Transcript Slide 1

Critical Activities #’s 1 & 2
“Your life today is the result of Your
Attitude and the Choices You have made
in the past. Your life tomorrow will be
the result of Your Attitude and the Choices
You make today!”
Jim McCune – Corporate Director
“Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch,
By Helping People Reach Their Goals”
What did you get for the $29.?
• Think about this: When you purchased that $29.00 membership kit, you
became the President of your own company. you hired on a development
team of research scientists and production experts that are producing those
350 plus products, many either patented or have patents pending. You
hired an experienced management team, and over 3,000 employees in
Idaho Falls, ID and Knoxville, TN. You also simultaneously opened for
business in every state in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland,
Scotland, the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Australia, New Zealand, the Bahamas, Guam, Malaysia and China with
complete compliance of all applicable international laws and regulations
thanks to your legal department. You now have the opportunity, even the
expectation of earning four, five and even six-figure annual income with the
great tax advantages of having a business from home. Where else in the
world would you find an opportunity like this? You don't have to spend
thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for it, but we
recommend that you treat it as though you did. As President of your own
business, you need to take ownership of it.
We offer a risk free, low cost, solid business
that anyone can do working from home.
We are with a company that has products that
people will delight in discovering, trust in using
and take pride in sharing . . . and they will
never have to sell anything.
We offer a partnership with a company that has
been listed with the INC. 500, more times than
Received the “Torch Award” from Better
Business Bureau, and the list goes on...
The people who are looking for a work at home
business really are around and they are looking for
you. Many are praying for something to help them
see a light at the end of the tunnel in the worst
economy in our lifetime.. We need to be creative
with the ways in which we advertise so that they can
find us.
Here are some ideas to brainstorm with that save
money and time for you. Take these ideas and get
with your support person. Make a plan of action or
get even more ideas on how you can promote your
• Your Contact List is the Lifeblood of
Your business!
• Melaleuca is the Vehicle and
Enrollments are the Fuel—keep the
Fuel Tank Full!
• A Growing contact list is the Key to
Moving Your business Forward.
 What about people who are looking for additional
income or replacement income or maybe a full time
income with part time effort?
 How about people who need our vitamins, weight
management & sports nutrition products?
 How many people do you know who has sensitive skin,
or needs our Oligo Vitality Pack & Heart Health Solutions.
 How many people do you know that could simply
benefit from having non-toxic products in their home?
Put your website, voice mail box and
e-mail address out there.
Great Ways!
Flyers and pull tabs
Magnets for car
Business cards
Postcards to mail, or leave places
Personal checks add website address
Labels for our mail
Mass mailing
New arrivals – newspaper, send postcards
Flyers and small postcards
Home shows (not as vendor, just collecting
More Great Ways!
 Magazine racks – put your information inside them
(homes, apartment guide)
 Laundromats – leave information there
 Bills – include your business card when paying
 Job posting boards – colleges, unemployment
office, library
 Elementary yearbooks
 Business Fairs, BNI Groups, (get creative)
 T-shirts or sweatshirts
 Advertise in local school directories
 Purchase commercial leads
Still More Great Ways!
 Health Dept. resources to pass out in schools
about poisonings
 Lead box raffle with informational card –
offer monthly prize
 Doctors offices – leave R.M. Barry Brochures "Let's
stop poisoning our children!" or flyers
 Cleaning Business’s send flyers about toxins or R.M.
Barry "Please...Protect yourself from household
 Day care businesses - send flyers or leave R.M. Barry
Brochures "Let's stop poisoning our children!“
 Restaurants fish bowls... Mom & Pop Restaurants
. . . endless possibilities!
Our favorite ad is:
• Earn 2K to 10K Per Month
• No Selling, No Inventory, No Risk!
• $95 to $550 One Time Investment
• Call 1-800-___ _______ or visit
You can call Eagle Communications at 1-217-322-6275 to
Get a 5 minute voice mail box that you can then forward an
800 number to for just $25. per year, or you can just use your
Phone number to put in your ad. Then main thing is do something!.
Hopefully some of these ways to expand your
list, will motivate you to start thinking about
how you can start creatively promoting
Capstone website or your company approved
vendor website or landing page while you are
running errands or doing your daily routine.
Remember, “you miss 100% of the shots you
don’t take.”…..Wayne Gretzy
The following are just some examples that you
might want to utilize.
Earn $2 -$10K Per Month!
No Selling, No Inventory, No Risk!
$95 to $550 One Time Investment
Call 1-800-…-…. Or
• Happy customers are a gold-mine for referrals.
Stay in touch with them.
“Who do you know that would appreciate
knowing about these products?”
Ask them to host a product focused In-home.
“Has anything changed—are you open to building
a business?”
Remember to Communicate with your customers
regularly through phone calls, informative email’s, and special occasion cards.
• 1. I Need Your Help. (everyone likes
to help you)
• 2. I Am Looking For. (5 people who
would like to learn how to pay all of
their monthly bills without using
their primary income)
• 3. Who Do You Know? (that I could
What we are doing is recruiting on Purpose
Compliment and Make a Comment
Create Curiosity about Your Business
Get a Commitment for an Appointment
WORKING THE ROOM -- Networking
• Ask Questions
“What do you do?”
“How long have you been doing that?”
“Do you Like what you do?”
• Listen to their answers
• Create Curiosity about Your Business
• Be prepared with Your Commercial
• Get their information and follow up
• Millions surf the web every day—Are you feeling
You can build relationships online
Join Facebook and Message Boards with a
targeted demographic
Place Free Classified Ads daily, Craig’s list
Reverse Recruit Email business offers
Advertise Locally – Drive traffic to a personal
Reasonably Priced Business
• Build Relationships with Leaders in other Direct Sales
Reverse recruit on Direct Sales Advertisements
Network with Top Reps in Direct Sales Co’s
Suggest Exchanging Leads that relate to your Target
Markets and offer to Host a Party
Get Referrals from Friends and Prospects for People that
have Approached them
Go through Yellow Pages, white pages to jog memory
Attend Business Briefings, Direct Sales Events and
Generic Direct Sales Trainings
Collect business cards from bulletin boards
Look for those with
Networking Experience
The Challenge: Getting Them To Listen
• Emotional Product Attachment
• People Loyalty
• Guilt: Lack of Success
• Refuse to look at the Facts
• Financially Challenged
• Burned Out
• Lost a Lot of Money
• NFL: No Friends Left
Ask Questions
– “How is your Networking Business going?”
– “What was it you were trying to accomplish when you
got involved?”
– “Are you where you thought you would be today when
you first started?”
– Let them know it didn’t work out for you or someone you
know – Feel, Felt, Found Method
– “I Found Something that makes total Sense”
• “I am not asking you to get involved”
• Would you be open to listening?
• Get their opinion
• Where do they hang out? What do they Care about?
• Who comes into contact with Your Model Prospect?
• Teach your contacts how to recognize a good lead for
you and get Referrals!
• Get Names and Make the contact yourself.
• Sports, Kid’s activities, Volunteering, The Mall, Special
interest groups, Clubs….
• Build Relationships and Train your contacts to
Network for You.
Filling your funnel/pipeline
• If you aren’t setting
appointments--you are out of
Leads = Success
This is a Numbers Game--Make
up in numbers what you lack in
Learn the Art of Networking
Referrals are the best Leads!
The Fortune is in the Follow up on your leads
Don’t waste a good lead!
Timing is everything
Ask for Permission to stay in Touch
Use the “Drip” System – Keep in Contact!
Persistence and Patience Pays
Keep the Fuel Tank Full
Changing the Culture
Add at least one prospect to your list daily
and make at least one call for an
appointment each day.
If you make at least one call a day six days
a week X 50 weeks equals 300 calls which
should lead to 150 appointments and 75
The average Executive Director has about
60 enrollments.
Approaching Prospects
Don’t worry about people saying “NO” to you…
Worry about them saying “YES” to someone or
something else.
Understand that lots of folks are like “a deer in the
Some are wondering what the government is going
to do for them.
Others are wondering what the government is going
to do to them.
Everyone needs a “Plan B” in this economy!
The Do’s and Don'ts of Approaches
Have Posture
Give a Compliment
Make it Personal
Use a Script but don’t
sound scripted
Give the presentation
Try to explain specifics
Beat around the bush
Seem needy or desperate
Have doubt, if they all knew
what you and I know, they
would be asking you to join.
Stay away from Product information, let the presentation do that.
‘The one’s you least expect will surprise you!’
Target Professionals, Friends, Family & Relatives:
•Know their concerns and needs (Sick & Tired of being sick
and tired). Most are in a rut; to work and back. Many are
now looking for a ‘Plan B’ in today’s economy. Imagine if
you worked your Melaleuca business like you do a 50-60
hour a week job or a conventional business.
•Pick up business cards.
*Ask friends for successful people’s names and numbers:
I need your help. I’m looking for... Who do you know?
•Trade shows and job fairs, home shows--not as an
exhibitor, but exchange and collect cards.
Prospect Leaders
•Meet people from Networking Marketing
Companies and stay in touch.
•Reverse recruit on direct sales ads, wrong
numbers and tela-marketing calls.
Prospecting Questions
• One of the simplest things to do with relatives and close
friends is use this: ___________ I need you help. Bill and I
are just getting started in a new business and I need some
practice before I really get started. Could we come over
tomorrow evening or Tuesday and practice my presentation
on you? Great, I always value your opinion and I know you
will give me an honest evaluation.
• Or just pop in on your friends and relatives and show
them your business.
If they ask, What is it? “It’s Melaleuca. It’s kinda like a
catalog company. It’s a business you can start for less
than $30. There is no selling, no stocking or inventory,
no picking up or delivering, and no risk whatsoever!
People all over the country are making $2,000 to
$10,000 a month and more with them. Just take a look
and if you want to do it fine, if not, that will be ok too.
________, I guarantee I won’t waste your time.”
Prospecting Questions
Listen to them! Find a why, then repeat that to them and then use this
qualifying question: If I could honestly and I mean honestly show
- how to pay all of your monthly bills without using your primary income…..
-something that made complete sense and you didn’t have to sell
anything, and it wasn’t Amway or one of those MLM deals…..
- how to stay home with your children………..
- how to have more time with your family……
- how to have more energy and feel better…..
how to develop a “Plan B” in today’s economy....
how to ‘Bridge The Gap’ between closings, sales, etc.
…would you give me 30 minutes of your time to
to do that?
Great! Which would be better for you, _____ or _____?
show you how
Prospecting Questions- In-Home
• ____________ I just have a minute but I wanted to
ask you a favor. ___________I need your help. Bill and
I just started a new business that we are really excited
about and we need some people to practice on. You
may or may not be interested yourself but we are having
a few people over Tuesday and Thursday evenings and
we wanted to invite you and Ralph over to take a look at
it. You might be able to help me with some other
people and I would like to get your opinion because I
value it so much. Could you come Tuesday or
Thursday? Or ___________, would you be interested in
developing another stream or source of income? Great,
come on over tomorrow evening at 7:00 and we’ll talk
about it.
Realtor or Mortgage Professionals Approach
•“Hi ___, My name is ________. Is __________You don't know
me, but I am looking at your business card.”
•“___, I’m looking to team up with a few Real Estate
Professionals who would be open to looking at an additional
stream of income that would help “Bridge The Gap” between
Closings. I like to set a time to run it by you, would Tues. or
Wed. be better for you? (If they say tell me about it), just say,
“that’s why I want to get together, which would work better for
you, Tues or Wed.? If you get more resistance, use:
“____, you and I both know that property values in some parts
of the country are down 50% and people can have a credit score
of 700 and still can’t get a loan.” What I want to show is the
perfect answer for you. Let’s get together, would lunch Tues. or
Wed. work? I guarantee I won’t waste your time.”
More On Working Referrals
•“Hi ___ my name is _____, you don’t know me but we have a
mutual friend (______ _______). Do I catch you at a good
time? I just need a minute.”
•”_______told me you are a terrific leader with a sharp
business mind and someone who’s really motivated and she
thought you’d be a perfect fit for the business I am with,
Melaleuca–have you ever heard of our company?”
•“If it is alright with you, I’d like to bounce the high points off
you and see what you think, it takes about 30 to 45 minutes
and is done by appointment only. I guarantee I won’t waste
your time. What is better for you this week Tues. or Thurs.?”
Make it a point to call and network with them.
Establish your drip list
Know what to say:
Hi, is _____. Did I catch you at a good time?
Are you still with _____? How long have you
been with ________? Are you pursuing this full
time or part time? Are you open to taking a
look at something that would compliment
what you are already doing and give you
another stream of income? Let's have lunch
tomorrow or would Wednesday be better for
Always Begin With A Compliment
"I was just speaking with my business partners and they
asked me who I know that is outgoing and really motivated
that would make a terrific leader with our I
immediately thought of you and that you would be a perfect
fit for the business I am with –have you ever heard of
Melaleuca, The Wellness Company?”
“I can’t do it justice over the phone and it would not be fair
to you, however, I can give you my personal guarantee -this
will be worth your time.”
“This may or may not be for you –you be the judge, but at
the very least maybe you can point me in the right direction
of someone who would make a perfect fit for my business –
fair enough?”
Business Approaches
• •"Would you be open-minded to creating an
alternate source of income that would not
interfere with your primary job?“
•“If I could show you a business concept that
you could turn ordinary household expense, into
a monthly income stream, would you give me an
hour of your time?”
•“I’d love to talk to you about a great business
idea…as a “Plan B” in today’s economy to
generate an additional income stream…are you
open-minded to take a look?
There are 2 basic reasons that someone doesn’t start with you.
1. Fear (Of failing) is the main reason.
2. Ego (Their ego is bigger than their bank account)
Here are main objections you may get:
Afraid of what their friends will think.
I’m not a sales person.
I don’t have time.
I don’t have the money.
I need to talk to my spouse.
I don’t think I can do 35 points.
Intention vs. Action
There is a difference between
intention and action. Those who only
intend to commit may find excuses at
every turn. Those who truly commit
face their challenges squarely and say
to themselves, “Yes, that would be a
very good reason to delay, but I made
a commitment and so I will do what I
have committed to do.”
Senior, Executive &
Corporate Directors
Senior, Executive and Corporate
Directors have all the obstacles,
hassles and disappointing frustrations
that everyone else has, they just
continue to persist, get the job done
and in many cases make what they do
look easy.
The first step to Success is taken when
you refuse to be a captive of the
environment in which you now find
It’s not your present circumstances that
count, but the circumstances you make
up your mind to achieve. The only limit
on your accomplishments and income is
Four Basic Emotions That Cause People To Act
Each, or a combination of several, can trigger the most
incredible activity. The day that you allow these emotions to
fuel your desire is the day you'll turn your business and life
1. Disgust!
Call it what you will,
the "I've had it" day, the "never again" day, the "enough's
enough” day. Whatever you call it, it's powerful! There is
nothing as life-changing as gut-wrenching disgust!
Four Basic Emotions That Cause People To Act
2. Decision!
Most of us need to be pushed to the wall to make decisions.
And once we reach this point, we have to deal with the
conflicting emotions that come with making them. We have
reached a fork in the road.
Whatever you do, don't camp at the fork in the road. Decide.
It's far better to make a wrong decision than to not make
one at all.
Four Basic Emotions That Cause People To Act
3. Desire
How does one gain desire? I don't think I can answer this
directly because there are many ways. But I do know
two things about desire:
a. It comes from the inside not the outside.
b. It can be triggered by outside forces.
Almost anything can trigger desire. It's a matter of
timing as much as preparation. It might be a speech, a
training, a CD. It might be a memorable sermon.
Four Basic Emotions That Cause People To Act
Resolve says, "I will." These two words are among the most
potent in the English language. I WILL. In other words, when
someone resolves to "do or die," nothing can stop him or her.
Failure is not an option!
Ask yourself, "How long am I going to work to make my dreams
come true?" I suggest you answer, "As long as it takes.” That
the key to goal setting anyway. Being willing to do whatever it
takes for however long to get whatever it is you want. That
has always been my answer.
Act or Lose
The things you do today that you
don’t have to do will determine
what you will have and what you
will be when you are no longer
able to do anything about it!
• Jim McCune
Critical Activities #’s 1 & 2
“Your life today is the result of Your
Attitude and the Choices You have made
in the past. Your life tomorrow will be
the result of Your Attitude and the Choices
You make today!”
Jim McCune – Corporate Director
“Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch,
By Helping People Reach Their Goals”
What are the
on the labels of all these
products, and many more?
In 1950 – 1 in 500
Today – 1 in 2 for men; 1 in 3 for women
 Hundreds of new chemicals, many in cleaning & laundry products
 Modern construction methods keep heat & cold out, but also keep
chemicals inside so we breath them constantly
 Eating nutritionally deficient diets
We have to be careful what we breath, what we let touch
our skin, what we put in our mouths!
Lung Cancer is the No. 1 ranked Cancer killer, but over half of the
lung cancer victims have never smoked! Why is that happening?
Could exposure to chemicals be one of the reasons?
Scientist and doctors are discovering a connection
between our increased use of household chemicals
and the increased incidence of chronic illness in
children…like cancer, asthma, ADD, birth defects,
allergies, and a host of other problems.
 Asthma rates are up 600% in the US since 1980
 Cancer is a major public health problem in the USA.
In 2010, 1 in 4 deaths in the USA was due to cancer.
(American Cancer Society statistic)
Since you know you are at risk,
why not rid your life of those
dangerous products?