportunities … for the individual, for
the organisation/business
Why learn in the workplace
Customer satisfaction
Job satisfaction Productivity
• Social exclusion
Thursday 24th May 2007
• Or any day during Adult Learners’ Week, 18 –
25 May 2007
• Or any day throughout the year
…see the wall planner – available to order
from the resources section on the Learning at
Work Day website
How can I make it happen?
Available support and resources
Support from Campaign for Learning … contact us!
Rachel Johnstone, Campaign for Learning, Southern Region tel: 01823
660040 email: [email protected]
Janine Reed, Campaign for Learning, Northern Region, tel: 01925 283270
email: [email protected]
CfL Marketing team: tel: 020 7766 0017 email: [email protected]
Learning at Work Day website
Live Long & Prosper website
Workplace Learning Network
Sharing ideas with colleagues
BBC RaW campaign:
Adult Learners’ Week
Funding opportunities for Learning at Work Day and beyond on the ULR
Learning at Work Day pages
A case study: Thanet District Council
• Planning Team: Senior managers, ULRs and corporate training
• Varied programme: from massage therapy and genealogy to
speaking in public and languages
• Think local: local providers with info stands; IT delivered by IT
team; sport provided by Thanet Leisure Force
• Leverage: Planning Group block-booked rooms and reached an
agreement on release for staff
• Role of ULR: meeting tutors on arrival, setting up training room,
introducing tutors to staff, being on hand during the day
• Outcomes: 120 staff attended; discussions re provider discount
to continue learning; sourcing a local tutor for more sign
7 steps to a ‘heavenly‘
Learning at Work Day event
Make the case
Aims and theme
Developing your action Plan
Action - Print off the Action Plan Document at
[insert document link]. The presentation will now
take you through the steps you need to plan
your Learning at Work Day. At the end of each
Action Plan step fill out the relevant section of
the document.
Action Plan 1. Aims/objectives of the event
Begin with the end in mind
What do you want to achieve by
running a Learning at Work Day
Action Plan – 1. Aims/objectives of the event
Think SMART … it will help you to make
the case
Your objectives/aims should be:
Eg, Staff take fewer
sick days
throughout the year
after learning
techniques and
immune boosters
on LAW Day.
Action Plan - 2. Making the case for participation
Learning for individual
Learning for the organisation
- an enthusiasm for learning (fun)
- achieving business goals
• Think about the benefits for employees and the benefits for the
• ‘Sell’ your SMART aims and objectives to management
ACTION - see ‘making your case’ on the Learning at Work Day
planning pages
• To encourage participation make sure Learning at Work Day is
driven from the ‘bottom’ – meet a need and ensure ownership
• Build on previous experience and evaluation
• What support is available to help me ‘sell’ the idea to my employer?
Action Plan - 2. Making the case for participation
Engaging learners
to learn
= Benefits +
of success - Barriers
To engage learners you will have to sell the benefits to them of the
learning, increase the likelihood that the learning they do will be
successful and reduce any barriers that may prevent them taking up
the learning opportunities.
ACTION - Download the Creating Learning Opportunities for All
presentation from the ULR Learning at Work Day pages
Action Plan - 3. What activities will the event involve?
• Pick a theme … a hook
• Make them fun, engaging, accessible
• Consult staff as stakeholders
you do!)
• Set up a Planning Group
• Discover the hidden talents: a
skills audit
• Some activity suggestions…
Action Plan - 3. What activities will the event involve?
Increasing energy levels of
Desk Workout
Brain Gym
Cycle mechanics
Eating for energy …
the Brain Food Check
• ‘Walk your Way to Health’
Action Plan - 3. What activities will the event involve?
Helping the workforce to be
Achieving a work-life balance
Deep breaths!
Improving your memory
The Stress Gym:
Action Plan - 3. What activities will the event involve?
Supporting employees to gain
financial control
The basics of budgeting
Are you on the pension ladder?
Understanding your payslip
FSA Learn Online
A Give & Take Reuse Event
Action Plan - 3. What activities will the event involve?
ACTION - For more ideas and
downloadable resources visit: and
click on the resources pages for the
A-Z of activities and New for 2007
pages or visit:
Action Plan - 4. Promoting your event
The AIDA Process
Once you’ve developed your product you need to
sell it to your audience...
Action Plan - 4. Promoting your event
The AIDA Process
Use the AIDA process to think about how you will move your
colleagues from an awareness of your Learning at Work Day
to signing up to take part. Think about…
1. Getting the message out…Posters Newsletters
Promotional Competitions Tasters Email teasers Word
of mouth
2. Highlighting the benefits to the individual of taking part
3. Including a call to action…sign up here… speak to your
manager…return the form…
Action Plan - 4. Promoting your event
Grab the interest!
Make your colleagues curious with teasers like
Action Plan – 5. Delivering your event
Things to consider:
• How will you ensure that people are ready and
primed up to learn?
• Create a buzz - a ‘positive learning climate’ …
music, colour, ‘toys’, humour
• Publish a ‘Programme of
Activities’ - what’s happening
where and when
• Take photos and pick up
anecdotal evidence
Action Plan – 6. Maintain that momentum!
• There’s more funding for progression on
to longer courses
• What’s the next opportunity or learning
• Build in opportunities to
review the learning
ACTION - Work with
Train to Gain
Action Plan – 7. Evaluation – why, what, how?
Answer the following questions:
• Why are you evaluating? What will you
do with the data?
• What’s to be evaluated? Formative
evaluation or summative evaluation?
• For whose purpose are you evaluating?
• How will you evaluate? What
approaches will you use?
Action Plan – 8. My next step
Actions to take forward your
Useful websites
• BHF Think Fit! Campaign:
• Stress UK:
• British Nutrition Foundation:
• Walk your way to health: