Transcript Document

Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Office of Child Development
and Early Learning
Because every child is Pennsylvania’s future
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
OCDEL Programs
Certification Services:
• Licensing and Inspection of
child care
• Information source on DPW
regulations for child care
Subsidy Services:
• Child Care Works
• Child Care Information Services
(CCIS) with Parent Counseling and
Referral Services
Early Intervention Services:
• Infant/Toddler Early Intervention
• Preschool Early Intervention
• Early Intervention Technical
Early Learning Services:
• Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
• Keystone STARS
• Keystone Babies
• PA Early Learning Keys to Quality
• Head Start State Supplemental
• Early Head Start
• Family Support Programs
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Early Learning Services |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Why Early Learning Services?
 Helps children reach their promise by promoting quality learning
opportunities in the home and in early learning programs.
 Helps families reach their promise by partnering with families to promote
the healthy development of their child.
 Quality early learning helps prepare children for success in school and in
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Early Learning Services
at a Glance
 Develop and implement standards for early learning programs and professionals
to improve the quality of early learning for young children.
 Provide financial supports and technical assistance for programs and professionals
to improve quality.
 Provide family support programs that strengthen families, reduce risk and increase
early learning opportunities for children.
 Provide quality professional development for early learning professionals.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Learning Standards for
Early Childhood
 Helps teachers and families work together to promote a child’s development.
 Provides a continuum of quality learning from birth through school age.
 Early learning standards available for:
 Infant/Toddler
 Pre-kindergarten
 Kindergarten
 1st and 2nd grade
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
PA Early Learning Standards Resources
 Early Learning Standards booklets
with pull out posters for classroom
 Guidance to aligning curriculum and
assessment with early learning
 Professional development on using
the Early Learning Standards
 Family Activity Guides: Kindergarten,
Here I Come!, Kindergarten, Here I
Am!, and Learning is Everywhere
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Early Learning Services Programs & Supports
Family Support Programs
 Parent-Child Home Program
 Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund
 Pennsylvania Nurse-Family Partnership
 Strengthening Families
Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program
Keystone Babies
Keystone STARS
Pennsylvania Early Head Start
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
PA-PACT (Formerly Accountability Block Grant)
 Pre-kindergarten
 Full-day kindergarten
Early Learning Network
Pennsylvania Early Learning Keys to Quality
Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early
Pennsylvania Promise for Children
Standards Aligned System
Transition to Kindergarten
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Family Support Program:
Pennsylvania Parent-Child Home Program
 Home visitors model for parents how to read
and play with their children in a way that
strengthens verbal interaction and language
development, builds a positive parent-child
bond and provides a quality learning experience.
 Home Visitors use carefully chosen books and
toys, which families may keep.
 Visits begin when a child is two years of age and
continue for two years.
 In 2009-2010, 1,324 children in 26 counties
were served.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Results: Parent-Child Home Program
 The Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) is a nationally-replicated, research-based
early literacy and home visitation program for families with infants and toddlers.
 In 2009-2010, of the 1,324 children served by PCHP:
 82 children were referred to Infant-Toddler Early Intervention
 49 determined eligible and received services (60%)
 61 children were referred to Preschool Early Intervention
 36 determined eligible and received services (59%)
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Family Support Program:
Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund (CTF)
 Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund’s mission is to prevent child abuse and
neglect in Pennsylvania through grant funding to community-based
organizations for prevention programs.
 CTF supports program strategies that focus on strengthening families and
building protective factors within parents and children in order to prevent child
abuse and neglect.
 During the 2009-2010 grant year that ended October 2010, 17 grantees served
approximately 5,430 children, 2,810 parents and 2,200 early childhood
education practitioners.
 Friends of the Children’s Trust Fund was created in March 2007 to expand
fundraising efforts and promote awareness of CTF's mission.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Family Support Program:
Pennsylvania Nurse-Family Partnership
 Registered nurses work with the expectant
mothers to ensure a healthy pregnancy, to
engage in activities with the baby that will
promote healthy development, and to make
plans for the future.
 Nurses meet with mothers until the child is
two years old.
 Served 40 counties in 2009-2010
 Over 4,635 families served in 2009-2010
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Results: Pennsylvania Nurse-Family
 Helps low-income, first-time parents experience healthy pregnancies, learn how to
take good care of their babies, and make plans for the future. Services are
provided to families prenatally until the child reaches two years of age. Over 4,600
children and families are being served in 2010-2011.
 Results from three separate randomized-controlled trials of this program indicate:
 Reduction in child abuse and neglect
 Reduction in arrests of mothers and fewer arrests and fewer convictions in 15 year olds whose
mothers participated in the program
 Fewer intended subsequent pregnancies and increases in intervals between the first and second
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Family Support Program:
Strengthening Families
The Strengthening Families framework is based on building protective factors
within families to prevent child abuse and neglect.
National Strengthening Families involvement is driving the current Children’s Trust
Fund grant focus in Pennsylvania. This has led to the creation of a state
Strengthening Families Leadership Team and a more systematic incorporation of
Strengthening Families language into existing standards and Professional
Pennsylvania, through the Strengthening Families Leadership Team, works to
sustain and weave the five protective factors into policies, program and practice
across child and family service systems.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Family Support Program:
Strengthening Families Leadership Team
Offers guidance to state child- and family-serving programs in incorporating the
Strengthening Families approach within their work.
 2006 – Joined Strengthening Families National Network
 2007 – PCAN training in South East Region
 2009 – Strengthening Families language in Keystone STARS
 2010 – Statewide PDII on Building Protective Factors with Families
Next Steps
 Building Parent Partnerships
 Infusing Protective Factors into Professional Development
 Building Collaboration across Systems
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program (HSSAP)
 Head Start programs can serve additional children through HSSAP:
 Comprehensive early learning services to children at 130% of FPL or less; and
 Strong parent involvement and serving the whole child.
 Encourages partnerships between Head Start and other early learning programs
(child care, school districts);
 Offer half-day or full-day classrooms;
 59 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties served; and
 Over 5,300 three to five year olds participated in 2010-2011.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Results: Head Start
 Provides comprehensive services to children living in
poverty. Serving approximately 5,632 children through
Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program (HSSAP);
with more than 36,000 total children being served in
Head Start in 2010-2011.
 In 2009-2010, the percent of children Head Start
Supplemental Assistance Program (HSSAP) who
consistently demonstrated:
 Language/literacy skills increased from 15% in Fall to 67%
in Spring
 Numeracy skills increased from 12% in Fall to 64% in
 Personal and social development skills increased from
23% in Fall to 76% in Spring |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone Babies
 Funding provided through ARRA Stimulus funding to Keystone STAR 3 or 4 providers;
 Provides addition program enhancements to classrooms of eligible children birth through 3
yrs. who are receiving Child Care Works. Some of the enhancements include increased
professional development targeted to staff; more resources; regular health and mental
health consultation; and increased expectation for staff qualifications of the teachers.
 Offers full day/ full year services;
 14 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties served;
 208 children participated in 21 centers beginning on May 3, 2010; and
 Current funding provides service though September 2011.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Keystone STARS
 Promotes continuous quality improvement in early
learning and school age environments.
 Proven to improve the quality of child care programs
in PA.
 Provide families with a tool to gauge the quality of
care and early education their child will receive.
 Over 4,400 child care programs participating in
Keystone STARS. (As of June 2010)
 Over 168,000 children enrolled in STARS programs. (As
of June 2010) |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
How it works
 Builds on the health & safety requirements of certification.
 Learning Programs enroll at Start with STARS or STAR levels 1-4.
 Must meet research-based performance standards for:
 Staff qualifications and professional development;
 Learning Program (child observation, curriculum, classroom
 Partnerships with family and community; and
 Leadership and management (business practices).
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
How Keystone STARS works,
 Based on program participation in Child Care Works and
the Commonwealth of PA Early Intervention Program, may
be eligible for support grants, merit awards and education
& retention awards.
 Monitoring, accountability, and supports conducted
through the PA Early Learning Keys to Quality System.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
How providers can participate
 Certified or registered child care providers, Head Start programs and PA
Pre-K Counts programs may be eligible to participate in Keystone STARS.
 Standards and application forms available on PA Key website:
 Submit application to your Regional Key.
 Regional Key info available at
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
How can families can locate Keystone STARS programs
County Child Care Information Services (CCIS) agencies
can provide a listing of programs by STAR levels.
Find your local CCIS online at
Apply for Child Care Works online at COMPASS
Find a provider online at
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
Achievements in 2009-2010
 Nearly a quarter (24%) of child care programs in STARS moved up at least one STAR,
increasing the quality early learning opportunities for children in their programs.
 The number of STAR 3 & 4 programs increased by nearly 10%.
 The Environment Rating Scale (ERS) scores increased, with STAR 4 programs
achieving an average overall score of 5.62 (from a 5.48 overall score from 20082009).
 Nearly all (96%) of parents and families in STAR 3 & 4 centers reported high
satisfaction with Keystone STARS and their child’s learning.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
Achievements in 2009-2010 continued
 The Family Standards for Keystone STARS were revised by a provider work group in
2009-2010 and published in 2010-2011.
 All Keystone STAR 3 & 4 providers now record child level authentic assessments in the
Early Learning Network.
 OCDEL issued the Good, Better, Best document as a means of assisting center and group
providers on the Continuous Quality Improvement Curriculum.
 Implemented a Designator Reliability Study to determine the level of consistency
between STARS Designator inter-regionally & intra-regionally.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
The results
The percentage of
child care centers
participating in
Keystone STARS has
more than doubled; |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Results: Keystone STARS
Serves children from birth – 12, making it possible for child care programs to
increase the quality of care and education they provide. Over 170,000
children are being served in 2010-2011.
Reversed the negative trend in declining quality in child care, and improved
the quality of child care across Pennsylvania, through an independent study.
Nearly one-quarter (24%) of Keystone STARS programs moved up at least
one STAR level in 2009-2010.
More than 65% of preschools who attended Keystone STARS 3 & 4 centers
finished the 2009-2010 program year with age-appropriate literacy,
numeracy and social skills.
The percent of children with age-appropriate scientific thinking skills
increased from 28% in Fall to 65% in Spring.
The percent of children with age-appropriate mathematical thinking skills
increased from 27% in Fall to 64% in Spring.
The percent of children with age-appropriate Language and Literacy skills
increased from 32% in Fall to 69% in Spring.
The percent of children with age-appropriate personal and social
development skills increased from 38% in Fall to 74% in Spring. |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Good Better Best
 This optional tool will support programs in meeting the targeted standards
at a level that is the best fit for them.
 Understanding the quality continuum of a standard will enable programs to
be more focused and specific in quality improvement efforts.
 Version 2 of the Center and Group Good Better Best will be released in July
 Version 1 of the Family Child Care Good Better Best is also scheduled for a
July 2011 release date.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
New award amounts
Support Grant (FY 10-11)
All Group
Homes &
Center up
to 6 FTE
7-12 FTE
13-45 FTE
46-99 FTE
Start with
1 X Award
STAR 1 –
2 X Award
Center 181+
100-180 FTE
Note: Top award is for programs enrolling 5% - 25% children in child care receiving Child Care Works subsidy and/or
the Commonwealth of PA’s Early Intervention Program
Bottom award is for programs enrolling 26% - 100% in child care receiving Child Care Works subsidy and/or
the Commonwealth of PA’s Early Intervention Program
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
New award amounts, cont’d
Merit Awards (FY 10-11)
STAR 2 –
3X Award*
All Group
Homes &
Family Home
Center up to 6
7-12 FTE
13-45 FTE
46-99 FTE
100-180 FTE
181+ FTE
STAR 3 –
STAR 4 Ongoing
* Award 2 additional years with CQI Plan and demonstrated progress
Note: Top award is for programs enrolling 5% - 25% children in child care receiving Child Care Works subsidy and/or
the Commonwealth of PA’s Early Intervention Program
Bottom award is for programs enrolling 26% - 100% in child care receiving Child Care Works subsidy and/or
the Commonwealth of PA’s Early Intervention Program
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Education and Retention Awards 10/11
Education and Retention awards 10/11 for
highly qualified staff (prorated less than 35 hours per week)
ERA 07/08
Director - BA in
Staff - BA in
Staff - AA in
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
Subsidy Add-on
Add-On Daily Rate for children receiving Child Care Works
Source for Add-On Daily Rate is ARRA Funding
Daily increase for
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Keystone STARS:
What’s Ahead
Increasing access to higher education and continuing professional development. As Keystone
STARS programs move up the Keystone STARS ladder, more lead teachers are required to have
bachelor’s degrees in early childhood education. Pennsylvania will continue its support of early
childhood teachers earning college degrees and certification through initiatives such as the
revision of the Early Learning Career Lattice, increase in program-to-program articulation
agreements, and Teacher Induction Supports.
Promoting best practices and continuous quality improvement. Based on research and years of
experience in continuous quality improvement for early learning programs, OCDEL is developing
and continues to refine good, better, and best practices for each STARS performance standard.
Refining data systems and documenting progress for more children. OCDEL is committed to the
continuing development of PELICAN Keys to Quality to include child, family, teacher and classroom
data for Keystone STAR 3 and 4 group and family child care homes, and include child outcomes in
the Early Learning Network as well.
Increased reliability and accountability. Pennsylvania will continue to support consistency in
Keystone STARS designations across the state through specialized professional development for
Keystone STARS Managers/Specialists and other supports.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Early Head Start
January 2010, Pennsylvania's Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) became the
first state to be awarded an Early Head Start Grant.
Early Head Start programs can serve children birth through age 3, as well as pregnant women.
Provides comprehensive early learning services to children at 100% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or less; and
Strong parent involvement and serving the whole child.
OCDEL partners with 8 community based providers to offer services to:
 40 center based slots with 3 partners;
 88 home-based slots with 5 partners.
5 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties served by the OCDEL grant.
The OCDEL Early Head Start grant funding is provided via ARRA Stimulus funds through
September 2011.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
 High quality pre-kindergarten education
for 3 and 4 year olds in Pennsylvania
which is free to economically at-risk
 Full or half-day pre-kindergarten classes
in school districts, Head Start, Keystone
STARS child care programs with a STAR
3 level or higher, or licensed nursery
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts, continued
 153 grantees (lead agencies) with 153 PA Pre-K Counts grantees with 165 early
partners participating.
 Classrooms available in 62 Pennsylvania counties.
 Focus in enrollment and translating quality design into quality implementation.
 First and second year results show positive outcomes for children as a result of
quality design & implementation.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
Making Strides with Children
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts: Quality standards
 Teachers with education in early childhood
 Small class size (No more than 20 children per teacher
& teacher’s aide; however, average class size is 17)
 Curriculum aligns with PA Early Learning Standards
 Child assessment and outcomes reporting
 Program assessment (Environmental Rating Scales)
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts: Standards, continued
NIEER Quality Standard
NIEER Benchmark
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts Standards
Early Learning Standards
Teacher degree
Bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree + ECE Certification*
Teacher specialized training
Specializing in pre-k
ECE certification*
Assistant teacher degree
Child Development Associate (CDA)
credential or equivalent
CDA or equivalent*
Teacher in-service
At least 15 hours a year
Meet requirements of Act 48 (180 hours over five years)
Maximum class size
20 or less
Average class size is 17
Staff-child ratio
1 staff per 10 children (1:10)
1 teacher and 1 aide per 20 children (1:10)
Required screening/referral and
support services
Vision, hearing, health; and at least 1
support service
Programs required to develop collaborations with Early
Intervention service providers to be able to provide support
services/referrals; develop parent engagement strategies to
support parents’ involvement in child’s early learning; and
support the smooth transition of children into the preschool
program and on to kindergarten
At least 1 a day
For full day - one meal and one snack; for half day - one
Required monitoring
Site visits
Site visits by preschool program specialists; ECERS-R ratings
in select classrooms; child outcomes reporting online;
monthly and quarterly program and fiscal online reporting
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Results: Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
 Provides at-risk 3 and 4 year olds with a
high quality pre-kindergarten
educational experience, either for 2.5
hours or five hours a day.
 In 2010-2011, 11,500 children are being
served in 62 counties.
 Nearly every child (98 percent) showed
age-appropriate or emerging ageappropriate proficiency in literacy,
numeracy, and social skills after
attending the Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
program in 2009-2010.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
How to enroll in
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
 Families with children between ages three until kindergarten who are at
risk of school failure due to income (300% FPL) are eligible to apply.
Programs can prioritize enrollment based on additional risk factors such
as language, special needs, involvement in child protective services or
other issues.
 Enrollment is year-round; children may be placed on waiting lists until an
opening becomes available.
 Contact the program directly to enroll; enrollment contacts are located at
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
The results continued
The percentage of
school districts offering
pre-kindergarten has
quadrupled |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Pact
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is supporting schools and districts in
reaching the goal of 100% proficiency through the establishment of the
Pennsylvania Pact (PA-Pact).
PA-Pact provides resources for schools and districts to invest in proven practices
that will ensure that all students achieve greater academic success.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Pennsylvania Pact
A PA-PACT Consolidated Application for
funding that includes:
 Increase in Basic Education (BEF) Funding
 Accountability Block Grant (ABG)
 Education Assistance Program (EAP)
9 High Impact Strategies, three of which
are related to early childhood education:
Quality Pre-Kindergarten
Full-day Kindergarten
Reduced Class Size K-3rd Grade
4 additional strategies related to district
operation and special education services |
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Pennsylvania Pact: Pre-kindergarten
 Three & four year old children are offered programs from 2.5 to 5 hours a day for a
minimum of 180 days.
 Instructional delivery is based on scientific research and Early Childhood Education best
 Assessment tools are used to review the environment and children's outcomes for
 Family-community partnerships and cultural diversity are encouraged.
 Highly qualified teachers with Early Childhood certification.
 In 2009-2010, 3,554 children in 33 school districts were enrolled in pre-kindergarten
programs through PA PACT funds.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Full-day Kindergarten
 Full-day Kindergarten provides children with at least a 5 hour school day for a minimum of 180
days or 900 hours per year.
 Studies show that students who attend full-day kindergarten perform significantly better in
reading and math achievement at the end of kindergarten and continued to show better
performance into first grade.
 Children benefit from expanded opportunities for learning and teacher-student interaction
and can participate in special subjects such as art and physical education and music.
 In 2009-2010, 80,454 children in Kindergarten participated in full-day Kindergarten programs.
Contact your school district to register.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Early Learning Network:
What is the Early Learning Network (ELN)?
The Early Learning Network (ELN) is Pennsylvania’s electronic data system for gathering
information on early childhood programs and for studying the development of children in
those programs.
ELN combines information about the program including the quality and experience of the
staff, with information on a family and their child’s development over time. This information
is then used to build and maintain high quality early childhood programs.
ELN benefits a family, their child, and their child’s teachers or therapists by providing:
 Information on a child’s development in his/her early childhood program;
 Information for the teacher to improve classroom instruction;
 Ideas on how to prepare a child for school; and
 Strategies to help children who have different kinds of learning needs.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
PA Keys to Quality
Environment Ratings Scales (ERS) Assessment
 The Environment Ratings Scale (ERS) is a nationally-recognized standard tool to assess the
quality of early learning programs participating in Keystone STARS, Head State Supplemental
Assistance Program, and Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts.
 ERS professional development provides ECE practitioners with in-depth understanding of
detailed quality indicator expectations in ECE classrooms.
 Appropriate ERS assessment tools are available for all early childhood settings.
Head Starts
Child care centers
Before/After school programs
Home based child care programs
Independent, reliable assessors conduct ERS assessments in a random sample of classrooms.
Assessments assure accountability of ECE programs participating in PA QRIS.
1477 classrooms assessed conducted in 2009-2010.
1398 classrooms assessments projected for 2010-2011.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Early Learning Keys to Quality
Early Learning Keys to Quality is a system of
supports for providers which includes:
 Professional development opportunities for
early childhood and school-age;
 Independent Environmental Rating Scale
(ERS) assessments for early learning and
school-age programs; and
 Community engagement and outreach.
Consists of Statewide PA Key and six Regional Keys.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
PA Keys System: Regional Keys
 Six Regional Keys across Pennsylvania.
 Implements regional quality improvement plan for professional development.
 Encourages participation and provide technical assistance for Keystone STARS.
 Conducts STARS Designation visits.
 Provides regional professional development opportunities.
 Access contact info at
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Regional Keys Map
South Central
Office of Child Development & Early Learning |
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
Standards Aligned System
A comprehensive approach to support student achievement
across the Commonwealth.
Materials &
For more information, visit or
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Supporting young children and their families as they
transition through the continuum of services and
developmental stages in early learning in Pennsylvania.
Coordinating early learning systems
Promoting positive outcomes for children and families
Providing resources for practitioners to meet continuing quality
improvement standards
Highlight: Formation of Statewide stakeholders workgroup.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Children Served
through OCDEL Programs
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Children served by program
Child Care Works
FY 09-10 FY 10-11 1 FY 11-12 1
Head Start
Total Head Start in PA
Head Start
Assistance Program
Former TANF
Low Income
TOTAL (monthly average)
Early Intervention
Birth to 3 Program
3 to 5 Program
Keystone STARS
Nurse-Family Partnership
PA Pre-K Counts
1 Fiscal Year End Goal or Projection
FY 09-10 FY 10-11 1 FY 11-12 1
Office of Child Development & Early Learning |
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare
2011-2012 Highlights:
State and Federal
(in thousands)
References in Governor’s proposed budget
Listed below are the appropriations by Department
and the page number on which you can find these
appropriations in the Governor’s budget proposal.
The full document is available online at
DPW programs
Early Intervention – E35.9
Child Care Works/ Keystone STARS
- Child Care Services – E35.9
- Child Care Assistance - E35.9
Nurse Family Partnership – E35.9
PDE programs
PA Pre-K Counts - E14.6
Head Start Supplemental - E14.6
Early Intervention - E14.6
FY 2010-11
FY 2011-2012
Child Care Services - State Funds
Child Care Services - Federal Funds
Child Care Services - State Funds
Child Care Services - Federal Funds
Child Care Assistance - State Funds
Child Care Assistance - Federal Funds
Total State
Total Federal
Total ALL funds
State Funds
Federal Funds
Total Funds
State Funds
Federal Funds
Total Funds
Total Birth -5 EI Funds
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts
Head Start Supplemental
Parent Child Home Program
(1) FY 2010-11, post-budget freeze
Keystone STARS/Keys to Quality
Total Funds
Child Care Works
Early Intervention
Early Intervention Birth - 3
Early Intervention 3-5
State only Funded Programs
Nurse Family Partnership (Includes Health
Care Reform Home Visiting)
State Funds
Federal Funds
Total Funds
Funding amounts for FY 2010-2011 reflect post budgetary freeze amounts and/or actual available amounts.
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
Useful links
 Pennsylvania Department of Education –
 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare –
 Pennsylvania Key –
 Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children –
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |
OCDEL Annual Report:
Program Reach & Risk Assessment:
Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Tom Corbett, Governor | Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education | Gary D. Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare |